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1、Task 1: 1. (OG, 讲义 p5) Describe a class you have taken in school and explain why the class was important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation. Among all the classes Ive taken, the biology class I took in high school was very important to me. Firstly, Ive always been inter

2、ested in biology for many years. The biology class from my high school made me like it more, so that I even chose to go on learning it in the university as my major. Secondly, the teacher of that class was such a good teacher, who cared about her students at all times. She bought me lunch on a rainy

3、 day which made me really touched. Finally, I did a lot of experiments in this class, which made it different from other classes. Therefore, the biology class Ive taken in my high school was important to me. 2. (TPO 3) What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why these c

4、haracteristics are important to you. I think good parents should have the following characteristics, which my mom has. Apparently, I believe my mom is such a great parent. First of all, she is such a hard-working woman who always works till very late at night. She even learned French when she was 40

5、 years old. So that really gives me the passion and determination to study well. Furthermore, my mom is very considerate. Shes a teacher and always treats her students like her own children. Last but not least, my mom is a positive person that she always sees the glass as half full, not half empty.

6、Whenever I feel frustrated or disappointed about something, I think of my mother. 3. (TPO 1) Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. The book I have read that infl

7、uenced me deeply is The Old Man and The Sea. This is definitely a famous book, and Ive read it many times. People often talk about its success and encouragement the book gives to them. This book told us a story about an old man who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lots of difficulties on t

8、he sea and came back without a single fish, he was optimistic and still held the hope. This story is like a mirror which reflects what (Hemingway) wanted to tell all of us: Never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. People who read the book told me that the story makes p

9、eople believe there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief. 4. (TPO 7) If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit? Using details and examples, explain why. I would like to suggest my friends go to my hometow

10、n Sanya, which is a coastal city that has many beautiful beaches. First of all, Sanya has very charming landscape. I mean, the sky there is very blue and the sun shines on the beach. I feel so relaxed on the beach, especially when the sun is setting down, and the seabirds are singing. Also, my frien

11、ds could go swimming if theyd like to. Its a good way of keeping fit. Swimming in the sea feels different from doing it in the pool. I prefer swimming in the sea because it feels more free. Last but not least, the seafood there is very delicious. For example, I can enjoy tasty shrimps, squids, salmo

12、ns, and crabs after my exercise. Task 2: 5.(OG,讲义 P6)Some universities require first-year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better for first- year students and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. As fa

13、r as Im concerned, its better for university freshmen to live on campus. First of all, for university first-year students, its more convenient to live in the dormitories, since they can have meal and go to the supermarket on campus. Because they are not familiar of the situation around campus, they

14、dont have to go far away off campus to do grocery shopping. Furthermore, its much safer to live on campus. As we know, every university has its own Security Office which can guarantee the safety of the students. Also, living on campus is relatively cheaper than living out, especially in my country.

15、Therefore, I prefer the first-year university students should live on campus. 6. (TPO 3) Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why. I prefer to work on assignments individually. There are two reas

16、ons. Firstly, I like to be in a quiet place while studying. If I study in a group, I will easily be interrupted by other group members who talk about irrelevant things. The second reason is that Id like to think independently. Studying individually gives me enough time to develop my own ideas. When

17、studying in a group, Im afraid I will be distracted by others opinions and thoughts. Like last week, I worked in a group to solve math problems. It turned out that many problems were solved by others not by myself. I felt very unhappy about it. 7. (TPO 11, TPO 2 相似) Some people think that children s

18、hould be allowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think that parents should exercise control over the television programs their children watch. Which do you agree with? Explain why. Personally, I think parents should supervise what their children watch on TV. The reasons

19、are as follow. Firstly, TV is always flooded with lots of criminal and violent scenes, which are especially bad for children. Parents should prevent them from watching those scenes because they might try to imitate the actions and put them into use. Secondly, parents should also limit the amount of

20、time children watch TV. If children always watch TV, they might end up having poor eyesight. Also, people call those who are overindulgent in watching TV couch potatoes simply because if one spends too much time watching TV shows, he might become obese which is so bad for his health. 8. (TPO 4) Many

21、 universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why. I think learning in traditional classrooms is better. First of all, I think there are more personal interactions in traditional

22、 classrooms than in online courses. Students can have in-person discussions while they can see each other. Possibly, people can become friends in class, whereas in the online courses, students dont know each other, and they miss a chance of making friends. Also, in a traditional classroom, if a stud

23、ent doesnt understand a concept or an idea, they can raise their hand to ask the teacher directly. While in an online course, there is no chance for students to throw out questions immediately. Students in traditional classrooms not only learn the academic knowledge but also learn basic interpersona

24、l interactions. 9. (2015.2.1) Some people think wearing fashionable clothes is important, while others not. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. For me, wearing so-called fashionable clothes is not as important, and people shouldnt care much how other pe

25、ople view them based on what they wear. I think true fashion is about what looks best on you and makes you feel best. It isnt a brand or a certain style that makes you good-looking. I feel like people should find their own style that they like. People often forget that they are beautiful by being th

26、emselves and expressing their inner self! Furthermore, people who dress up fashionably often spend a tremendous amount of time in researching and catching up on the latest trends. In my opinion, that might make people more and more anxious about their appearance and also waste too much time. 10. (20

27、14.8.9 NA) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Environmental protection is as important as economic development. Use details and examples to support your response. I think environmental protection is definitely as important as economic development, if not, more important than the

