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1、外企白领常用英语口语Narrator: 大家好!欢迎回到Top 贸易公司的办公室。Anna的面试还在进行中呢!老板 Paul之前问 Anna为什么她应该得到这份工作?她最先的回答是:Anna:Errr . mmmmm.Narrator:然后她说了:Anna:Mmmm. errr.Narrator:现在她说的是:Anna:Well, errrr. Im errr.Narrator:怎么搞的? Anna!如果你突然卡住了,想不出恰当的表达,这时就得赶快换一种表达方式。Anna: I am. Well, I really, really want this job and I am willing

2、to work very hard if I get it.Paul:So you re very motivated, then?Anna:Motivated! Yes, thats it. I am really motivated.Paul:Good! Why?Narrator:好了, Anna记住做答的时候要有条理!一定要用第一点firstly,第二点secondly等这样的词汇, 然后再讲原因,最重要的原因要放在最后,说aboveall.好,开始!第一个原因。Anna:Firstly!Paul:Firstly.?Anna:Firstly, this job is an ideal m

3、atch for my skills and experience: Ive spentseveral years working in sales and I get on with people easily. Well, I mean,1apart from the ones I dont like, of course. Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading is one of the fastest-growing companies in London, and I want to be part of that.Paul:Thats absolutel

4、y right. Tip Top Trading is the fastest growing company inthe plastic fruit sector . But enough about the company, this is all about you, Annabel.Anna:Anna.Paul:Sorry, Anna. Where were we?Anna:Well,Isaidthatfirstly,thisjobisanidealmatchformyskillsandexperience, secondly, the company is growing fast.

5、 and and above allthe reason I want this job isPaul:Yes?(knock on the door)Paul:Denise! Is everything all right?Denise:No Paul, its not. Everything is not OK!Paul:You look pale. Here, sit down, drink whats left of my tea.Denise:Oh, thank you! Oh what are those bits floating in it?Paul:Oh theyre just

6、 lumps of soggy biscuit. In fact, if I can just. get that bitout. with my finger . for you (licks the wet biscuit from his finger) Mmm, delicious! Now, tell me whats happened.Denise:Well, its terrible.Narrator:哎呀!糟了。Anna的面 正在 利地 行,不 突然 打断了。 生什么事儿了?我 下集分 。 在一起来回 一下Anna是怎 回答老板提出的 。Firstly, this job is

7、 an ideal match for my skills and experience.2Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading is one of the fastest-growing companies inLondon and above all the reason I want this job isAnna 不住 motivated 个 ,所以她必 用其他的 来描述 个 。I really, really want the job and I am willing to work very hard if I get it.好 的, Anna.希望下周

8、Anna能 利完成她的面 。1 The demand for our products has kept rising.要求定 我 品的人越来越多。2 How long will your offer hold good?一般你 的有效期是多 ?3 We have new methods like compensation trade and joint venture.我 有 易和合 。4 I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us.我 合 双方都是有利的。5 Please give us your proposal i

9、f youre ready for that.如果你 愿意做合 , 提出你的方案。6 Please go over it and see if everything is in order. 目一下,看看是否一切妥当。7 Do you have any comment on this clause.你 一条款有何看法?8 Dont you think we should add a sentence here like this? 道你不 得我 在 儿加上一句 ?9 If one side fails to observe the contract,the other side is entitled to cancel it.如果一方不履行合同 ,另一方 有 止合同。10 The loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract.造成的 失必 由 方承担。3


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