01.Review of Units 14基础知识.doc

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1、Review of Units 1-4词句精讲精练 撰稿:白雪雁 审稿: 郭景华词汇精讲1. sound,voice与noise(1) sound可以指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声音。这个词的使用范围很大。可以说,大自然的任何“声音”都可以用sound。例如:Light travels much faster than sound. 光的传播速度比声音快得多。(2) noise意为“噪音、喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。例如:Dont make any noise! 别吵闹!The noise woke me up.噪音吵醒了我。(3) voice一般指人的声音,说话、唱歌、谈笑都

2、可用voice。sound和noise不仅能指人的声音,还可以表示别的动物发出的声音,而voice除了有时可指鸟的声音外,很少表示其它动物的声音。例如:The girl has a beautiful voice.那女孩嗓音很美。They are talking in low voices.他们正小声交谈。When the teacher came into the classroom,our monitor spoke in a loud voice,“Stand up!”老师走进教室时,班长大声喊:“起立!”2. invent (1) invent 作动词,意为“发明;创造”。 例如:Ed

3、ison invented the light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯。(2) invent还可以表示“虚构”。 例如:The whole story was invented. 整个故事是虚构的。(3) invent的名词形式有两个,一个是inventor(发明者;发明家),另一个是invention(发明物)。例如:Edison is a great inventor in history. 爱迪生是历史上伟大的发明家。Human history is also a history of great inventions. 人类的历史也是一个伟大发明的历史。【拓展】invent和di

4、scover辨析:(1) invent 意为“发明,发明之物”指“从无到有”。 例如:Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔在1876年发明了电话。(2) discover 意为“发现”,指“本来就已经存在,但不为人知”的事物。例如:Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。3. look uplook up 意为“(在词典或参考书中)查阅,检查”,其后跟名词作宾语,名词可放在look和up之间,也可放在look up 之后;如果代词作宾语,则只

5、能放在look和up之间。例如:Look up the word in the book, and you will know its meaning.在书中查查这个词,你就知道它的意思了。Please look them up in the dictionary carefully. 请仔细在词典中查一下它们。 【拓展】(1)look up意为“仰视;向上看”。例如:He looked up as I came into the room.我进入房间时,他抬起头来看了看。(2)look 的相关短语: look for寻找 look over (医生)仔细检查 look around 环顾四周

6、 look after照看 look at 看 look down on 看不起4. instead instead作副词,意为“代替,而不是”,常用作状语。例如:He is tired. Let me go instead. 他累了,让我替他去吧。She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day. 她从不学习,而是整天打网球。【拓展】 instead与instead of (1) instead是副词,后面不接其他的词,一般情况下可不译出,通常放在句首或句末,在句首时常用逗号隔开,表示前面的事没做,而做了后面的事。例如:He didnt

7、 go to school. Instead, he went to the cinema. 他没有去学校,相反他去了电影院。(2) instead of是介词短语,意为“代替,而不是”,后面可以跟与前面并列成分相应的名词、代词、动词-ing形式等作为介词宾语。例如:He went to the cinema instead of going to school. 他去了电影院而不是学校。5. number(1) number用作可数名词,意为“数字”。例如:We often use Arabic numbers in our daily life. 在我们的日常生活中,经常使用阿拉伯数字。(

8、2) number还可意为“号码”。如果放在数字的前面,常缩写为NO.例如:Her telephone number is 281-9176. 她的电话号码是218-9176.I study in NO. 4 middle school. 我在第四中学上学。【拓展】(1) a number of 意为“许多”,后面接可数名词的复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式。number前面可以用large,great,small等修饰,构成a large number of; a small number of等。例如:I have a number of letters to write. 我有许多信件要写。

9、A large number of students in our school are from the countryside. 我们学校许多学生来自农村。A small number of students in our class went swimming yesterday. 昨天我们班一小部分学生去游泳了。 (2) the number of意为“的数量”,后接可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:The number of people speaking Chinese is larger than that of those speaking English.说汉语的人数要

