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1、PEP小学英语六年级下Unit3 B Read and write教学设计课题B Read and write单元Unit 3学科English年级六年级下册情感态度和价理解 It was a bad day but also a good day! 的意思。值观目标学习能力目标理解 Read and write 的内容并完成后面的练习。目标知识目标1.能听说认读单词 basket, part, licked, laughed2.能听懂,会说句子 Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed重点难点学法up and made

2、a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day!能听懂,会说句子Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funnyplay. It was a bad day but also a good day!理解 It was a bad day but also a good day! 的意思。阅读分析,理解回答教法分析法,问答法教学过程教学环节导入新课教师活动1.Game: Catch the helicopter播放课件,复习词组 : rod

3、e a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts2. Free talk:T: How was your last Sunday? S: It was fine.T: Where did you go?S: I went to .T: What did you do there?S: I rode a bike./ .学生活动设计意图1 看词组快1. 用直升机快速速朗读出现消失的方式2 个别学生激

4、发学生的专注回答力,能快速投入新课学习。2. 复习本单元重点语句。讲授新课1. 出示图片,请学生观察并回答How did Wu Yifanmeet Max? What will happen next?2. T: Something may happen everyday. Something is good and something is bad. Wu Yifan had a bad butgood day. What happened? Please turn to page 28.Read the passage and finish the task of page 29.1.讨论

5、回答以学生自己阅读为主,教师讲解2.自由阅读短为辅,理解全文,文,完成练习。并 完 成 课 后 练习。(Number the pictures ) You can discuss with yourpartner.3.教 师 出 示 单 词 及 句 子 : basket,countryside,3. 再次阅读,played the part of, licked, laughed 等.在文中找出教Max sat in a basket on the front ofthe bike. We师 标 注 的 单dressed up and made a funny play. It was a b

6、ad day词,以理解全but also a good day!教读并稍作讲解。文意思。4.播放全文音频。4. 听录音同步5.完成课后练习:What happenedtoWu Yifans跟读family? 教师提问,并稍作指导。5. 先 口 头 回答,再书写答案。巩固提升1. 指导书写:Now write about your bad but goodday. 出示范例。2. 播放 Letscheck 录音3. Lets wrap it up :讲解一些不规则动词过去式课堂小结帮助学生理解句子:It was a bad day but also a goodday!Bad luck ofte

7、n brings good luck.Homework : 1. Review Unit 32. Finish the workbook1. 看范例, 思 巩固提升部分由考后个别口头阅读到写,写出回答。在课本关于自己槽糕的上书写关于自但 又 美 好 的 一己的一天( bad天,由教师的范but good day )例打开学生书写2. 听 音 完 成 的思路,起到抛Letscheck砖引玉的效果。3. 完 成 Letswrap it up 。理解两句话的渗透情感目标:意思。塞翁失马焉知非福记录作业本 单 元 教 学 完成,学生课后复习回顾本单元主要词句板书Unit 3 B Read and write呈现本课主要框It was a bad day but also a good day!架内容BadGood


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