09 三大从句之名词从句.pdf

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《09 三大从句之名词从句.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《09 三大从句之名词从句.pdf(29页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 逻辑英语第二阶第5、6集 三大从句之名词从句 讲师:钟平PKU (状 1) 主(定1 )谓(状2 )(宾)(定2 状1) (状1定1)主(状2)谓(定2) (宾) (状1) 第一部分:复习 朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。 在云彩飘扬的早晨离开白帝城,一天就回到了千里之外的江陵。 长江两岸的猴子一直在叫嚷,我的小船已经越过了好多大山。 在云彩飘扬的早晨离开白帝城,一天就回到了 千里之外的江陵。 长江两岸的猴子一直在叫嚷,我的小船已经越 过了好多大山。 在云彩飘扬的早晨离开白帝城,我一天就回到了千里之 外的江陵。 Having left the BAIDI c

2、ity on a morning decorated by fancy clouds, I returned within one day to Jiangling a thousand miles away. 长江两岸的猴子一直在叫嚷,我的小船已经越过了好多 大山。 With monkeys along the banks of the river shouting, my boat had passed through mountains. 在云彩飘扬的早晨离开白帝城,我一天就回到了千里之外 的江陵。 Having left the BAIDI city on a morning deco

3、rated by fancy clouds, I returned within one day to Jiangling a thousand miles away. 长江两岸的猴子一直在叫嚷,我的小船已经越过了好多大 山。 With monkeys along the banks of the river shouting, my boat had passed through mountains. 这是一场没有硝烟的战争。 第二部分 名词从句 名词从句概念: 主语或者宾语是句子 That you love her is a lie. I think that she is right.

4、That 功能 喘口气 + 只有陈述 What your name is is a secret. I know what you think. It is -that That you love her is a lie. It is a lie that you love her. It is strange why you left. You have to find out who can help you. You have to find out a person who can help you. 同位语从句 She hates the idea that we should a

5、bandon her. Being interested in the relationship of the language and thought,Whorf developed the idea that the structure of the language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society. If (whether ) I dont know whether (if )she will come (or not ). Whether she will come is a question. 宾语从句的反问: I never thought that he would come for the dinner party, -? She is pretty, isnt she? We believe you can do it, -? 钟平PKU 钟平老师QQ 26735509 钟平老师微信zhongpingyingyu2 助理QQ 2770319995 微博:有道钟平钟叔工作室 答疑妈 关注微信公众号: 有道逻辑英语 钟叔带你, 一个公式读懂天下英文


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