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1、Reading Comprehension 4Questions 1 - 5 are based on the following passage: Bobby and his master, farmer John Gray, were familiar sights in Edinburgh. Every Wednesday after a visit to market and exactly as the time-gun boomed one oclock, the two would enter Traills Dining Room for their midday meal,

2、a frugal lunch for Gray, and a bun for Bobby. Then in 1858, the schedule was interrupted. Farmer Gray died. Three days after the funeral exactly at one oclock, Traill found himself looking into a pair of beseeching canine eyes. Bobby got his bun and disappeared. This was repeated for several days un

3、til Traills curiosity got the better of him. He followed the small terrier as he left and raced to his masters grave. There he remained each day, fair or foul, despite the efforts of dog-loving townspeople to give him a new home. The graveyard caretaker, while sympathetic, was at first not so willin

4、g to let him in. But Bobbys devotion and fidelity were so great that the caretaker provided Bobby with a shelter close to the grave to protect him from bad weather. Then, after nine years, Bobby was arrested as a vagrant because he had no license. The restaurant keeper appeared in court with Bobby.

5、He was released by merciful justice. But just to make sure the law could not touch him. Lord Provost William Chambers paid Bobbys fee each year and presented him with a brass-plated collar inscribed Grey friars, Bobby from The Lord Provost, 1876, Licensee. After that.Greyfriars Bobby was allowed to

6、keep his lonely vigil undisturbed. He never varied his mealtime. Each day he left the graveyard as the gun roared one oclock to pick up his bun and take it back to eat at his masters side. He must have been really hardy for he lived until 1872, having kept to his solitary post for fourteen long year

7、s. He was buried in Greyfriars, of course, in a flower bed near John Grays tombstone.1. An appropriate title for the passage could be _. A) Traills Dining Room B) Farmer John Gray C) Bobby the Faithful D) Lord Provost William Chambers 1. C)文章主要讲了一条名叫“Bobby”的义犬的故事,因此宜以 Bobby the Faithful为题。2. The phr

8、ase familiar sights in the first sentence is nearest in meaning to _. A) people who are familiar with the surroundings B) people who enjoy sightseeing C) people who have very good eye-sights D) people or objects that are often seen around by others 2. D)“familiar sights”原意为“熟悉的景象”,从上下文看显然是指人们“经常能看到的

9、人或物”。3. The phrase fair or foul in the second paragraph is used to describe _. A) the graveyard B) the weather C) Bobby D) Traill 3. B)fair or foul紧接在 each day之后,作修饰语,表示“不论天气好坏”之意。4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned or implied about Bobby? A) Bobby had refused to live in other peoples home. B

10、) Bobby was devoted and faithful to his master. C) Bobby was once arrested because he did something wrong. D) Bobby was protected by Lord Provost William Chambers until his death. 4. C) 第三段第一句“Bobby was arrestedbecause he had no license,”并非由于它干了什么错事。5. From the passage, we know that Bobby was _. A)

11、John Grays servant B) a dog C) a vagrant D) John Grays son 5. B)从“master”(第一段第一句)“canine eyes”(第二段第三句)和“terrier”(第六句)等词,可推断出Bobby是一条狗。Questions 6 - 10 are based on the following passage: (Words: ) It is curious how often sympathy for the old and infirm takes a form which actually humiliates them. Th

12、eir friends, or mere acquaintances, wishing to show good will, paw them, sometimes leaning forward to rearrange their neckwear, pulling at their shawl, touching their hair or patting their faces things they would never presume to do, unasked, to one of their contemporaries. An equally humiliating ha

13、bit of many people who are quite unconscious of being rude is to talk about old people in front of them, as if they were not there, discussing their health, or making playful remarks on the lines of Well, nurse, has she been a good girl today? It is now universally accepted that children should be e

14、ncouraged to do as much as they can for themselves in order to develop their brains and muscles, but so few people today seem to have time to allow the elderly the same means of keeping their minds and muscles active. With what they believe to be unselfish kindness they perform innumerable services

15、for them that they would be much better left to do, even with a struggle, for themselves. Convenient flats, well-run homes, motherly visitors, or organised entertainments cannot make up for the fundamental need which must be satisfied the need to retain to the end of life human dignity and the respe

16、ct of ones fellows. 6. Many people are not aware that it is rather rude to A) talk casually about old people in front of them as if they were not there B) pat old people in their face C) rearrange the neckwear for the old D) pull at old peoples shawls 6. A)见第二段第一句:“An equally humiliating habit of ma

17、ny pepple who are quite unconscious of being rude”。7. According to the passage the old would very much like to _. A) keep themselves to themselves B) live in comfortable and well-furnished flats C) keep human dignity D) get unselfish help from their friends and relatives 7. C)文章最后一段明确指出“the fundamen

18、tal need”是“to retain to the end of life human dignity and the respect of ones fellows”。8. The author suggests that_. A) too much sympathy will inevitably humiliate the old B) kindness and unselfish help are not necessarily what the old need C) the old should be left to do all they can by themselves

19、D) to the old, the friends and relatives respect is, at least, as important as their concern 8. D) A)、B)及C)三项内容均在文中直接陈述出来,并非作者“暗示”(suggest)的内容。只有D)项是作者言词暗含的内容。9. If the old are left to do as much as they can for themselves,_. A) they may keep human dignity and enjoy the respect of the fellows B) the

20、y wont feel hurt or humiliated C) they will be able to develop their brains and muscles D) they will be able to keep their minds and muscles active 9. D)见第三段第一句:“It is now universally accepted that children should be encouraged to do as much as they can for themselves in order to develop their brain

21、s and muscles”10. It can safely be concluded from the passage that _ is what the old value most. A) retention of human dignity B) sincere concern C) genuine generosity D) timely service 10. A)文章的最后一段列举物质条件、亲友关心等,都不能弥补这一基本需要(the fundamental need),说明这一需要(即 retention of human dignity)为最为老人珍视。Questions

22、11 - 15 are based on the following passage: (Words: ) The fact that blind people can see things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about colour. If they can sense colour differences then perhaps we, too, are affected by colour unconciously.

