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1、浙江大学宁波理工学院成教学院2019 年第 一 学期成人英语 3课程期末考试试卷(A)考 形式: (或开) 卷,允 _ 入 考 日期: _年 _月_ 日,考 所需 :分 考生姓名学号考生所在年 : 班 :.题序一二三四五六七八总 分题型得分评卷人本 卷适用班 I Directions : There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes th

2、e sentence. (40%)1. Politicians are always promising to introduceto raise salaries and lower taxes.A. legalB. legislationC. registrationD. register2. The new poetry collection wasfrom a wide variety of sources and includes poems from ten countries and seven centuries.A. composedB. constitutedC. comp

3、iledD. compounded3.Nobody would dare ask a Frenchman tohis Galoise in a restaurant.A. put upB. put outC. put downD. put off4.Youd better start by explaining the whole idea from beginning to end in an way.A. genuinelyB. confusedlyC. indirectlyD. orderly5.He has a wide circle ofbut very few close frie

4、nds.A. subscribersB. demonstrationsC. acquaintancesD. fragrances6.They teach at night school to their income, which otherwise wouldn tbe sufficient to live on.A. raiseB. supplementC. supportD. rise7.The student sent a twelve-member to the conference.A. delegationB. representativeC. delegateD. repres

5、ent8.William is tooand I just don tfeel safe with him behind the wheel.A. boldB. braveC. recklessD. blameless9. She is a renowned singer, but her realis to become a writer.A. flourishB. ambitionC. optionD. collision10.To Americans, friendliness meansinformal and cheerful and open to other people.A.

6、beingB. to beC. have beenD. be11.I was refused a VISA card on thethat I didn thave a credit profile.A. groundsB. foundationC. primaryD. reason12.The practice of taking a cold shower every morning isin some parts of the country.A. catching atB. catching offC. catching onD. catching out13.Every cultur

7、e is full of beliefs andthat most people never question until they come into contact withanother culture.A. declarationsB. confusionsC. impressions D. assumptions14.Many people who to America in hopes of becoming rich are surprised at how hard they have to work.A. immigrateB. migrateC. emigrateD. tr

8、ansfer15.All birds look the same to me, I can never oneanother.A. tell toB. tell fromC. differ fromD. differ with16.If I were in of the project, I d make better use of the money that savailable.A. rechargeB. chargeC. responsibleD. response17.If you are smart, you will takeof this opportunity.A. useB

9、. advantageC. benefitD. profit18.When you take a child on a long trip, you need to bring lots of toys to keep him or her .A. amusedB. excitedC. amazedD. reserved19.Some teachers take pride in being on a first-namewith all their students.A. baseB. basementC. basisD. ground20.French visitors cheered a

10、t the sight of Americans bending, stretching and .A. jumping toB. leaping overC. jumping fromD. leaping around21.He went swimming in the sea inof the warning sign telling him not to.A. leakingB. confidenceC. defianceD. finance22.The lady was remembered for her devotion to finding homes for peopleof

11、ever having a roof overtheir heads.A. desperateB. despairC. desperationD. despairing23.A number of young men were hired to occupy the_ posts left by these retired workers.A. emptyB. vacuumC. vacantD. void24.From his expressions, I that the interview hadn tgone well for him.A. inferredB. referredC. p

12、referredD. offered25.We watched the harbor and then the coastlineaway into the morning mist.A. disappearedB. vanishedC. fadedD. diminished26.Mary was very excited but her motherher and made her calm.A. relaxedB. disturbedC. relievedD. soothed27.He was arrested for the government s rule against takin

13、g large amounts of cash out of the country.A. objectingB. challengingC. defyingD. contending28.Her three sons were killed in the earthquake; thisher hopes and confidence. She attempted to commitsuicide but was saved by her neighbor.A. defeatedB. brokeC. shatteredD. destroyed29.They the businessmans

14、daughter and demanded $100.000 from him for her release.A. robbedB. kidnappedC. bribedD. eliminated30.The police refused to whether anyone was arrested fro the demonstration last week.A. comment ofB. comment onC. comment inD. comment to31.He thought the campaign would probablysoon in any case.A. fad

