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1、Unit 11-12一、听句子,选出句中所含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号里。() 1. A. fatterB. fitterC. betterD. fat() 2. A. hardB. hard-workingC. harderD. hardest() 3. A. brighterB. brightC. cleanerD. tidy() 4. A. heavierB. heavyC. happy D. happier() 5. A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. fall() 6. A. moreB. manyC. mostD. much() 7. A. goodB.

2、 betterC. bestD. bad() 8. A. highB. weighC. higherD. highest() 9. A. anB. aC. manyD. any() 10. A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. fatter二、听问句,选择正确的答语。() 1.A. Yes, thereB. Yes, there areC. Yes, they areD. Yes, it is.() 2.A. Yes, there areB. Yes, it isC. Yes, they areD. Yes, there is() 3.A. Yes, they doB. Y

3、es, they doC. Fish or plants in the waterD. They are the biggest animals in the world.() 4.A. Yes, we can.B. Yes, it canC. Yes, they canD. Yes, we do.() 5.A. In the waterB. On land.C. In the seaD. In the sky.三、根据听到的内容,完成句子。1、 This classroom isthan that one.2、 My favorite animal is the.3、 Alooks like

4、 a.4、 Which animal can run ninety-fivean hour?5、 Thelive in the sea.6、 Thecan swim faster than the fish.四、请描述夏眠校运会的名次排名,判断各句内容是否相符,如相符,在括号写“T”,否则写“ F”。Level123ItemSwimTomMikeYongxianRunRoseAmySallyLong jumpKateLilyJanet() 1.Tom can swim faster than Mike.() 2.Tom is the fastest of the three.() 3.Sall

5、y is slower than rose.() 4.Lily can jump higher than Janet.() 5.Janet is the lowest of the three.五、按实际情况回答问题。1、 What animals can run faster than horses?2、 Are the horses run fastest of all animals?3、 Is a cheetah look like a leopard?4、 Whatsyour favorite animal?5、 Do the people write English better than animals?六、观察你身边的朋友,发现他们的优点与缺点,并运用比较级和最高级表述出来。Model: Janet sEnglish is better than mine. She is the best in our class.


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