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1、现在完成时专项练习|现在完成时练习(一)一、 单项选择。1、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they _whats happened to him .(呼和浩特). knew . have known . must know .will know2、He has _ been to Shanghai , has he ?. already .never .ever . still3、Have you met Mr Li _?. just . ago .before . a moment ago4、The famous writer _ one new boo

2、k in the past two years . is writing .was writing .wrote .has written5、Our country _ a lot so far .Yes . I hope it will be even _ . has changed ; well . changed ; good. has changed ; better . changed ; better6、Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years . was ; studying . will ; study. has ; stu

3、died . are ; studying7、We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl . know . had known . have known . knew8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice . will see . have seen . saw .see9、These farmers have been to the United States .Really ? When _ there ?. will they go . did they go. do they go . hav

4、e they gone10、_ you _ your homework yet ?Yes . I _ it a moment ago . Did ; do ; finished . Have ; done ; finished. Have ; done ; have finished . will ; do ; finish11、 His father _ the Party since 1978 . joined . has joined . was in . has been in12、Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten

5、years ago . were . have been . have become . have made13、How long have you _ here ?About two months . been . gone . come . arrived14、Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes . has begun . had begun. has been on . began15、 It _ ten years since he left the army . is . has . will . was16、 Miss Green isnt i

6、n the office . she_ to the library .has gone . went .will go . has been17、My parents _ Shandong for ten years . have been in . have been to. have gone to . have been18、The students have cleaned the classroom, ?A. so they B. dont they C. have they D. havent they19、 has Mr White been a member of Green

7、er China since he to China?A. How soon, comes B. How often, gotC. How long, came D. How far, arrived20、 His uncle_for more than 9 years.A. has come here B. has started to workC. has lived there D. has left the university二、 句型转换。1、He has never surfed, ?(改成反意疑问句)2、They have been here since 2000. (对划线部

8、分提问)_they been here?3、The old man _ last year. Hefor a year. (die) (动词填空)4、This factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换)This factory _ for twenty years.5、Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换)Miss Gao _ _ _ _ an hour ago.6、Her mother has been a Party member for three years .(同义句)Her mother _ the Party th

9、ree years _ .7、The Green Family moved to France two years ago. (同义句转换)_ two years _ the Green family moved to France.8、The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago. (把两个句子合并成一个句子)_三、 汉译英。1、 吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了。2、 他昨天收到一封信。3、 我父亲以前到过长城。4、 她还没有看过那部新电影。5、 她去过上海。6、 他这些天上哪儿去了?参考答案:“last + 一段时间”等时间状语连用

10、。因为上述短语表示的是从现在起往前推算的一段时间,句中的动作是从过去某一时间或时刻开始持续到现在的。故4应选D。5、C6、现在完成时时常与“for +时间段或since +过去时间点”连用(含从句,从句过去时)。故6应选C。7、C8、现在完成时还与once(一次),twice(两次),three times(三次),several times(几次)等表示重复次数的词语连用。故8应选B。9、现在完成时与一般过去时容易混淆,就是因为它们所表示的动作都发生在过去,但二者又有区别:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作,说话的侧重点在于陈述一件过去的事情,与现在没有关系;现在

11、完成时表示与现在有关系的发生在过去的动作,它不与表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday , last week , a moment ago等)连用。故9的正确答案为B。10、B11、现在完成时中,非延续性动词不能与for和since引导的表示一段时间的状语连用,通常是用相应的延续性动词来代替。故11的正确答案依次为:D。12、B 13、A 14、C 15、A。16、“havehas been in + 地点”表示“在某地呆了多长时间”,常与表示时间的状语连用。“have/has been to +地点”表示“曾经去过某地(但现在已不在那儿)。”故16的正确答案为A。17、A 18、D 19

12、、C 20、C二、句型转换。1、has he? 2、How long 3、died, has been dead4、has been open 5、has been away 6、joined;ago7、It is, since 8、The bus has been here for ten minutes.三、汉译英。1、Jim has finished doing his homework already. He is free now.2、He received a letter yesterday.3、My father has been to the Great Wall before.4、She hasnt seen the new film yet.5、She has been to Shanghai.6、Where has he been these days?


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