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1、Lesson 73 and Lesson 74一 根据句意及所给的单词的首字母填空(10 分 )1. Mrs. Mill dose not know London very w_ and she lost her way.2. Miss Williams is driving to school. S_ her car stops.3. Can you tell me the w_ to King Street, please?4. He showed us how t_ get to the post office.5. He was Italian. He did not u_ Engli

2、sh.6. He came to England from Germany for a holiday.7. He put hishand intohispocketand took a phrasebooko_ of the pocket.8. The old man is walking s_.9. He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut h_ badly.10. She knew little a_ the town.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. I get him a glass of water and he drank it

3、_ (thirsty).2. Mrs. Mills does not know London very _ (good)3. The man smiled _ (pleasant)4. He comes from Germany.5. They went to school _ (hurried) this morning.6. The bus went _ (slow) yesterday after noon and we arrived home late.7. We enjoyed _ (our) very much last night.8. Thursday is the _ (f

4、ive ) day of the week.9. Today is September 10th.It s _ (teacher) Day.10. They went to the _(baker) to buy some bread.三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. Mrs. Mills _ (go) to London last week.2. How much _ you _ (know) about him.3. He took a cake and _ (eat) it quickly.4. When _ you _ (meet) her? the day before

5、yesterday.5. We _ (enjoy) ourselves very much last night.6. _ he _ (arrive) home late yesterday afternoon.7. What did they do the day before yesterday in the afternoon?8. They enjoy _ (drink) this milk.9. What are you going _ (do) nest Sunday.10. They _ not _ (clean)theirshoes,but theyairedtheroom.四

6、( )选择填空 (10 分 )1. Mr. Green _ to London last week.A. goB. goesC. wentD. is going()2. Last year the woman _ a job in Beijing.A. findsB. findedC. findD. found()3. I can ask him the way _ King Street.A. onB. toC. inD. for()4. Erik _morning paper with you every day.A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading( )

7、 5. Didn t they go home? _A.Yes, they didn t.B.Yes, they were.C.No, they weren t.D.Yes, they did.( ) 6. Can you show me how _ to King Street, please?A. getB. gotC. to getD. getting()7. He found a phrase and read it _A. slowB. to be slowC. slowlyD. being slow()8. He wasnt good at English.He did _ in

8、it.A. badB. badlyC. goodD. well()9. I give him a glass of water and he _ it thirstily.A. drinksB. drinkC. to drinkD. drank()10. Li Ping _ here two days ago.A. cameB. comeC. comesD. coming()11. Kate sings _ and her handwriting is _.A. good, wellB. good, goodC. well, wellD. well, well()12. Who_ late _

9、the meeting last morning.A. was, forB. were, toC. is, atD. are, of()13. I met her _ yesterday.A. in my way to homeB. on my way to homeC. in my way homeD. on my way to home()14. Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday?John _A. cleanedB. doesC. didD. is( )15. _ you _to see monkeys yesterday ?A. Did, went

10、C. Did, goesB. Did, goD. Do, went五 补全对话( 5 分)A: John, you _1_late for the meeting yesterday.B: Yes, I was late, _2_ the bus went very _3_.A: Why couldn t it go faster?B: Because there _4_ a lot of traffic.A: Bad _5_!1._2. _3._4. _5._六句型转换( 10 分)1.The man shaved hurriedly this morning. (变为同义句 )The ma

11、n shaved _ a _this morning.2.The bus went slowly yesterday afternoon. (就划线部分提问 )_ _ the bus go yesterday afternoon.3.She dose not know London very well. (变为同义句 )She does not know _ about London.4.Can you tell me the way to King Street? (变为同义句 )Can you tell me _ to _ to King Street?5.Mrs. Mills saw a

12、 man. He stood near a bus stop. (合并为一句话 )Mrs. Mills saw a man _ near a bus stop.6.He understood English. (变为否定句 )He _ not _ English.7. He took a phrasebook out of his pocked.He did not _ a phrasebook _ his pocket.8.We enjoyed ourselves last night. (变为同义句 )We _ a good _ last night.9.They worked very

13、hard this morning. (变为一般疑问句 )_ they _ very hard this morning?10. He slept very badly last night. (变为同义句 )He _ not sleep very _ last night.七 根据汉语提示完成句子1. 今天早晨他匆忙刮胡子并把自己切得很厉害。He shaved _ this morning and _himself _.2. 他非常了解我。He _ me very _.3. 米尔斯夫人昨天迷路了。Mrs. Mills _ her _ yesterday.4. 你能告诉我到公共汽车站怎么走么?