10、大于说英语的人数。6. seem(1)seem是系动词,它的意思是“似乎,仿佛”,后面用that或者as if引导的从句作表语,主语常用it。例如:It seems as if it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨。It seems that he likes his new job. 他看起来很喜欢他的新工作。 (2)seem的后面还可用“动词不定式、名词、现在分词、过去分词或者to be+形容词”作表语。例如:He seems to laugh at us. 他仿佛在嘲笑我们。He seems(to be) ill. 他似乎病了。7. dependdepend意思为“依靠

11、、依赖、取决于”等,只用作不及物动词,通常与介词 on, upon 连用,主要用法有:(1)depend on/upon某人或某物 例如: Whether well go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。 Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。(2)depend on/ upon从句 例如: Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not. 我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。 The

12、 amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。(3)口语中说 It (all) depends. /That depends.意为“那要看情况”。 例如: Are you going too? 你也去吗? That depends. 那要看情况。8. some与anysome与any都意为“一些”,既可修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,但它们的用法有所不同:some常用在肯定句中;any多用于否定句、疑问句中。例如:Give me some tea. 给我一些茶。Are there any desks in the clas

13、sroom? 教室里有课桌吗?There are not any cars on the road. 这条公路上没有小汽车。【拓展】(1)如果在提问时期待对方做出肯定回答或鼓励别人说yes时,疑问句中的不定代词用some,而不用any。例如:Would you like some coffee? 你想要些咖啡吗?(2)在强调“任何一个”意思的场合,any也可以用于肯定句中。例如:He likes any book in his fathers room. 他喜欢他爸爸房间里的任何一本书。词汇精练. 英汉词组互译。1. 灭绝 _ 6. at the end of _2. 手工 _ 7. in t

14、he center of _3. 在十九世纪早期 _ 8. one day _4. 上百万的 _ 9. a long time ago _5. 互相 _ 10. on the Internet _II. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。1His voice sounded _(angrily)2Remember _(not pollute) the river again3How much _(beef) do you have? About 200 grams4It doesnt matter _(come) here a little late5My father told

15、me _(write) a composition6We will make a _(decide) about the name at the next meeting7They arranged to have a picnic in two _(week) time8You will be _(response) for different sections9You never seem _(be) short of money10He lives alone and enjoys _(collect) thingsIII. 根据首字母提示补全句子。1The i_ of the cell

16、 phone was very important to the world2A few s_ will come to our school next week and tell us their inventions3What did he do in reply to your c_?4Today I want to play football i_ of playing basketball5Thomas Edison i_ more than one thousand inventions in the world6This shirt is very e_I cant afford

17、 it参考答案. 英汉词组互译。1. die out 2. by hand 3. in the early 19th century 4. millions of 5. each other 6. 在的最后 7. 在的中心 8. 一天 9. 很久以前 10. 在互联网上II. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。1angry 2not to pollute 3beef 4to come5to write 6decision 7weeks 8responsible9to be 10collecting III. 根据首字母提示补全句子。1invention 2scientists 3c

18、hallenge 4instead 5invented 6expensive句式精讲1. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. as.as中间加形容词或副词原形,表示同级的比较,意为“像一样”。例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。其否定式为not as/so as中间加形容词或副词原形,意为“不像一样”。例如:This dictionary is not as/so

19、 useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。2. They allow people to keep in touch withallow是动词,意为“允许,准许”,常用于allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事;allow doing sth.“允许做”。例如:My parents dont allow me to smoke. 我的父母不允许我抽烟。We dont allow eating in the classrooms. (我们)不允许在教室吃饭。Her boss doesnt allow her to use the telephone.

20、 她的老板不允许她使用电话。3. Just remember to think and to dream.remember作动词,意为“记得”。与forget意思相反。(1)remember to do sth.表示“记得要做某事”,事情还没有做。例如:Remember to turn off the light when you leave. 离开时记得关灯。(2)remember doing sth.表示“记得曾经做过某事”,事情已经做过了。例如:He remembered going to Shanghai with his parents when he was five years

