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1、牛津小学英语 5A 期中试卷得分笔试部分 80 分一、英汉互译。 10 分1.her parents2. under the teacher s desk3. have an English lesson4. after class5. tomorrow morning6.学一首歌7. 两个书房8. 在门后面9. 做一架模型飞机10. 马面具二、选择。10 分()1. Nancy can. I like skiing.A. swimB. swimmingC. swims()2.-What can you?-I can.A. do; skiingB. doing; skiC. do; ski()

2、3. I can playfootball, but I can t playguitar.A. the;/B. /;theC. the;the()4. -behind the tree?-There s a cat.A. Where sB. What sC. Whose()5. Don t look _ the window, listen _ me, please.Aat; toB. to; atC. for; /()6. Shall we play games _ our friendsAandB. withC. to()7. I want tosome cakes and a cup

3、of milkAeatB. drinkC. have()8. Herea lot of pictures for you.A. isB. amC. are()9. I would like _, and I d like _ some flowers for my parents.A. a vase; buyB. some vases; buyingC. a vase; to buy()10. I canthe violin. I likethe violin.Aplay, playingB play, playC playing, playing三、对话配对。10分AB()1. Do you

4、 like chickens ?A. It s in the cat s mouth.()2. What do you need ?B. Eight yuan , please.()3. How much are the masks ?C. No , we don t.()4. Here are some books for you .D. There are forty.()5. Is there a kite in the sky ?E. There s a ball.()6. How many students are there in the classroom ?F. Yes, I

5、can.()7. What can you do ?G. We need some flowers.()8. Where s the mouse?H. No, there isn t.()9. What s under the bed?I. Thank you.()10. Can you ride a bike?J. I can dance.四、按要求完成句子。 10 分1.Thereare someoranges on the table .(改为单数句子)Thereorange on the table .2.Hecanplay basketball. (对划线部分提问)he?3.Inee

6、da pumpkin lantern. (对划线部分提问)youneed ?4.Thereisa mapon the wall. (对划线部分提问)on the wall ?5. They are in the music room . (对划线部分提问) they ?6. They are twenty yuan .are?7. There are four glasses on the table(.对划线部分提问)glasseson the table ?8. There are some chairs in the dinning-room(.改为否定句)Therechairs in

7、the dinning-room.五、连词成句。 10 分1. wouldtheypartythingsforlikebuttoHalloweena ( . )2.singweincantheclassroom ( . )3.twothetable tennis roomneararetoiletsthere( . )4.dogsanythereundersofaarethe( ? )5.isitdaythenewofthefirstterm( . )六、选错并改错。 10 分1.()Are theresomereadingroomsin the building ?ABCD2.()How m

8、anybusare there in the street ?ABCD3.()Doyoulikeswim?Yes , I do .ABC4.()Whatdoyoulike ? Ilikehorse.ABC5.()Icanplaythe basketball.ABC七、根据中文提示完成句子。10 分1. 在这幢大楼里有些电脑房吗?是的,有。_ there _ computer rooms _ the building ?_,there _.2. 在你的房间里有什么? 有一个沙发在床边上和一个台灯在桌子上。_ in your _? There s a _ nearbed,theand there

9、s a _on the desk .3.-你们会游泳吗 ?-you-No, we.-不会 ,但我们会踢足球。?But we canfootball .4. 这两个女孩喜欢在家做木偶。The two girls_ puppets at home.5. 我会唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌。I can _ and I _ _ , too .6.在周日,我们喜欢和朋友们一起打乒乓。_ Sundays we like _ table tennis _ our friends.八、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符,用“T”或“ F”表示。 10分Look at the picture on the wall.

10、 It s a nice pictureI ofcan seeparka. slide ,three swings , some trees and a lot of flowers . How many trees can you see ? Oh , I can see eleven . There are some birds in the trees . They are very lovely. I like thepicture very much. Is this David s picture? Sorry , I don t know.()1. The picture on the wall is David s.()2. The picture is very nice.()3. There s a slide , three swings , some trees and lot of flowers in thepicture .()4. It s a picture of a garden .()5. The birds in the trees are very lovely.


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