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1、五年级上册英语期末试卷- 轻巧夺冠 9415-16 人教版(无)一、根据提示补全单词。1.th_ _那么 , 就3.s_ _ _ t _ _ _s5.n _ _ _ t夜晚7.pl _ _ gr_ _nd9.h_ _ vy重的2.l _ t有时4.g _ _ e6.f _ _ m操场,运动场8.f _ _10.t _让给从 .达,计直到起二、写出下列短语的汉语意思。1.trick or treat _ 2.tidy up _3.lots of_ 4.tell stories_5.look different _三、选出正确的一项。()1. There are many _ over there

2、.A. sweetB. sweetsC. egg()2.There _ a clock here before.A. isB. isntC. wasn t()3. - Do you like the park now?- Yes, I _.A. doB. didC. dont()4. There _ tall trees now.A. wereB. areC. is()5.There wasn t a _ in my family.A. childB. childrenC. boys()6.Please help _ put the bags in the car.A.IB. meC. his

3、()7.Many families go _ the supermarkets together.A. onB. atC. to()8.Look _ the hats and the masks.A. atB. inC. to()9.It s _ autumn festival in the UK.A. aB. anC. /()10.How _ eggs are there?A. manyB. muchC. to()11.Children wear _ clothes at Halloween.A. beautifulB. bigC. scary()12.How _ your school?A

4、. atB. manyC. about()13.I m going _.A. playing football B. to play football C. to playing football()14.Please _ to my birthday party.A. comeB. to comeC. comes()15. - Whats that?- _.A. It s Monday.B. Its a cat.C. Im eleven.四、选出合适的汉语意思。()1.You were in China for two years.A. 你在中国待了两年了。B. 你在英国待了两年了。()2.

5、 Then let s feed the ducks.A. 然后我们就可以吃饭了。B.那么让我们喂这些鸭子吧。()3. They are my brothers and me.A. 他是我的哥哥。B.他们是我的哥哥和我()4.What a big supermarket!A. 这个超市真大呀!B.我们一起去超市吧!()5.This one is heavy. I can t carry it.A. 这个太沉了,我搬不动。B.这个很轻,我能搬动。()6.You are helpful children.A. 你喜欢帮助孩子们。B.你们真是乐于助人的孩子。()7. Sometimes there

6、are restaurants at the supermarket.A. 有时超市里有餐馆。B.我喜欢餐馆和超市()8. It s really fun.A. 你很有趣。B.它真的相当有趣。()9. Do you know why?A. 你知道为什么吗?B.你几岁了?()10.He s telling a story.A. 他有许多故事。B.他正在讲故事。五、画出错误的单词,并在横线上改正。1.Amy is go to see a film at the weekend. _2.How many chick are there?_3.They is Easter hats._4.I am g

7、oing to is eleven._5.Sometime the eggs are small._六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What are you _(do)?2. I am going to _(be) eleven.3. There _(be) lots of flowers on the hat.4. But before that, you are going to help _(I) tidy up.5. Let s _(go) to the supermarket.七、选择正确的词,将序号填在横线上。A. anB. a lot ofC. inD. onE. after

8、.1.There is _ fruit, too.2. Have _ ice cream.3. _ lunch, we re going to tell stories. 4.There are toy chicks _ the hats.5.Easter is _ spring in the UK.八、连词成句。1. many They sell things different._.2. are to going We stories tell._.3. so You scary look._.4. now three children There are._.5. istheThis h

9、ouse cats._.九、阅读短文,判断正( T)误( F)。The city is very beautiful now. There weren t any trees. Now thereare many trees.And there isa supermarketnow. Wecan go shoppingthere.There was a smallpark therebefore. Nowit s big. Manypeople likethere.()1. There were many trees before.()2. There are two supermarket

10、now.()3.There was a big park here before.()4.Many people like the park.()5.The city is very beautiful now.十、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。There is a shop near our home. It isn t a big shop. But it sellsdifferentthins.Itsellsfood from lotsof countries.It also sellclothes,fruit and cars. All of us like the shop. Dad,

11、Mum and I are going to goshopping at the weekend. I m going to buy ice creams, biscuitsand applesin the shop, and they are going to buy milk, bread and eggs.()1. There is a shop near our _.A. schoolB. home()2. The shop is _.A. bigB. small()3. We re going to go to shop at the _.A. weekendB. night()4.I want to buy _, biscuits and apples.A. milkB. ice creams()5.They are going to buy milk, _ and eggs.A. breadB. Flowers十一、书面表达。介绍一下你最喜欢的节日。至少写五句。My favourite festival


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