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1、Lesson 61 and Lesson 62一根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空(10 分)1.A: What s the matter with Jimmy?B: He fill.2.Jimmy looks ill. We must cthe doctor.3.I cant rwhere I put my pen.4.Jimmy opens his mouth and shows the doctor his t.5.He has a bad cold, so he must stay in bed fa week.6.That s good nfor Jimmy.7.Wdo you come

2、 late? Because I didn t catch the bus.8.She has a headache. So she must tan aspirin.9.You must see a dwhen you have a toothache.10. Jimmy feels hot. Lets take his t.二用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1.Jane(have) a stomach ache today.2.Must he(go) to bed?3.The foodnot(taste) delicious.4.The doctor wants Jimmy(open)

3、 his mouth.5.Fathernot(remember) the doctor s telephone number.6.Open your mouth and(show) me your tongue.7.Jimmy(take) the medicine? No, he doesn t.8.George is going(see) a doctor tomorrow.9.Howthe cupboard(look)? It looks terrible.10. That s good news for Jimmy because henot(like) school.三选择填空( 20

4、 分)() 1. Where is Jim? He sbed.A. onB. inC. on theD. in the() 2. Whats the matter with Jimmy? Heill.A. feelB. feelsC. to feelD. feeling() 3. Jimmy looks ill. Wethe doctor.A. must callB. callC. callsD. calling() 4.we call the doctor? Yes, you must.A. CanB. MustC. DoD. Are() 5.you any cheese? No, we h

5、avent.A. DoB. HaveC. HasD. Must() 6. Tomfootball. Hefootball now.A. likes, is playingB.like,isplayC. liking , playing D.like ,play() 7.he remember the doctor s telephone number? Yes, he can.A. DoesB. CanC. MustD. Do() 8. Open your mouth. Showyour tongue.A. IB. myC. meD. mine() 9. Mr. William has a b

6、ad cold, So he must stay in beda week.A. inB. onC. forD. /() 10. Lucy and IChinese food.A. areall likeB.bothlikeC.all are likeD.alllike() 11. Why is it good news for Jimmy?he doesn t like school.A. BecauseB. OrC. AndD. So() 12. Susana headache.A. is havingB. haveC. hasD. does() 13. George is ill. He

7、 mustsome medicine.A. eatB. haveC. takeD. has() 14. Jane musta doctor. She has mumps.A. visitB. seeC. look atD. calls() 15. I like you, France. Let sfriends, Ok?A. doB. makeC. haveD. get() 16. Where is my bike? I can tit.A. findB. lookC. look atD. lookfor() 17. The student plays footballFriday after

8、noon.A. onB. atC. inD. of() 18. Whose room is this?A. The twinsB. The twin sC. The twinsD.The twin() 19.your family with you in England? No, they are in China.A. IsB. DoesC. DoD. Are() 20.your father work here?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are四用所给动词适当形式填空(10 分)1. My mother(do) house work everyday.2. We someti

9、mes(stay) at home.3. My father(drive) a German car now.4.Canadians(speak) French, too?5. Where is your father? He(make) a kite in the room.6. Her friendnot(work) in Beijing.7. Can you(carry) the heavy box?8. Jane(have) a stomach-ache.9. He must(see) a dentist.10. Jimmy has mumps. Let s(call) the doc

10、tor.五句型转换(10 分)1. Tom is in bed. (就划线部分提问 )Tom?2. She has two children. (改为一般疑问句 )shetwo children?3.My brother likes the blue car. (就划线部分提问 )caryour brother?4.Jimmy feels ill. (就划线部分提问 )Jimmy?5.Jane must drink some medicine. (改为一般疑问句 )Janeany medicine?6.Jim must stay in bed for a week. (就划线部分提问 )mus

11、t Jim stay in bed?7.I would like a glass of water. (改为一般疑问句 )youa glass of water?8.France has flu. (就划线部分提问 )is thewith France?9.We must call the doctor.(就划线部分提问 )Must we?10. They are playing in the garden. (变为否定句 )Theyin the garden.六 根据汉语提示完成句子(10 分)1. Jimmy 感觉不舒服。Jimmynotwell.2. 我们必须叫医生。Wethe doct

12、or.3. Jimmy 的妈妈没有记住医生的电话号码。Jimmy s mothernotthe doctors phone number.4. Tom 患了重感冒。Toma bad.5. 那对我来说是个好消息。That is goodfor.6. 看牙医,因为他牙痛。7. Jimmy 必须卧床一周。Jimmy mustin beda.8. 那个鸡蛋嗅起来糟糕。That egg.9. 那个苹果派吃起来怎么样?Howthe apple pie?10. 今天看上去多云。Ittoday.七 补全对话( 10 分)A: What s1your hand?B: 2 a photo of my family

13、.A: Who is he?B:3my grandfather. He s very old.A: Are they4father and mother?B: Yes, they are.My Dad is5driverand Mumis a teacher6A: Is your brother7them?B: No, I haven t8brothers.I9havea sister.She isnEnglish. t in the photo10 me.A: Oh, you are still a little boy.八完形填空( 10 分)Pl

14、antsare veryimportantlivingthings.Life1notgo on2plants. This is because plants are3 food from air, water and sunlight.Animals and man can t do 4 . Some animals get their food by eating plants and5animals. Man gets6 food by eating plants and animals7. Soanimalsand man8plantsin orderto live.Thisiswhy

15、we find9thereare so many10around us.() 1.A. mayB. mustC. canD. need() 2.A. byB. withC. inD. without() 3.A. makeB. haveC. bringD. find() 4.A. suchB. soC. workD. much()5.A. otherB.othersC.the otherD.another() 6.A. hisB. herC. itsD. their() 7.A. norB. neitherC. soD. too() 8.A. wantB. wantsC. whatD. tha

16、t() 9.A. itB. whichC. whatD. that() 10. A. animalsB. plantsC. airD. water九阅读理解( 10 分)Xiao Ling is a school girl. She is eleven. She lives in Jilin. She studies inNo.5 Middle School.Xiao Ling gets up at six. She reads English and Chinese in the morning. She hasbreakfast at seven. After that she goes

17、to school with her friends. They have four lessons in the morning and two in afternoon. In the evening she does her homework.A 根据短文内容回答问题:1. How old is Xiao Ling?She.2. Where does she live?She lives.3. When does she read English?She reads Englishthe.4. What does she do at seven in the morning?Sheat seven in the morning.5. Where does she study?She studies inMiddle school.B 根据短文内容判断正(T)误( F)() 6.Xiao Ling is a shop assistant.() 7.Xiao Ling gets up very late.() 8.She only reads English in the morning.() 9.She goes shopping after breakfast.() 10. She watches TV in the evening.


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