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1、六年级下册英语暑假作业25一、单项选择。()1. Theres _ apple tree in our garden.Under _ tree, there is _ young man.A. a; the; aB. an; the; theC. an; the; a D. the; the; a()2. -Whose watch is this?-Is it a black _?A. itB. oneC. thisD. that()3. There arent _ pears _the tree.A. some; onB. any; inC. some; inD. any; on()4. -

2、What can you see in the bag?-_. Oh, they are pencil-boxes.A. All rightB. No,I cantC. ThanksD. Let me see()5. -Excuse me, do you have any erasers?-_.A. Its my pleasureB. Sorry, I cantC. OK, here you areD. Yes, here you are()6. There _ some books and a clock on the desk. The clock _threehands.A. are;

3、isB. is; hasC. are; hasD. have; has()7. -_ is your shirt?-Its black and white.A. WhatB. What colourC. WhichD. Where()8. Its time _.A. play basketball B. to go to bed C. playing gamesD. for the supper()9. Heres a letter _ Kate. Shes ill _ home.A. to; inB. from; forC. for; atD. at; from()10. -Is this

4、computer _?-No, its not _.Its my _.A. yours; my; brotherB. your; mine; brotherC. his; hers; brothersD. yours; mine; brothers()11. Classes beginseven fifty-five.A. inB. onC. atD. for()12. They often help.A. I B. mineC. myD. me()13. I wanta map of China .A. buyB. is buyingC. to buyD. am buying()14. Is

5、 it a pictureyour school?A. ofB. toC. andD. with()15. Do you like?A. swimB. swimmingC. are swimmingD. swim, too()16. The mana stick(手杖 )is my grandpa.A. andB. ofC. withD. for()17. Whos the ladyblue?A. inB. onC. atD. with()18. We usually stayhomeSaturday afternoon.A. at.in B. at.onC. in.atD. on.on()1

6、9. A: Its a white shirt, is it yours? B: No,is yellow.A. I B. MyC. MineD. Me()20.any men in the room?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. There arent D. There isnt()21. The bedthe right is yours.A. onB. inC. atD. of()22. Look atpicture.A. oneB. the oneC. firstD. thefirst()23. These books are my.A. studentsB. s

7、tudentssC. studentsD. students of()24. My parents often tell meChina.A. aboutB. fromC. forD. by()25.any food in the fridge?A. Are thereB. Is there C. HaveD. Has二、填空1.Whose socks are those? Theyre(I).2.What are those in the bag? Theyre(strawberry).3.What does your brother? Heplaying the piano. (like)

8、4.What does your father? Hea nice telescope.(have)5.Do you havehobbies, Mike? Yes, I havehobbies.(some)6.I likephotos with my friends. (take)7.want to play cards. Do you want to join? No, Im doinghomework. (I)8.Where are you from? Im from. Im. (China)9.The man in ashirt is Mr. (white)10.Jimnear Ben.

9、 (live)11.David and Mikeinthe same teamlast term. Theyindifferent teams now. (be)12.Is Miss Lia storybook? (read)13.Did youtrees yesterday? Yes, Imanytrees. Ilike.(plant)14.My mother is good at. Shelast week. (cook)15.Donton the wall. Letson the paper. (draw)16.David is(tall) than(I).17.Helens bagis

10、(heavy)than(I).Can you help(she)?18.Liu Tao(not) have any brothers or sisters.19.Mary(swim) as slowlyas theother(girl)in(she)class.20.To get there(fast), you can(take) bus No. 7.21.Yang Ling gets up(early) than(we).22.His hair is(short) than(she).23.-Here are many toys. Which one is(you), Helen?-The

11、 yellow one is(I), and the red one is(he).24.My cousin likescartoons. He usuallyit in the evening.Last Sunday, hea Japanese cartoon. (watch)25.Mary oftenin summer. Lets goin the river. (swim)三、阅读理解。( A)Jack s father was a businessman before. He was very busy. He had no time to play with Jack. Three

12、days ago he changed his job. Yesterday they went to the park and the toy shop. He bought a toy car for Jack. Jack was very happy.1, What was Jack s father before?_2, Was Jack s father busy before?_3, Did he play with Jack before?_ _4, Did he change his job?_ _5, Where did they go yesterday?_ _6, Wha

13、t did Jack s fatheryforbuhim?_ _7, Was Jack happy?_( B)John is five years old. He has a big drum. John likes it very much. He often strikes(敲) it at night and makes much noise.One of his neighbours is very angry about the noise. One day, the neighboursaid to John,“ Do you know there is something ver

14、y nice in your drum? Here is a knife.Open the drum and find it. ” John did so. And from then on, the neighbour couldn hear the noise any more.1, How old is John?_ _2, Does John like the drum?_ _3, Why is the neighbour very angry?_ _4, Is there anything very nice in the drum?_ _5, What happened to the drum at last?_


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