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1、1 高二英语作业(高二英语作业(8 8)M5M5 Unit2Unit2 TheThe environmentenvironment 一一 单选题单选题 1. _how to pronounce the word, he stopped_ a dictionary. A. Not knowing; to referB. knowing not; look it up in C. Not to know; to turn toD. Not knowing, to look it up in 2. _ allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at h

2、alf price. A. Other thanB. More than C. Better thanD. Rather than 3. He is a man_. A. to be relyedB. to be relyed on C. to be relied onD. to be relied 4. I felt_ to see her_ face A. disappointing; disappointedB. disappointing; disappointing C. disappointed; disappointingD. disappointed; disappointed

3、 5. Winter vacation _,I cant wait to go back home. A. comingB. on the way C. approachingD. A、B laying; had laidB. lay; lying; had laid C. laid; lay; had lainD. lay; lied; has laid 12. The book is said to _ into several languages already. A. translateB. be translated C. have translatedD. have been tr

4、anslated 13. Realizing that he hadnt enough money and _ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch. 2 A. not wantedB. not to wantC. not wantingD. wanting not 14. Kathy_ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls. A. picked upB. took upC. made upD. turned up 15. You are s

5、aying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree. A. whyB. whereC. whatD. how 16. _ food and clothes, people all over the country gave those in flooded areas money. A. In additionB. In addition toC. ExceptD.Except for 17. What will the world use for power when it _ oil? A. run out ofB.

6、is running out of C. has run out ofD. ran out of 18.My brother is not good at speaking. I suggest_ English for two hours every day. A. him practicingspeakingB. him to speak C. he speakingD. his practicing to speak 19. Never before_ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today. A. has

7、this city beenB. this city has been C. was this cityD. this city was 20. The old lays hand shook frequently . She explained to her doctor _ this shaking had begun half a year before, and_, only because of this ,she had been forced to give up her job. A. when; howB. how; whenC. how; howD. why; why 二

8、单词拼写 1. His book presents a new a _ to the problem. 2. The Yangze River is home to a d_ range of fish and animals. 3. The teacher arranged the students to d_ about this issue in pairs. 4. She is in a difficult s_ and doesnt know what to do. 5. A dentist i_ the pupils teeth twice a week. 6. It is tha

9、t chemical factory that gives off a lot of _(有毒) gases . 7. What an a_ scene! 8. M_ should be taken to stop people killing the precious animals. 9. Fresh fruit is_ (有益处)to our health. 10. Are you_(愿意)to be my assistant? 11. Taking care of a family is a big_(责任). 12. For more information_(关于)the club

10、 contact me, please. 13. My lawyer_(评估)the value of my company at 700,000. 14. We _(感谢)your efforts for the development of the company. 15. Spending less money is the_(明显的)answer to his financial problems. 三 完成句子 1.作为一个经济学家,我经济被人们认为是对环境作对的人士 3 _ an economist, Im often_ _ _ _ the environment. 2. 他们认为

11、贪婪的商人们逃避自己的保护环境的责任,只考虑金钱。 They think of_ businessmen_ _ their_ _ the environment and only_ _ money. 3. 我生活的目标是为下一代保护环境。 My aim is_ _ _ _ for_ _. 4. 我们发展经济的同时必须考虑环境保护问题。 We have to_ environmental protection_ _ when_ the_. 5. 快速的工农业发展以及急速的人口增长意味着不仅来自河流的用水量不断增加, 而 且正被排入河水中的废水也一直在增加。 Rapid_ and_ develop

12、ment_ huge population growth has meant that_ _ _ the amount of water_ _ the river_ _ the waste_ _ _into the river has also been_. 6. 这也对当地生态系统产生危害,致使许多植物和动物死亡。 It has also had_ _ _ the ecology of the area,_ many plants and animals. 7. 这项工程使得农民除去庄稼,种上了树木和草皮。 The project_ _ farmers_ the crops on their

13、 farmland _ treesandgrass . 8. 船只被禁止进入这个地区为了保护海豚的安全。 The boats are_. 9. 此外,捕捞船正在将大量的海洋生物赶尽杀绝。这坐捕捞船捕捞大量的鱼类,根本 不让它们有产卵的时间。 _ _, many sea creatures_ _ _ _ by fishing boats, They catch large numbers of fish _ _ them time_ _ eggs. 10. 目前的世界人口与 1800 年相比,已经增长到那时的六倍多。 The worlds population has_ _morethan si

14、x times_ _ _ in 1800. 11. 但有一点我非常赞同,循环利用或许是对两者都有利的解决办法。 But I_ agree that_ may be the_ _ _ both sides. 四 用动词的形式填空 1. They didnt mind_(I watch)TV. 2. The man_ himself Mr Li is our teacher. The man_ Mr Li is our teacher (call). 3. Unless_, I wont attend the party. Without_ , I wont attend the party. (

15、invite) 4. The man was reported_(invent)the new machine recently. 5. The question_ tomorrow is difficult to solve.(discuss) 4 The question_ last week is difficult to sole.(discuss) The question_ now is difficult to solve.(discuss) 6._ hard, and youll succeed.(study) _hard, you will succeed. _ (impro

16、ve) his English, he studied hard. 7. Dont you forget me_(tell) his telephone number. 8. He suggested us_(go) shopping He suggested we_(go) shopping. 9. All went to the party,_ me . All went to the party, me_.(include) 10. The man ate up the_ food.(remain). The man ate up the food_ (leave). 11. _(suf

17、fer) such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. 12. The picture_(hang) on the wall is painted by my nephew. 13. The flowers_ sweet in garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(smell) 14. _(wait) in the queue for an hour, Tom realized he had left his wallet

18、 at home. 15. Janes_(come) late again made Mr Zhang angry. 高二英语作业(高二英语作业(8 8) DDCDDBDBCC BDCABBCAAC approachdiversebebatesituationinspectsrose/ rise awfulmeasuresbeneficialwilling/readyresponsibility concerningassessedappreciateobvious 1. Asseen as being against2. greedyhiding from responsibilitiest

19、o thinking anout 3. to protect the enviromentfuture generations 4. takeinto considerationdeveloping economy 5. agricultural industrialplusnot only istaken from rising but being put backincreasing 6. harmful effects onkilling 7. resulted inreplacingwith 8. prohibited from entering this areas in order

20、 to keep the dolphins safe. 9. In additionare being wiped out without givingto lay 10 . grown towhat it was 11. dorecycling key to helping 四: 1. me /my watching2. callingcalled3. invitedbeing invited 4. to have invented5. to be discussed/discussed/being discussed 6. StudyStudyingTo improve7. being told8. goinggo 9. includingincluded10. remainingleft11. Having suffered 12. hanging13. smelling14. Having waited15. coming


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