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1、M3U1She had eggs and sausages教学设计一教学目标1、知识目标 :(1)掌握单词:egg , email ,sandwich, traditional, delicious。(2)掌握语句What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday ?口头运用She had sandwiches.这类语句回答有关询问。2技能目标:朗读课文,语音语调准确、流利、有感情。3、情感目标:用简单的语句交流一日三餐,学习了解英国的饮食习惯,养成健康饮食的好习惯。二、教学重难点:认读新词;理解、运用新句型;朗读发音正确,语音语调准确

2、、流利、有感情。三、教具:单词卡片、电子书包、PPT课件四、教学过程:1. Good morning boys and girls,we have learntitas quickas possible.Orange, apple,milk,pear.lots of food. Look at this one. Answer meat, noodles, bread, cake, chicken,2. Lookat this picture, what s this? Yes, it s noodle, dumpling, rice. They aretraditional Chinese

3、food. Boys and girls, do you know any English food?学生自由表达,老师出示相应图片。Now look at the screen,the first one, it s hamburger. (sandwich, fishand chips,eggs and sausages), all of them are traditional English food.3. Now, let s chant together. egg, egg, egg, I had eggs.sausage, sausage, sausage, I had saus

4、ages. hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, I had hamburgers. sandwich, sandwich, sandwich, I had sandwiches. chip, chip, chip, I had chips.4. T:I had noodls this morning .What did you have for breakfast?S:I hadT: 述 She had .What did you have for breakfast yesterday?I had What did she/he have?She/He had5

5、. T:玲玲从英国 大明 了一封 子 件,(email )她向大明 了英国的 食 , 在我 就来听听玲玲都介 了英国的哪些食物。T: What s an email?S: . T: It s a computer message You send itfrom one computerto another 示范 , 、生分 6. Listen to the tapeT: What does Lingling say?. 最后由慢到快 个 She says about the English food.T: What did Lingling have for breakfast /lunch/

6、dinner?S: . (根据学生的回答,呈 三幅食物 片) egg and sausages sandwiches fish andchips 并 。T: Now let s learn the new words,逐一呈 文卡片 。7. 小小表演家: Ill give you 5 minutes to practice the dialogue in pairs. One student to be Daming. Another student to be Fanfan.8. Game“街 ”具体做法 : 四人一 , 一名同学做 者,其余同学做被 者, 者分 三个 What didyou

7、 have for breakfast?What did you have for lunch?What didyou have for dinner?被 者要以I had .做出相 的回答。教 做 者示范。Practice in the groups:Act it out 在每一 表演后, 教 有所指向面向全体或其他不参与表演的同学提 : What did she have for lunch/breakfast /dinner?S:.一 以后,可以 学生 。(既 学生有趣味中 了本 的重点句型,使学生在情境中使用人称 ,激 学生注意 听,又 散了学生的思 , 学生复 大量的有关食物的 。)9.Homework:1. Make a survey and complete the table.2.Listen and repeat the new words and the text for three times.


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