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1、.中学英语教师招聘考试试题及答案2014 年真题资料汇编一、单项选择题 (本大题共 30 小题,每小题2 分,共 60 分 )1.一 Would you like to join US in the game?一 _ ,for I have something important to d0. A.1 willB.Id love to C.1 wontD.Im afraid not2.Were going to the bookstore.You can come with us_you can meet USthere later.A.andB.butC.orD.then3.一 NaJlcy

2、 is not coming to the party tonight.- But she_me she d love to. A.tellsB.told C.had told D.is telling4.一 May I have a glass of beer, please?一 Beer?Sorry , there S_left , but would you like some juice instead?A.noneB.somethingC.no oneD.nothing5.一 What a hot day!Have you had a drink?一 Yes.But Id like

3、to have_after work. A.itB.oneC.otherD.another6.-I knocked into a tree when l went to the railway station for my friend.一 I suppose you_too fast.A.driveB.are drivingC.droveD.were driving7.一 Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?一 If I had to choose ,David would be_choice. A.goodB.be

4、tter;.C.the betterD.the best8.一 I feel very happy that l_to be the host.一 Congratulations!A.choose B.aIn chosen C.was chosen D.have chosen9.mInventors have changed the way we live.一 So they ale famous for the great things they_. A.doB.didC.ale doing D.had done10.The Statue of Liberty was given to Am

5、erican people by _as a gift in1884.A.FranceB.SpainC.ItalyD.Britain11.Which of the following is a fricative sound?A./m/B./p/C./w/D./v/12.There ale_nasals in English.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four13.It is suggested that English courses in Grade seven to nine should be less than_hours.A.fourB.fiveC.sixD.ten14

6、.The goal of English courses in basic education st.age is based on thedevelopment of students, learning strategy and culture awareness,and tocultivate students comprehensive language application ability of English.A.1anguage skillB.1anguage knowledgeC.emotional attitudeD.above all15.Which of the fol

7、lowing statements is true about the language objectives in levelfive?;.A.Learn to use 600 700 words and about 50 idioms.B.Leam to use 1 5001600 words and about 200 300 idioms or coHocations.C.Learn to use 3000 words and about 400一 500 idioms or collocations.D.Leam to use 1000-2000 words and about 10

8、0 200 idioms or collocations.16.It is the special requirements in level five of language skills that the extracurricularreading vol-ume should up to more than_thousand words except textbooks.A.100B.150C.200D.25017.According to students capacity.Criteria divide English curriculum objectives into_leve

9、ls by the international general classification method.A.sevenB.eightC.nineD.ten18.When graduate.junior school students should complete the goal of_that demanded in Criteria.A.1evel threeB.1evel fourC.1evel fiveD.1evel eight19._is the guarantee of improving learning efficiency and developingindepende

10、nt learning capability.A.Learning strategyB.Emotional attitudeC.Language skillD.cognitive strategy20.Language skill_.A.contains the ability of five skills in listenin9, speakin9 , reading , writing andtranslatingB.refers to a personS application ability of words and sentences when speakingC.contains

11、 the ability of four skills in listenin9, speakin9 , reading , writing andcomprehensive application of themD.refers to a personS language expression ability请阅读 Passage One,完成第21 25 小题。Passage OneEat more healthily.Exercise twice a week.Read more books.Lose weight.We makethe same resolutions every ye

12、ar, but most of US fail, and quit after only a few days or,at best , weeks.Even the most successful among US crash when it comes to personalchange.For example, President Barack Obama struggles with his smoking habit.;.So why is change SO challenging?Are we wired in a way that keeps US from making ch

13、anges?And do we need the support of others to reach our goal,or can we do it alone?Professionals who help people make change in their lives suggest that the change isdetermined not by one S mind.Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger pay-off later , they say.And trying to make

14、 a change is easier with support from a group of friends , family , or co-workers with shared goals.“People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when theirfriends d0 ,but when their friends of friends do,and when their friends of friends of friendsdo , ” said Nicholas Chr

