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1、A phone call来源 :Zxxk.Com教学目标来源 学科网 ZXXK(一)知识与技能1. 根据图片认读识记词汇mobile phone, watch TV programmes,play games , visit your favourite websites,do shopping2. 会使用what can you do with a mobile phone?句型询问手机的用途。3. 学习正确使用谓语的单复数形式(二)过程与方法1. 以交际型教学法、情景型教学法为主,运用图片和情景来帮助学生理解所学 知识。2. 让学生通过听、读和演练来运用所学知识。(三)情感目标1.引导学生

2、学会正确的手机使用礼仪。2. 注意适度使用手机,教学重点1.能认读表达手机用途的词汇:watch TV programmes,play games,visit your favourite websites,do shopping,make phone calls,see films ,get message, take photos2.会使用句型what can you do with a mobile phone?I can Can you visit websites?Of course I can, but 教学 点1.学生能 通 听和 来学 知 ,表达手机的用途。来源:Zxxk.Co

3、m2.能使用表达手机用途的 : watch TV programmes,play games,visit your favourite websites,do shopping,make phone calls,see films ,get message , take photos 来源学# 科 # 网 Z#X#X#K教学准 教材 音 , PPT教学 程Step 1 Warming upShow the students a picture of mobile phone,and ask the question that do they get a mobile phone.Do you

4、know what sthis? (a picture of mobile phone)Has your father got a mobile phone?What does your father do with his mobile phone? Ss answer the questions. 来源 学 科 网Z|X|X|KStep 2 Pre-presentation展示一段使用 手机的 频 ,引出手机 用途的 话题 。 鼓励学 生回答:what can you do with a mobile phone? 你 用 手机能 做什么? Show the picturesmake ph

5、one call write emails listen to music watch TV programmessee films get messagestake photos play gamesvisit your favorite websitesdo shoppingStep 3 While-presentationShow the key words:use 使用 write写 listen听 watch看 play 玩 popular受 迎的 visit 访问Lead the students to read the new words and the text.Listen

6、to the text, and answer the questions:1. Are the mobile phones very popular across the world ?2. what can you do with a mobile phone?Ss:Explain the text:divided the text into three parts:Mobile phones are very popular across the world. You can use a mobilephone to.You can use itto .Ask the students

7、read the text afterme.Step 4 After- presentation(activity)Discuss with your partner what can you do with a mobile phone. Ask the volunteers to show their dialogue.Does your father get a mobile phone? Yes, he does.What can you do with a mobile phone? I can use a mobile phone toCan you visit websites?Of course I can,but Idon tvisit websites often. Can you write an email?No,I can t.Step 5 Homework13 页 5a Grammar puzzle课后反思课堂布局比较紧凑,重点突出,能够鼓励学生积极思考。层层深入,步步引导,让学生在听说读写中习得本课关于mobile phone的知识。但是在把握课堂时,需要注意活跃课堂氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。


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