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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷- 轻巧夺冠 27515-16 人教版(无)一、 选出与众不同的一项。() 1. A. lookB. listen C. moonD. shout() 2.A. sunB. cloudyC. windyD. snowy() 3.A. February B. Tuesday C. Monday D. Wednesday() 4.A. pandaB. talkC. kangaroo D. zebra() 5.A. animalB. sheepC. goatD. lamb二、 英汉互译。1.do like this. _ 2. work in pairs _3. well do

2、ne _4.过来 _5. 一副漂亮的画 _ 6.去游泳 _7.放风筝 _8.play a game _9. 喝茶 _10. have a rest_三、按要求写出下列单词的正确形式sheep ( 复数形式 )fat(反义词)goose(复数形式)beautiful(反义词)fox (复数形式)short(反义词)fish (复数形式)rainy(名词形式)candy(复数形式)friend (形容词 )四、单项选择。( )1. -Im _Hong Kong.-Welcome _ SichuanA. for , twoB. from, toC. am, too( )2 .-_- I m fine

3、, thank you.A. How old are you ? B. How are you?C. How do you do ?( )3.-Whats _ name ?- _ name s Tom.A. his, HerB. her, MyC. your, My()4. Hello, Wang Ting. This _my daughter, Alice.A. amB. isC. are() 5. -John, where _ you from?- I m from _A. am, the usa.B. is, America.C. are, France()6. -Lets_.- Goo

4、d idea! Lets go.A. go to swimB. go swimingC. go swimming()7.-Are you ready?- _.A. Yes, Im not.B. Not yet.C. No, Im()8. -May _ come in?- Come in , please.A. IB. iC. my()9. -_ is the weather ?-It s _A. What , sunB. How s, fine C. How, cloudy()10. -Today _ Friday. And _ day is tomorrow?A. is, WhatsB. w

5、as , whatsC. is, what()11. -What is this?-_A. Its an smallant.B.its a bigpig. C.It s a red fox.()12. -What s _?-It s _apple.A. these ,aB. it, anC. those, some()13. -Can I help you?-_A. Yes, please.B. No.C. Sorry, I cant.()14. _ a beautiful girl !A. What s()15. Wow,A. WhatB. WhatC. Howa boy! _ handso

6、me !B. HowC. Hows五、读一读,选一选。()1. I m Peter. I m from the UK.A. Yes, I can.()2.Howare you?B.Welcometo China.()3. Can you sing a song?C. Thank you.()4. Welcome to Beijing.D. Fine, thanks.()5. What s your name?E. I m Mr Brown.()6. Where are you?F. Thank you very much.()7.Who is it?.G. Glad to meet you,

7、too.()8.Your English is good.H. Yes. Thank you.()9. Glad to meet you.I. Im in Beijing.()10.Are you OK?J. Its me. Your grandpa.六、连词成句 , 注意字母的大小写及标点符号1can, go , we, to, beach, the .2. is, Mr Panda , from ,China.3. game, play, a , us , let .4. day , is , what, today ?5.an, man, what, ugly !七、阅读对话,判断正误,

8、正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“ F”表示。Lele: Hi, Summer. Nice to see you again!Summer: Hi, Lele. Nice to see you, too.Lele : Whats in the box? Please guess.Summer: Sorry , I dont know.Lele : Some flowers. Do you know?Summer: Carnations?Lele: Yes. Youre right. They are carnations. Today is Teachers Day. Let s give( 送

9、)flowers to Miss Yang. OK ?Summer: OK . I give (送)a card to Miss Yang.Lele and Summer: Happy Teachers Day, Miss Yang. Give you flowersand a card.Miss Yang : Thank you. I like your presents(礼物 ). How beautiful!()1.Today is Childrens Day.()2.Lele gives(送) sunflowers to miss yang.()3.Summer gives(送 ) a card to Miss Yang.()4.Miss Yang doesnt (不 ) like carnations.()5.Miss Yang is very happy.八、 书面表达。一个健康的饮食对我们很重要,请以“My healthy diet”为题写一段话,不少于 5 句。My healthy diet


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