14、Can you tell me _ to _to the bus stop?5. 他把手放入他的口袋里并且拿出一个短语手册。He _ his hand into his _ and _out a phrasebook.6. 他昨天下午工作很努力。He _ very _ yesterday afternoon.7. 昨天谁在会上讲了话?Who _ at the _ yesterday?8. 他们迫切需要帮助。They want _ _.9. 公共汽车正慢慢的开着。The bus is _ very _ .10. 那个德国人不说英语。That German _ not _ English.八 完型

15、填空( 10 分)A teacherisaskingDick some question.But Dick _1_ answer them. The teacherthen asks him a few _2_ ones and wants him to answer them _3_.“ _4_ you know something about Shakespeare (莎士比亚 ) ?”Dick _5_ for some time and says,“ A king.” “ No, A British writer,” theteacher says.Then she asks,“ Who

16、 was the _6_ American president (总统 ) ?”The student thinks hard, but he says _7_. The teacher is very angry (生气) now, and shouts (喊道 ),“ George Washington? ”Dick gets back and begins to _8_.“ Come back! ” says the teacher.“ _9_are you going?”“ I m sorry,” says Dick,“ I think you are _10_ the next st

17、udent.”( ) 1. A. canB. can tC. doesD. don t( ) 2. A. handB. goodC. freeD. easy( ) 3. A. rightB. wrongC. emptyD. full( ) 4. A. CouldB. CanC. ShallD. Do( ) 5. A. answersB. thinksC. listensD. finds( ) 6. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. latest( ) 7. A. a thingB. nothingC. somethingD. a word( ) 8. A. sitB. w

18、alkC. standD. leave( ) 9. A. HowB. WhenC. WhatD. Why( ) 10. A. teachingB. pickingC. callingD. talking九 阅读理解( 10 分)Oneday,the wind startsan argument ( 争论 ) withthe sun.“ I m much strongerthan you are.” says the wind.“ No, ” answer the sun,“ I m much stronger thanyou are.”Where they are arguing, they

19、see a man walking down the road. He is wearinga heavy coat. The sun says to the wind,“Now let s see which of us can make theman take off his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.”First the wind tries. He begins to blow (吹 ) very hard. He blows very hardand the man pullshiscoataround him.The wind

20、isangry( 生气 ) withtheman. Thenthe wind says to the sun,“ Now it s your turn. Let me see if you can make himtake off his coat”The sun beginsto shine onthe man . Soon it gets veryhot! The man takes offhis coat.A. 根据短文内容填空。1. One day , the _ starts an argument with the _.2. The wind thinks he is _ _ th

21、ee sun.3.When theyare arguing, they see a man _ down the road and _ a heavy coat.4.The windcan t the man _ off his coat.5. The sun is stronger _ the wind. He is the _.B.根据短文内容判断句子(T)误( F)。( ) 6. It is winter.( ) 7. One day, the wind starts an argument with a man .( ) 8. The wind and the sun want to

22、know who is stronger by making the man takeoff his coat.( ) 9. The wind is stronger than the sun.( ) 10. The wins is angry with the man because he can t make the man take offhis coat.十 根据短文内容填空,使段意完整。Last week, Mrs. Mills_1_ to London. He doesnt know London very_2_ and she_3_ her way._4_, she saw a

23、man _5_near a bus stop. She went over and asked the man_6_ King Streetwas. But the man could n t answer because he did not _7_ English.He was a tourist_8_ Germany. The man put hishand intohis picketand took a phraseout _9_ hispocket.He found a phrase inthe book and read itvery_10_, “ I msorry. I don t speak English.”1. _3 _5 _7 _2. _4 _6 _8 _9 _10_


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