15、istakis , a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University.Johnny Augustin understands that well.His resolution for 2009 was to reduce 30pounds from his 237-pound frame.But the change didn t come easy.He said.“ Im a hugeprocrastinator.There s desire,but I just kept putting it off.I didn t get

16、to it unti l thesummer. ” However ,Augustin got in-spired when he saw his elder brother working out.NowAugustin weighs 190 pounds.Having a positive attitude is one of the keys to making a successful change,according to Judy Zerafa,author of several books based on how people can improve theirlives.Sh

17、e emphasizes the im-ponance of believing in yourself-and having positive habits,a creative imagination, and persist-ence-to make change haDDen.21.The text is mainly about_A.tIIe resonswhy making a change is so hardB.the difficulties we have in making a changeC.the ways of making a change in our life

18、D.the attitudes towards making a change22.According to Nicholas Christakis, _.A.friendship plays all important role in our daily livesB.people are better able to make changes when inspired by others C.friends can easily change our minds about somethingD.friendssupport plays a bigger role in ones suc

19、cess than his mind23.The underlined word“procrastinator in Paragraph 5 refers to a personwho_.A.has great determination to make a changeB.has no desire to do something greatC.delays work especially out of lazinessD.has hab.itual carelessness and laziness24.In the text,which of the foilowing is NOT m

20、entioned as a way to make a change in one s life?A.Trying to learn from ones friends.B.Setting small goals at first.C.Having confidence and positive habits.D.Changing one s environment.25.What information will probably be provided following the laSt paragraph?;.A.Useful methods used to avoid negativ

21、e thoughts.B.The side effects of self-denial behavior.C.The ways Judy Zerafa advised to make a change.D.Examples showing the importance of having a positive attitude.请阅读 Passage Two,完成第 26 30 小题。Passage TwoAn Earthship is a home that is built of materials such as old tire and aluminum cans.Itis the

22、i-dea of a man n锄 ed Michael Reynolds.Many Earthships are more or lessself-sufficient because they Drovide their own heat, air and water.They oflen havegardens watered and fed by wastewater.They are comfoaable and ecologically friendly.The main material used in building Earthships is tires.Tires are

23、 plentiful and callt berecycled tike paper ,plastic ,and metal.While building supplies for most houses call be very expensive , old used tires are free.First , the tires are packed tightly with dirt.Each full tireweighs as much as 400 Dounds.The tires are then stacked like bricks.The waHs areextreme

24、ly strong.They also help keep an even temDeratul.e in the house(between 60 and70 degrees)without heating and cooling systems.The walls inside the Earthship are made of aluminum cans that are held together bycement.Then they are coated with adobe or stucco.The mofs of Earthships are sloped so that ra

25、in and snow run into large tanks.Thesetanks hold all the water for the house, and pumps push the water through the pipes.Sometimes , water flows in certain areas of the house as waterfalls!Water that hasbeen used is pumped out into the gardens where owners grow much of their own food.In most of thes

26、e houses, the southern side has huge windows that take in wintersunlight as a source of heat.Summer sun does not come in through the south windows,so it doesn t get too hot in the summer.The house also has solar panels that gatherenergy for lights and hot water and cooking.The Earthships have all th

27、e comforts of a regular house without the high cost ofelectric bills!In a time when we are running out of energy resources,pollution is bad ,and waste ispiling up , Earthships are t ile best places to live in.For people who truly care about theenvironment , Earthships provide a great alternative to

28、traditionalhouses.You won t begiving up any comforts, and the styles are attractive.We all hope that more and morepeople will build Earthships and take a huge step to-ward helping the environment and saving our planet.26.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Earthships are a good way to live and p

29、rotect the environment.B.Tanks hold water collected from rain and snow.C.Its important to grow your own food in a vegetable garden.D.People who live in Earthships usually live in the desert.27.What d oes the underlined word“They in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.EarthshipsB.Tires;.C.BricksD.Walls28.Which of

30、 the following sentence states an opinion?A.Earthships are made out of tires and cans.B.Tanks collect water for use in Earthships.C.Earthships can help save our plant.D.Tires can t be recycled but bottles and paper can.29.Which of the following evidences best supports the idea that Earthships are en