23、 Manufacturers have discovered by trial and error that sugar sells badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered unpleasant, and the cosmetics should never be packaged in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole discipline of colour psychology that now finds application in everyth

24、ing from fashion to interior decoration. Some of our preferences are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the colour of the night sky and therefore associated with passivity and calm,while yellow is a day colour with associations of energy and incentive. For primitive man, activity during the day mea

25、nt hunting and attacking, while he soon saw as red, the colour of blood and rage and the heat that came with effort. And green is associated with passive defence and self-preservation. Experiments have shown that colours, partly because of their physiological associations, also have a direct psychol

26、ogical effect. People exposed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat, and blood pressure; red is exciting. Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite effect;it is a calming colour. Because of its exciting connotations,red was chosen as the signal for danger, but closer analysis show

27、s that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alertness and alarm, so fire engines and ambulances in some advanced communities are now rushing around in bright yellow colours that stop the traffic dead. 11. Manufacturers found out that colour affects sales _. A) by experience over a long p

28、eriod of time B) by experimenting with different colours C) by trying out colour on blind people D) by developing the discipline of colour psychology 11. A)第二段第 一句“by trial and error”是指“通过长时间的反复试验、不断摸索”之意,而B)项却是“用不同色彩作实验”之意,故非文章原意。12. Our preferences for certain colours are _. A) associated with the

29、 time of day B) dependent on our character C) linked with our primitive ancestors D) partly due to psychological factors 12. D)见第二段第三句“Some of our preferences are clearly psychological.”。13. If people are exposed to bright red, which of the following things does NOT happen? A) They breathe faster. B

30、) They feel afraid. C) Their blood pressure rises. D) Their hearts beat faster. 13. B)倒数第三句提及“show an increase in heartbeat and blood pressure”以及“red is exciting”故A)、C)及D)三项均为正确。14. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A) Colour probably has an effect on us which w

31、e are not conscious of. B) Yellow fire engines have caused many bad accidents in some advanced communities. C) People exposed to pure blue start to breathe more slowly. D) The psychology of colour is of some practical use. 14. B) 文章最后一句提及“closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a state

32、 of alertness and alarm”,故有些先进社区的消防车和救护车漆以明亮的黄颜色,保证其顺利通行而不造成交通事故。B)项内容恰恰相反,所以是not true。15. Which of the following could be the most suitable title? A) The Discipline of Colour Psychology B) Colour and Its Connotations C) The Practical Use of Colour D) Colour and Feelings 15. D)文章第一句即为主题句,讲了feelings与

33、colour的关系。Questions 16 - 20 are based on the following passage: (Words: ) There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serious proble

34、ms. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast. Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of

35、industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the worlds population. As society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease. People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth ra

36、te there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources re-, quired to protect

37、 our natural surroundings from industrialization. This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and th

38、e business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another. 16. According to those who argue against economic growth we must slow down for the following reasons EXCEPT that _. A) our natural surroundings are in danger of being destroyed by industry B) the

39、 fixed supply of natural resources marks a point beyond which economic growth cannot continue C) the world population is ever increasing D) more efforts should be made to improve the quality of our material life 16. D)在第二段中提及了A)、B)及C)三项所含的reason,仅D)项未曾提及。17. Those who want more economic growth belie

40、ve that continued economic growth _. A) is essential to the well-being of society as a whole B) can provide the solution to many of our social problems today C) can protect our environment from being polluted by industry D) can provide us with more natural resources for industrialization 17. A)此项题意与

41、第三段第二句原文“These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world”最为贴切。18. We may infer from the context that proponents (Paragraph 3) most probably means A) arguments in support of something B) disagreements C) peopl

42、e who argue for something D) people who argue against something 18. C)Vocabulary and Structure 4(20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then ma

43、rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. The author was _ in a small village, as is described in some of his short stories. A) brought out C) brought in B) brought up D) brought about 1B)(was)broughtup意为“(在.)长大的”。2. In what year did Magellan _ on his

44、voyage around the world? A) set up C) set back B) set for D) set off 2D)set off意为“出发”,切合句意。set up作“建立”解而 set back意为“阻碍”、“使受挫折”。3. There is something wrong here; I will ask my solicitor to _ it. A) make out C) look into B) set about D) figure out 3C)lookinto(it)意为调查(此事)”;makeout意为“理解”、“辨认”; setout表示“

45、开始”、“着手”;figureout作“计算”、“解决”、“领会”等解。4. It was _ for him to wear a T shirt at the reception. A) out of place C) out of question B) out of order D) out of practice 4A)outof place意为“不合适的”;outoforder指“次序颠倒”、“出故障”;outof question表示“毫无疑问”;而 out of practice则表示“缺乏统习”之意。5. The old lady was _ to the young man

46、who helped her find her lost grandson. A) touched. C) cheerful B) grateful D) generous 5B)grateful(to theyoungman)意为“对年青人心怀感激”。6. The _ of human knowledge are being pushed further. A) boundaries C) limits B) borders D) edges 6A)boundaries指“最外的界线”;而borders则是指“边界”,强调两国,或两个区域间的分界;limitation作“限制”、“局限”解;

47、而 edges则是“边缘”之意。7. Physicists have made new discoveries that challenge our _ theories of the universe. A) existed C) established B) adapted D) organized 7 C)established作“已确立的”、“已被确认的”解。8. _ to popular belief, Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, was Greek and spoke six languages. A) Contrary C) According


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