15、e awayB. fade toC. fade ofD. fade on32.The doctor asked him to on smoking, and eat a balanced diet.A. cut offB. cut outC. cut downD. cut up33.He insisted onhis wife, but soon he changed his mind for the sake of his 6-year-old daughter.A. separatingB. breakingC. divorcingD. delivering34.I amto think

16、that the ancient Greeks understood this better than we do.A. tendingB. inclinedC. subjectD. subjected35.A UN official said that aid programs would beuntil there was adequate protection for relief convoy.A. dependedB. suspendedC. postponedD. expended36.Two well-known corporations arein an attempted t

17、o find a cure for the common cold.A. cooperatingB. combiningC. operatingD. blending37.They insisted that Michael did not follow the correctin applyingfor a visa.A. processB. procedureC. processionD. routine38.The judge gave the young offender a light sentence out of, but his decision aroused greatco

18、ntroversy.A. passion B. compassionC. suspensionD. compensation39.MaryBob for stealing her car, but her accusation was dismissed forlack of convincing evidence.A. accusedB. chargedC. suedD. scolded40.An open wound should be kept clean and protected from_.A. diseaseB. infectionC. plagueD. infectiousII

19、. Cloze: (20%)Direction s: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.America can be a12for a foreigner. My wife and I3the United States in January after sevenyears4 four in Franc

20、e, three in Poland. From the 5of first6, we7 an A-to-Z8 of why.America can be such a foreign country to those who arrive here from Europe.I should explain at the9 that I am from Britain, but my Florida-born wife Lisa is as American asapple pie. In our list, however, A doesnt10 apple pie. It represen

21、ts:Ambition . In the Old World, people are taught to11 it. Here it s quite12to 13that you re14the boss s job orntwato make a million dollars by the age of 30.Breakfast . The American habit of15business at breakfast has16 Europe, but I doubt it will everreally 17 . In France and Britain, breakfast is

22、 a family18. Here, it s become19of the20 game.() 1. A. staleB. stableC. strangeD. surprise() 2. A. experienceB. confusionC. ambitionD. acquaintance() 3. A. arrived atB. arrived inC. came inD. reached in() 4. A. overseasB. over seaC. boardD. broad() 5. A. jungleB. confusionC. embarrassmentD. jumble()

23、 6. A. imagesB. considerationsC. imaginationsD. impressions() 7. A. composedB. compiledC. consistedD. constituted() 8. A. dictionaryB. explanationC. descriptionD. reference() 9. A. offsetB. commandC. outsetD. commence() 10. A. stand byB. stand upC. stand atD. stand for() 11. A. boastB. scoldC. hideD

24、. show() 12. A. properB. reasonableC. rightD. considerable() 13. A. subscribeB. announceC. foretellD. publish() 14. A. beforeB. afterC. uponD. down() 15. A. makingB. commencingC. conductingD. leading() 16. A. reachedB. arrivedC. approachedD. went() 17. A. catch upB. catch aboutC. catch outD. catch o

25、n() 18. A. businessB. problemC. affairD. question() 19. A. wholeB. partC. partialD. most() 20. A. powerB. powerfulC. energyD. energeticIII. Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. Youshould choose the best answerfo

26、ur suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Passage 1AdvertisingIn the United States, advertising itself is a big business. Millions and millions of dollars are spent ontelevision, radio, and printed messages to prospective consumers. Advertising firms do“ markfor their clients, testing out various“ p

27、itches” in the quest for ones that are effective.From the viewpointof American consumers, advertising functions to inform them about availableproducts and services, as well as to encourage them to buy. From the viewpoint of visitors from abroad, though, advertising serves and additional function, an

28、d it affords countless insights into American values, tastes and standards. From American advertising, foreign visitors can gain some understanding of these and;.other aspects of American society: Americanideas about physical attractiveness inmales and females,5. According to the passage, which of t

