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1、人教版 PEP 英语年四级下册Unit 5 My clothes Part B 习题一、 Read and choose选择填空1.I like the _very much.()A. jacketB. skirtC. shirtD. T-shirtE. dressF. sweater2.Is this your?()A. jacketB. skirtC.shirtD. T-shirtE. dressF. sweater3.Is that your _?()A. jacketB. skirtC. shirtD. T-shirtE. dress4.Its my.()A. jacketB. ski

2、rtC. shirtD. T-shir tE. dressF. sweater5.I like thevery much.()A. jacketB. skirtC. shirtD. T-shirtE. dressF. sweater6.Is this your?()A. jacketB. skirtC. shirtD. T-shirtE. dressF. sweater二、 Read and choose单项选择1.I like those.()A. a scarfB. scarfsC. scarves2._ is it? Its brown.()A. What timeB. What col

3、our3.Its cool today._ your jacket.()A. Put onB. Put down4.- Can I wear my new shirt? -()-_A. Yes, I am.B. No, we can.5._ the scarf too expensive?()A. AreB. Is6.你决定买下某件物品,你应该对售货员说:A. I want itB. Look!7.你觉得朋友的书包很漂亮,你应该说:A. I want itB. Look!8.假如你是商城的售货员,见到顾客时,你应该说:A. Look at my clothes,pleaseB. Can you

4、 help me?9.你想表达 “这条裤子多少钱? ”时,你应该说:C. How muchC. lookC. Yes, you can. C. Am( )C. Ill take it.( )C. Ill take it.( )C. Can I help you?( )A. How much are the pants?B. How many pants are there?C. How much is the pants.三、 Read and choose阅读题,判断下列句子正误 ,。阅读题,判断下列句子正误。Hello! My names John. Im in Beijing now.

5、Its hot in Beijing. Its sunny too.I can wear my shorts and shirt. My shorts are green. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a hat. The hat is very pretty, but it is $60. Thats very expensive.(1) Its hot in Beijing.()(2)The shorts are yellow.()(3)John can wear shorts and swe

6、ater.()(4)The hat is pretty.()(5)The hat is cheap.()答案解析部分一、 Read and choose选择填空1.【答案】 F【解析】【分析】图示是一件毛衣,说明所选词和毛衣有关,故只有F.sweater 符合。2.【答案】 B【解析】【分析】图示是一条半身裙,说明所选词和半身裙有关,故只有B.skirt 符合。3.【答案】 E【解析】【分析】图示是一条长裙,说明所选词和长裙有关,故只有E.dress 符合。4.【答案】 C【解析】 【分析】图示是一件衬衣,说明所选词和衬衣有关,故只有C. shirt 符合。5.【答案】 D【解析】【分析】图示

7、是一件t 恤衫,说明所选词和t 恤衫有关,故只有D.T-shirt 符合。6.【答案】 A【解析】【分析】图示是一件夹克衫,说明所选词和夹克衫有关,故只有 A. jacket 符合。二、 Read and choose 单项选择1.【答案】 C【解析】【分析】 those 后面必须紧接一个复数,而scarf 复数的正确形式是scarves。2【答案】 B【解析】【分析】对颜色进行提问用What colour.3.【答案】 A【解析】【分析】天气凉爽,所以应该穿上你的夹克衫,只有A 符合语境。4. 【答案】 C【解析】【分析】这是一个can 引导的一般疑问句,必须做yes 和 no 的回答。并且

8、人称必须保持一致。只有C 符合。5.【答案】 B【解析】【分析】 the scarf 是一个单数名词,所以前面的Be 动词也必须是单数。6.【答案】 C【解析】【分析】决定买下某物用Ill take it.7.【答案】 C【解析】【分析】 those 后面必须紧接一个复数,而scarf 复数的正确形式是scarves。8.【答案】 C【解析】【分析】 Can I help you?我能帮你吗?9.【答案】 A【解析】【分析】 How much 问价钱,而裤子pants永远是复数。只有A 符合语境。三、 Read and choose阅读题,判断下列句子正误 ,。【答案】( 1)1(2)0(3)0(4)1(5)0【解析】【分析】( 1)根据短文第四句Its hot in Beijing. 可知正确。(2)根据短文第七句My shorts are green. 可知错误。(3)根据短文第九句My old jacket is too small. 可知错误。(4)根据倒数第二句话The hat is very pretty, but it is $60. 可知正确。(5)根据倒数第一句话Thats very expensive可.知错误。


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