28、latter one. We have already wasted and destroyed big amounts of natural resources. We must preserve the earth for our children and grandchildren. In any case, poverty and environmental damage are often linked. For example, polluted water can lead to crop failures. Another reason why the environment

29、is so important is because it is a source of natural beauty. Research shows that nature plays a key role in humans both physical and mental health. Simply, a beautiful and well-protected environment just makes people and their life happier and more enjoyable. Unfortunately our planet is in danger. M

30、any species of animals and plants are almost in distinction, and more and more of our beautiful lands are disappearing as new buildings and factories are built. 11. (TPO 27) Talk about a popular actor, musician, or artist whose work you do not admire. Explain why you do not like this persons work. U

31、se specific details and reasons in your response. Well, first of all I have to say this is a very interesting question. But the actress I choose to talk about is Miley Cyrus. I dont think she really knows how to act; instead, she has a really strong family background, whose father is a very wealthy

32、man. To me it seems like she became successful because of her family. I admire the ones who become famous singers and actors through their own effort, not her. Plus, Miley Cyrus often dresses inappropriately, even when she was a teenage star. That has a negative influence on her audience who look up

33、 to her as a role model. Task 3: 12. (OG) The university is planning to increase the tuition and fees. In this dialogue, the woman agrees with the idea mentioned in the reading passage. First of all, she thinks that since the students are more than before, classes become crowded and bigger. Thus, it

34、s hard to get the personal attention. So she feels its necessary to go up tuition and fees in order to hire more professors. Secondly, she continues saying that the students should pay more tuition and fees to upgrade the experiment equipment. Specifically, the facilities are so limited and outdated

35、. And there isnt enough equipment. Therefore, without good practice on experiment, its hard to say if students after graduation are able to find jobs. In conclusion, the woman agrees on increasing tuition and fees. 13. (Hot Breakfasts Eliminated) The universitys Dining Services plan not to serve hot

36、 breakfast food anymore. They decide to only serve cold breakfast food. The woman in the conversation thinks the change is ridiculous. First of all, she thinks whether something is hot or cold doesnt necessarily mean it is healthy. She says that on a really cold morning, a nice warm omelette is appa

37、rently better than a bowl of cold cereal. Secondly, she thinks the change will not help save money. Because if the students cant get what they want from dining hall, they will go off-campus, they have to pay off-campus price, which is more expensive. So this change will not help save money but actua

38、lly end up costing more. 14. (Evening Computer Classes May Be Added) The Computer Department plans to add evening computer classes because daytime computer classes have become overcrowded. But the man in the conversation thinks its a bad proposal. First of all, the man says that most of the students

39、 have already got their own plans in the evenings. They have jobs, family, clubs and social events, so they wont have time to attend the evening classes. The man also says that its actually going to cost more to open evening classes than to simply buy more computers, since to open new classes needs

40、to hire new teachers and keep the building open late. However, computer is not expensive now. Plus, the computer classrooms are big enough to hold more computers. 15. (Housing Renovations Planned) The college is planning to renovate the dormitories in order to attract more students to remain on camp

41、us. The woman thinks the plan is a mistake. First of all, the woman says that the constructions will create too much noise and will constantly disturb students who are now living on campus. So its possible that more students will choose to live off-campus. She also says that the new campus housing i

42、s going to cost more because the college plans to use the students housing fees to pay for the renovations. So students wont be able to afford to live on campus. They may still choose to rent an apartment off-campus. So the college may not achieve its goal to attract more students to remain on campu

43、s. 16. (University Should Allow Eating in Class) The writer proposes that university should allow students to eat in the classroom so that students can concentrate better and can have in-class parties on the last day of class. The man doesnt think the proposal is a good idea. Firstly, the man thinks

44、 that although it indeed helps the person who eats snacks to concentrate, others will be disturbed and interfered by the eating noise. So other students cant pay attention with all the eating noise around. For its second reason, the man says its not appropriate to have parties in the last class, bec

45、ause the last class is very important. Students do reviews for the final exam. If they spend time doing other things, they wont be well-prepared. Task 4 17. (Animal Domestication) In this lecture, the professor gives two examples to illustrate the suitability of animals for domestication. The first

46、example is horses. Horses live in herds hierarchically. In the herd of horses, the alpha male leads the herd, followed by its females and their young. Herds can occupy overlapping areas without fighting. In this way, horses are easy to be domesticated. The other example, however, shows that antelope

47、s are very territorial animals, which will fight ferociously to keep other males from entering their own domains. Furthermore, antelopes are not hierarchical, since they dont follow any leaders. This makes antelopes difficult to be controlled. Therefore, these examples explained how domestication su

48、itability depends on animal behavior. 18. (Heart Valve Replacement) In this lecture, the professor talks about two different kinds of heart valves. One type of heart valves is called the porcine valve. Its made from a pig, because pig valves are natural and easy to be adapted by the human body. Afte

49、r surgery, patients need little treatment. However, this kind of valve doesnt last more than a decade. This makes it an ideal choice for elderly patients. The other heart valve option is an artificial one, which is made of plastic and metal. These valves can last much longer than pig valves. Unfortunately, they can also cause blood clots. For this reason, patients have to take medication continuously after the surgery. Because the medication is hard for the body to handle, artificial heart valves are more suitable for younger patients. In summa


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