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1、.主谓一致专题训练 法一致原 :1、句子的主 是 数形式, 要用 数形式;主 是复数形式, 用复数形式。2、如果是不定代 做句子的主 , 如 anything ,everyone, everybody, nobody等, 通常用 数形式。3、当主 后面有 as well as ,like , but ,except, besides, with,along with, together with, more than, no less than, 等引 的 , 的 复数形式通常与 些 前面的主 保持一致。 Water as well as air is matter空.气和水都是物 。4、就近

2、原 :neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also 用 数 是用复数形式,取决于最 近它的名 、代 或其它 的数。另外, neither.nor, Either or ,or, not only but also 等 接两个名 或代 做主 ,或由 there ,here 引 的句子,并且主 不止一个 , 通常与 近它的主 保持数上的一致。意 一致原 : 用 数 是复数取决于主 所表达的内容在含 是 数意 是复数意 。注意:以 s 尾的名 ,如果表示的意 是 数, 用 数形式;2.相反有些 形式上是 数形式, 但表示复数意 , 要用复数形式, 如:people, po

3、lice 等 些集合名 . 些 要根据 表达意 来做 。 3.如果主 是 the与 adj 或是由 the 与姓氏复数构成, 都用复数形式。除了以上几个原 外,我 要注意:1、表示 、重量、价格等的 或 当句子的主 ,尽管它 是复数形式, 都用 数形式。 Two months is a long time.2、 不定式、 名 、从句或不可数名 做主 , 用 数形式。 Reading in the sun isntgood for eyes.3、 and 接两个 做主 ,要看表示的意 来决定 用 数形式 是用复数形式。4、 many a 意 多,但因后面的是 数名 用 数形式, 的 大多数情况都

4、用 数形式。More Practice:Fill the blanks with the right forms.1.Australia _(be) an extremely rich country.2.What _(be)advertisements made?;.3.If anybody _(call) ,tell him I ll be back later.4.Something _(be ) wrong with your watch.5.He as well as I _(be ) a football fan.6.Nobody but Tom and Kate _(be ) t

5、here yesterday.7.If he _(come ) tomorrow , I won t go there .8.The teacher with his students _(have) a meeting.9.The USA _(be) a developed country.10.Mr Smith _(hate) to get up early in the morning.11.The rich _(have) much money.12.This works _(be) built in 2000.13.Physics_(be) my favourite subject.

6、14.His friend s books are butnewhis, _(be) old.15._(be) there any police around?16.His family _(be) not large.17.There _(be) few people present .18.The class _(have) a meeting now.19.The police _(look) for a thief.20. The group _ (have) a discussion.Choose the right answers.二、同步精练()1. Neither of the

7、 girls _from England. They are Germans.A)areB) isC) aren tD) isnt()2. Neither he nor I _able to pass the exam.A) areB) isC) amD) be()3.Mr.Brown,together with his twochildren,_having a picnicthis timeyesterday.A) isB) areC) wasD) were()4. Not only his parents but also his teacher _Tom for his good jo

8、b.A) has praisedB) have praisedC) are praisedD) is praised()5. Two and a half years _since I came to Shanghai.A) have passedB) has passedC) wereD) was past()6. The number of the people _growing all the time.A) isB) areC) wasD) were()7. A large number of tourists _ to visit Shanghai every year.A) com

9、eB) comesC) cameD) will come()8. There _a lot of rain there every year.A) haveB) areC) hasD) is()9.The Greens _the Great Wall twice.A) have gone toB) has been toC) have been toD) has gone()10. _this pair of shoes yours?A) DoesB) AreC) DoD) Is;.()11. The singer and dancer _ in Beijing.A) isB) areC) w

10、asD) were()12. A great deal of time _to translate the whole book into English.A) are neededB) is needC) needD) needs()13. There _nothing in the room.A) haveB) hasC) areD) is()14. Bread and butter _his usual breakfast.A) isB) areC) wasD) has()15.The boy with his dog _walking along the path.A) isB) ar

11、eC) haveD) has()16. One fifth of the students in our school _basketball.A) like playB) likes playC) like playingD) likes playing()17.The police_ for a robber these days.A) is searchingB) was searchingC) are searchingD) were searching()18. There _a pen, a rule and three pencils in the pencil-box.A) b

12、eB) areC) hasD) is()19. The teacher as well as the students _disappointed at the result of the match.A) have beenB) hasC) wereD) was()20. Nobody but Tim and Bill _in the playground at that time A) isB) areC) wasD) were()21. Either my mother or I _at home.A) amB) isC) areD) be()22. Both Kate and I _r

13、eady for the picnic now.A) is notB) is gettingC) are gettingD) am getting()23. Everyone except Tom and John _there when the meeting began.A) isB) wasC) areD) were()24. The teacher with some students _ planting trees.A) isB) areC) hasD) have()25. None of us _ read the story, so we know nothing about itA) isB) areC) hasn tD) have同步精练: 1.B2.C3.C4.A5.B6.A 7.A 8.D9.C10.D11.A12.B13.D14.B15.A16.C17.C18.D19.D20.C21.A22.C23.B 24.A 25.D;.


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