31、vironmentally friendly?A.They were invented by Michael Reynolds.B.Water that has been used is pumped out into the garden.C.Summer sun does not come in through the south windows.D.Tires can t be recycled but bottles and paper can.30.Which of the following statements is all example of propaganda?A.The

32、 house also has solar panels that gather energy for lights and hot water.B.Earthships provide a great advantage over traditional houses.C.The walls are then coated witl adobe or stucc0.D.The construction of houses made of recycled materials has been growin9.二、简答题 (本大题 1 小题, 20 分 )根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。

33、31. 对初二某班的同学进行英语学习情况的调查,请设计需求调查问卷。三、教学情境分析题 (本大题 1 小题, 30 分 )根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。32. 教学片段:(1) 听力课上,教师播放材料之前没有提供任何信息,甚至连一些生词和简单的介绍都没有。(2) 听的过程中仍然没有提示,也没有其他辅助活动帮助学生理解。(3) 听完之后,教师立即对答案,然后再听一遍就可以了。请对以上教学片段做出评析。四、教学设计题 (本大题 1 小题, 40 分 )根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案。用英文作答。33. 设计任务:请参考人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 4 He said l was

34、hard-working.一课 SELF CHECK部分的语言素材,设计一节课的教学方案。学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中二年级的学生,班级人数为40 人。多数学生已具备初步的英语语言能力。学生能够积极参与课堂活动,合作意识较强。教学时间: 45 分钟。教学设计包括:教学目标 ;教学步骤 ;教学活动方式、具体内容。一、单项选择题;.1.D 解析 依据下句可知, 说话的人有重要的事情要去做,所以不能参加游戏。“I m afraidnot ”表示委婉拒绝。2.C 解析 句意为:我们要去书店。你可以跟我们一起去,也可以晚点和我们在那里见面。 “or表”示或者,在 “come with US ”和

35、 “meet US there later 中”选择其一。3.B 解析 Ncacy 告诉我她想去这件事是发生在过去的,所以应该用tell 的过去式形式told 。4.A 解析 下句提到还有“some juice ,”所以排除D 项。B 项和 C 项不符合题意, 故选 A 。5.D 解析 第二句句意为:是的。但是工作结束后我想再喝一杯。只有another 有 “再一。又一 ”之意,故选D。6.D 解析 第二句句意为:我猜测你开得太快了。表示的是在过去的某个时候开车开得很快,所以用 drive 的过去进行时。7.C 解析 因为是在两个人中选择一个,所以用good 的比较级better ,排除 A

36、、D 。thebetter choice表示 David 是那个比较好的选择。8.C 解析 第一句句意为:我被选作主持人,我感到很开心。“被选作 ”是被动语态,并且是发生在过去的动作,所以选择C 项。9.D 解析 这里用 d0 的过去完成时,表示过去已经完成的动作对现在的影响。10.A 解析 美国的自由女神像是法国人赠予的礼物。11.D12.C13.A 解析 根据新课标要求,7 9 年级的英语课程建议每周不少于四课时。因此应该选择 A 。14.D 解析 根据新课标要求,基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、 学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力

37、。因此正确答案应该选D。15.B 解析 根据新课标要求,学会使用1500-1600个的单词和200 300 个习惯用语或固定的搭配。因此正确答案应该选B。16.B 解析 根据新课标要求,除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15 万词以上。因此应该选择 B。17.C 解析 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版 )采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照能力水平设为九个级别。正确答案应该选C。18.C 解析 根据新课标要求, 7 9 年级分别完成三、 四、五级目标, 因此正确答案为C 。19.A 解析 根据新课标要求,在英语课程实施中,帮助学生有效地使用学习策略,不仅有利于他们把握学习的方向,采用科学

38、的途径提高学习效率,而且还有助于他们形成自主学习的能力,为终身学习奠定基础。因此正确答案应该选A。20.C 解析】根据新课标要求“语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力”。因此答案应该选择C。21.C 解析 本文主要讲述了专家学者们对人们如何进行改变的建议。故C 项最符合题意。22.B 解析 根据第四段中的第一句可知,Nicholas Christakis认为当人们的朋友或朋友的朋友们发生积极的转变时,他们会比较倾向于积极的转变。故可推知人们在别人的鼓励下比较容易发生转变。故选B。;.23.C 解析 根据第五段中的“The