29、he following is true?American ideas concerning personal hygiene, the emphasis Americans place on sex, speed and technicalA. Americans pay attention to human relationships when shopping.sophistication, the amount of faith Americans have in arguments that include specific numbers, materialismB. Americ

30、ans don t pay attention to human relationships.in American society, male-female relationships, both pre-and post-material, the attention Americans pay toC. Americans seldom bargain when shopping.the words of celebrities, the characteristics of people who, in Americans eyes, are considered D. America

31、ns“authoritiesliketo do some”,shopping with a credit-card.whose ideas and recommendations are persuasive, and the sorts of things Americans find humorous.By comparing advertising they see in the States to what they have seen at home, foreign visitors canPassage Twogain understanding not just of Amer

32、ican society, but of their own as well.The silence of the Reference Library was broken only by an occasional cough and now and then byPricingthe scarcely audible sound of pages being turned over. There were about twenty people in the room, mostWith few exceptions, Americans are accustomed to fixed p

33、rices on merchandise they buy and sell.of them with their heads bent over their books. The assistant librarian who was in charge of the room sat atThe usual exceptions are houses, automobiles, and something major appliances such as refrigerators anda desk in one corner. She glanced at Phillip as he

34、came in then went on with her workwashing machines. Another exception is a private sales. Americans are not accustomed to bargaining overPhillip had not been to this part of the library before. He walked around the room almost on tiptoe,prices, and in fact usually feel quite uncomfortable with the i

35、dea.afraid of disturbingthe industriousreaders withhis heavy shoes. The shelves werefilled with thickForeign visitors must realize that the price marked on an item does not include the sales tax that isvolumes: dictionaries in many languages, encyclopedias, atlases, biographies and other works of re

36、ference.added as part of the payment. (Sales tax rates vary from one jurisdiction to another.)He found nothing that was likely to interest him, until he came to a small section on photography, whichAmericans do not believe, as people from many cultures do, that a commercial transaction includeswas o

37、ne of his hobbies. The books in this section were on a high shelf out of his reach, so he had to fetch aparticular attention to the human relationships involved. They look for the item they want, decide whethersmall ladder in order to get one down. Unfortunately, as he was climbing down the ladder,

38、the book he hadthey can afford the price marked on it, and, if they want to buy it, find a clerk or salesperson to take thechosen slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor with a loud crash. Twenty pairs of eyes looked up at himmoney or do the paperwork for a credit-card purchase.simultaneously a

39、nnoyed by this unaccustomed disturbance. Phillip felt himself go red as he picked up hisPeople who try to bargain for a lower price in a shop or store are likely to be considered either quitebooks, which did not seem to have been damaged by its fall.odd or startlingly aggressive.He had just sat down

40、 when he found the young lady assistant standing alongside him.“ You1. Which of the following functions does advertising in the U.S. serve?more careful when you are handling thes e books,” she said severely. Satisfied that she had done her duty,A. Advertising offers the consumers information about p

41、roducts and services and persuades them to buy.she turned to go back to her desk. Then a sudden thought struck her.“ By the way, how old are you?B. Advertising acquaints foreign visitors with American marketing strategy.asked Phillip.“ Thirteen,” He told her.“ You re not allowed in here under the ag

42、e of fourteen, you know,C. Advertising tells people how to establish male-female relationships.the assistant said. “ Didn youtsee the notice onthedoor? ”Phillip shook his head. He expected theD. Advertising tells people how to be attractive physically.assistant to ask him to leave. Instead, in a mor

43、e kindly tone, she said:” Well, never mind. But ma2. Which of the following is true of American advertising?that you don t disturb the other readers again, otherwise I shall have to ask you to leave.A. It s persuasive and humorous.1. This passage talks about how _ this Reference Library is.B. It lay

44、s stress on technical development.A. busyB. inconvenientC. silentD. helpfulC. The words of celebrities are usually quoted.2. One of Peter s hobbies is _.D. It offers insights into American values, tastes and standards.A. biographyB. dictionariesC. encyclopediasD. photography3. Which of the following is


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