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1、小学五年级上册英语测试题一 Look and say. 选择不同类的单词。( )1 A sangB madeC tell( )2 A SeptemberB laughC April( )3 A wishB smartC naughty( )4 A partyB eatC sit( )5 A excitedB angryC photo二、 Choose. 将正确选项答案序号填入提前的括号内()1.Miss Liu _ young ten years ago.A. wasB. wereC. is()2. Wanghong cant find her English book ,So she was

2、_A. worriedB. excitedC. happy()3. My class is different _LucysA. withB. toC. from()4.The Teachers Day is in_A. OctoberB. AugustC.September()5.They _ in my class ten years ago.A. wasB. wereC. are()6. I am making a card_ my motherA. toB. atC. for()7. Hes dancing _ the rain.A . on.B. up.C. in.()8. Dann

3、y lost his cap ,So he was_A. sadB. excitedC. happy()9. We often sit_a circleA. atB. onC. in()10.Its time_class.A.toB. forC. in三、 Look and match.想一想,选一选。请将图片的序号填在单词后的括号内。()()()()()1.April2.angry3. card4.naughty5. Sad四、 Read and choose根.据图意选择正确的单词或短语,将选项填在横线上。1.The boy is looking at the rabbit. Hes_.A

4、.excitedB. angry2._.Wang hong.A.Make a wish B. Have a cake3.Danny is _. A. excitedB. sad4.Happy Teachers Day,Heres _for youA.a cardB. a book5.Wang Hong cant find her English book.She is _.A. excitedB. worried五、 Look and number.读句子,给下面图片标号。()()()()()1. Wang Hong is skiping well.She is happy.2. What a

5、re you doing ,Danny? Im making cards.3. Happy birthday to you !Heres a present for you.4. We are sitting in groups Some are making things. Some are telling stories.5. What subjects does Lucy have ? She has reading.六: Choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空was hadmakingsangare1. My Grandpa _ young then.2.

6、 We _ a song yesterday.3. There _twenty pupils in my class.4. Ann is _ a card for Mr wang.5. They _ a good time yesterday.七. Look and choose请.为下面的问句选择正确的答语,将正确选项填在括号中。()1.Was Danny sad?A. Sure()2What are you doing?B. Yes , she is()3.Is she tall?C. Im making a card for my teacher()4.Can you send me s

7、ome photos?D. Twenty()5.How many pupils are there in Lucys class?E. No,He wasnt.八、 Fill in the blanks .根据汉语意思完成句子1. Heres a Christmas _ 卡(片 ) from Lucy.2. Liming is watching a _(电影 ) now.3. 他很年轻 . He is very _.4. 我们坐成一个圆 We _in a circle.5. 你能告诉我这个故事吗? Can you _me the story?九、 .Read and check读.一读,判断句

8、子正误,正(T)误( F)。I mLingling.Iam from China.I minGrade 5.There are 38pupils in my class.My teacher is Miss Li. She teaches English and music.The classroom is big and beautiful.There are many books and toys i n it.We often play games in a circle.Sometimes our parents come to the classroom to help.We are ve ry happy.( ) 1.Lingling is from Canada.( )2.The classroom is small but beautiful( )3.We often tell stories in a circle.( )4.There are many books and toys in it.( )5.Sometimes our parents come to the classroom to help


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