39、reS desire, but I just kept putting it off.I didnt get to ituntil the summer.” keep off的意思是 “避开,不接近 ”,可知 Johnny Augustin做事拖拉,不到最后一刻不愿意完成该完成的事。故C 是正确答案。24.D 解析 根据第四段可知向朋友学习是转变的一个方法;根据第三段的第二句可知一开始就设立目标也是转变的一个方法;根据最后一段的第一句可知拥有积极的态度也是转变的一个方法。只有D 项在文中没有提及。故选D。25.D 解析 本文最后一段讲述了积极的态度是成功转变的一个关键因素。文中第五段是第四段观

40、点的例证,因此可以推测最后一段的下文应该是最后一段观点的例证。故选D。26.A 解析 本文主要讲述了“Earthship 的”结构及其环保功能,第六段的第一句点题,说明“Earthship 很”环保,是最好的住所。故选A 。27.D 解析 “They的”前面是 “The walls are extremely stron9,根”据就近原则,可知“ They是”指 “ Walls。”28.C 解析 A 项、B 项和 D 项都只是描述了“Earthship 构”造材料的特性, 不能作为观点。C 项代表了作者的观点。29.B 解析 A 项、 C 项和环保无关,排除。B 项指用过的水可以抽到花园重复利

41、用,D项指轮胎不能回收,但是瓶子和纸可以。明显B 项比 D 项更环保。30.B 解析 文章的主旨是宣扬 “Earthship 异”于普通房子的环保功能。B 项最能体现这个观点。二、简答题31. 参考答案 英语学习调查问卷姓名:日期:一、阅读下面的句子,你同意这些说法吗?在每个句子后面用圆圈将你自己的看法圈起来。1.你平时学习有计划吗? 有 ()有时有 ()没有 ()2.你上课做笔记吗 ?做 ()有时做 ()不做 ()3.你做作业前复习吗?复习 () 有时不做 ()复习 ()4.你考试前制定目标吗? 制定 ()有时不制定 ()制定 ()5.你有预习的习惯吗?有 ()有时有 ()没有 ()6.你课

42、后有阅读的习惯吗? 有()有时有 ()没有 ()7.你会听英语磁带学习吗? 会()有时会 ()不会 ()8.你对英语学习感兴趣吗? 感兴趣 ()有时有 ()没有 ()9.你觉得老师上课有趣吗? 有()有时感兴趣 ()不感兴趣 ()10.你有学英语的动力吗?有 ()有时有 ()没有 ().11.你记单词有耐心吗 ? 有 ()有时有 ()没有 ()12.你觉得自己具有学好英语的能力吗? 具有 ()不具有 ()二、用你自己的话完成下面的句子、我觉得英语书是:三、你对今后的英语课和英语老师有什么想说的?三、教学情境分析题32. 参考答案 该教师在听力教学过程中只注重让学生听而忽略了讲的作用。这种听力训

43、练不仅使学生感到很被动,而且疲劳乏味, 学生注意力很难集中,很难达到理想的教学效果。高中听力教学是英语教学中的一个重要的、基础的环节, 然而实际教学中有很多因素会影响;.听力的教学,比如学生的基本功不扎实、基础知识积累不足( 语音语调不熟悉、词汇不过关等) ,教师的教学方法不得当(教学方法过于传统、只听不讲、听力材料不够丰富生动等),所以在教学实践中要综合运用语音、词汇、 阅读技巧、 听说结合等教学方法以提高学生的听力水平。 除了正常的教学,更为重要的是要加强日常听力的练习,因为英语听力水平的提高不是一蹴而就的, 而是一个日积月累、相当复杂的过程。听力教学要以学生整体语言能力的提高为基础, 要以科学的学习方法和训练方法为前提,在教师的正确指导下,并经过长期的训练,才能达到令人满意的效果。四、


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