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1、Unit 3 Would you like to come tomy birthday party ?Lesson 16 教案1 教学目标1. Four skills: kind, ice cream, candy. Can I have some ice cream? Sure.2. Three skills: star-shape cake, heart-shape cake, jelly, fruit pie, whatkind of cake would you like? Ilike a heartd-shape cake来.源 学科 网 Z.X.X.K3.让学生在模拟的场景中用英语

2、进行活动 ,活化语言知识 ,提高综合运用语言的能力。4.感知了解字母组合ow 在单词中的发音。2 学情分析六年级学生大多数学生学习习惯比较好 ,但也有少数学生习惯不六年级学生大多数学生学习习惯比较好 ,但也有少数学生习惯不好。 他们已经已有一定的英语基础 , 今年要继续激发和培养学生学习好。 他们已经已有一定的英语基础 , 今年要继续激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣 , 使学生树立自信心 , 养成良好的学习习惯为学生进一步英语的兴趣 , 使学生树立自信心 , 养成良好的学习习惯为学生进一步学习打下良好的基础。 学习打下良好的基础。3 重点难点重点 :Reading: star-shape cake

3、, heart-shape cake, jelly, fruit pie, Whatkind of cake would you like? I d-shapelike heartcake.难点 :Writing: kind, ice cream, candy. Can I have some ice cream? Sure4 教学过程活动 1【导入】 WarmupRevision1.展示上节课制作的邀请卡,并请几位学生说说邀请卡上的内容,当面给要邀请的学生。2.展示上节课布置的任务Do a survey:组织学生以小组为单位开展What kind of cake would you like

4、? What shape would you like? 的调查 ,并派代表发言。来源 :Zxxk.Com活动 2【讲授】Presentation1. T produce the chocolate s & ice creams word cards, Ss发read音标. (准正确的奖励 chocolate。)2. Learn the new wordsT produce jellies and fruit pie, reading the words “jelly,fruit pie ”,and then ask Ss to follow T. (发音标准正确的奖励贴纸。 )3.)教师把各

5、种形状的纸片贴在黑板上 ,让学生到前边来指图片 ,说形状star-shape cake, heart-shape cake。4. Ss listen to the tape and repeat.5.T read the order by arbitrary word, ask Ss to lift corresponding wordcards6.Listen again. Ss read after the tape.7. Acting. Teachers play a saleswoman with the students to quizT: Look at the cakes. Ar

6、e they nice?Ss: Yes, they are.T: Do you want a cake?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What kind of cake would you like?Ss: I want a chocolate/ jelly/fruit pie cake.T: What shape would you like?Ss: I want a star-shape/heart-shape cake.Please 2 to 3 students and teachers shopping demonstration,模拟完整的购物过程。8. Just write.

7、板书本课四会单词kind, ice cream, candy 和句子 Can I have some icecream? Sure让.学生练习正确书写活动 3【练习】 Practice1. A student pl aying cake shopboss. Two other students group to investigate their cake shops in the types and prices, and fill out surveyformsT asks: How many kinds of cakes do they have?Ss: They have 10 kin

8、ds of cakes.T: What are they?Ss: They reJelly Cake, Ice cream Cake, Chocolate Cake, Fuits Cake, Cream Cake, Banana Cake, Strawberry Cake, Jam Cake, and so on.T: How many shapes do they have? Ss: They have 4 shapes来源:Z.xxk.ComT: What are they?Ss: They are triangle cake, square cake, round cake, rectangle cake.2.组织学生完成课本第31 页的对话。教师在各组间巡视,督促学生使用恰当的英语进行交流。3.教师播放 chant 的录音 2 遍。学生跟着模仿 ,有节奏地跟读 ,最后边表演边说 chant。活动 4【测试】 AssessmentFinish the activity book about the lesson.来源学科网 来源 :Zxxk.Com活动 5【作业】 AdditionalactivitiesHomework默写本课的四会词句。


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