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1、Period 3一、教学内容Part D, E, F and Part G, H二、教学目标1进一步掌握本单元的单词、句型达到能熟练运用的程度。2通过有针对性的操练,训练重点句型和难点,学生能用所学句型进行情景对话和交流。3了解元音字 母 O 在开音节词中的读音。4能演唱本课英语歌曲。三、教学难点重点较熟练地掌握与运用所学句型及有关星期的单词。四、教学过程Step1: Sing a song1.Listen to the tape2Sing after the tapeStep2. Free talk and revisionT:Good morning, class. Nice to see

2、 you.Ss: Nice to see you.T: I like running on Sunday morning. Do you like running?S1:Yes, I do./ No, I don t.T: He likes PE, sohe likes running. What subject do y ou li ke?S2: I like science.T: How many science lessons do you have in a week? S2: We have two. I hope we have more.T: Excuse me .Do you

3、have science today? What day is it today?Ss: It s Friday.T: What lesson do you have in the afternoon?Ss: 3.利用挂 ,操 句型“What subject do you like ?”I likeI likeHow about you?Step3. Look and read.1. ,大致了解 意。2.学 “ trick” “ minus猜其意”并, 。3.同桌 答,熟 地朗 。4.你知道其中的 ?用同 的方法来出 ,自 。例如: I like Maths very much. It sWh

4、at s 654 minus 456?It sStep4. Design a timetable1. 出示自制的 表操 句型。How many subject do you have this morning?We have How many Chinese lessons do you have in a week?We have What subject do you like?I likeWhat lesson do you have on Wednesday?We have2. Make a new dialogue in pairs.3. Action.4. Design a tim

5、etable you like.1). 示范(可利用科目粘 的方式) : 星期几,再 科目粘 。2)小 合作,注意用英 答。3)上台演示并作介 。S1: Today isThe first lesson isT: Do you have any questions to ask? S2:What subject do you like?S1:I like S3o you Step5. Listen and repeat.单词认读,black,happy,hat,rabbit,after,class,basketball,dance,clock,coffee,doctor,hot2.同桌交流,互读,体会读音相同和不同之处。3.Read after the tape.4.归纳出 clock, coffee, doctor, hot 的共同音标,师生共同看图说话: The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.Step6. Homework1.抄写本单元所学单词、词组和句型,要求能默写。2.能熟读并会表演Read and act .3.自由分组编演小对话。4.调查学生的兴趣、爱好,自制合理课表。


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