21、old.他记得五岁时曾经和父母去过上海。【拓展】类似remember用法的动词还有:4. Some words have both a strong form and a weak form.句子中的both.and相当于一个连词,意思是“不但而且”,它可以连接两个名词、形容词或者介词短语等,如果连接两个主语的时候,谓语动词常用复数形式。例如:Both my father and mother are doctors. 我的父亲和母亲都是医生。He speaks both English and French. 他既会说英语还会说法语。【拓展】(1) both.and的否定短语是neither

22、nor,意思是“既不也不”。Its neither too cold nor too hot. 天气既不太冷也不太热。Neither boys nor girls are interested in it. 男孩子和女孩子对此都不感兴趣。(2) neithernor连接两个主语的时候,谓语动词要和最近的主语一致。Neither he nor I am a teacher.他不是老师,我也不是老师。5. .but it works at much faster speed than my old one.much faster.than是副词比较级句型,意为“比快多了”。修饰形容词和副词比较级的

23、词要用much, a lot, a little, a bit, far等,very不能和比较级连用。例如:The blouse I bought yesterday is a little less expensive.昨天我买的衬衣比较便宜。To play basketball is far more enjoyable to the boy.打篮球对于男孩子来说要有趣得多。【拓展】形容词/副词比较级 + than 句型 ,在than 后面的人称代词用主格或宾格均可。但是如果人称代词后有动词时,则只能用主格形式。例如:He is older than I / me. 他比我年龄大。Tom

24、found more red leaves than I did. 汤姆找到的红叶子比我多。句式精练I. 句型转换。1Daisy froze because she heard a loud voice(对划线部分提问) _ did Daisy _?2There are a few swimmers in the pool(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ are there in the pool?3It took him about five hours to operate on that patient(改为同义句) He _ about five hours _ on that pati

25、ent4I bought a mobile phone from him(改为同义句) He _ a mobile phone _ me5We decided to elect the chief editor(改为同义句) We _ _ _ to elect the chief editor6They should come here a little earlier(改为同义句) They _ come here a little earlier7He didnt stay at homeHe went to the movies(合并为一句) He went to the movies

26、_ _ _ at home8These books are very interesting(改为感叹句) _ _ these books are!9You should study as hard as possible(改为同义句) You should study as hard as _ _10Jill wasnt a suspect any longer(改为同义句)Jill was _ _ a suspectII. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 一些恐龙和鸡一样小,其他的则有十头大象那么大。_ _ were _ small _ chickens. _ were _ bi

27、g _ ten elephants.2. 恐龙突然全部灭绝了。_ all _ _ suddenly.3诗的每一行都有一定数量的音节。 Each line of the poem has _ _ _ _ syllables4常洗头发是聪明之举。 _ _ _ _ _ to wash your hair often5与中国相比,加拿大没有那么多人。 _ _ China,Canada doesnt have so many people6良好的健康状况依赖于良好的食物。 Good health _ _ good food7从那时起,俄国的汽车销售额几乎减少了一半。 _ _,Russian car sa

28、les have nearly halved8他们总是通过书信保持联系。 They always _ _ _ _ each other by letter9白天的气温将保持在零度以上。 The temperature will stay above zero _ _ _10. 这个苹果的七分之五已经变坏了。_ _ the apple has gone bad already.III.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。A. She likes reading and drawing. B. But some people say that we look the same.C. What else

29、 do you like about Helen?D. What about you?E. Harry is more athletic than me.Mike: Who is your best friend, Connie?Connie: Helen.Mike: Why?Connie: Because she likes to do the same things as I do.1_Mike: Do you like reading and drawing, too?Connie: Yes, I do.Mike: 2_Connie: She is more outgoing than

30、me. I am a little bit quiet. 3_Who is your best friend?Mike: My best friend is Harry.Connie: Is he like you?Mike: No, he isnt. 4_ And Im more outgoing. 5_Connie: Oh, I also think you look the same.参考答案I. 句型转换。1Why,freeze 2How many swimmers 3spent,operating 4sold,to 5made a decision6ought to 7instead of staying 8How interesting 9you can 10no longer II. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. Some dinosaurs;as;as;Others;as;as2. Dinosaurs;died out3a set number of4It is wise of you5Compared with6depends on 7Since then8keep in touch with9in the daytime10. Five-sevenths ofIII. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。1-5 ACDEB


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