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1、第一学期五年级英语Unit1-2单元测试一、判断画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“”,不同的写“”。( )1. back many ( )2. nice cups( )3. forest Chinese ( )4. bear ear( )5. popular push ( )6. cake coat二、根据句意和中文提示,写出正确的形式,每空一词。1. Monday is_ (2) day of a week.2. I like drawing _ (fun) pictures. Its great _ (fun).3. There_ (be) two glasses of juice on

2、the table.4. There arent _ (some) swings in the park.5. How many_ (library) are there in your city.6. There are two_ (floor) in my house. I live on the second _ (floor).7. Can you show_(she)around the park?8. This is_ (Mike) basketball.9. _ (be) there any water in the bottle?10. There is some _ (sou

3、p) in the bowl.三、英汉互译1. 正合适 _ 2. be hungry and thirsty _3. 在她的前面_ 4. show him around _5. 一个新学生 _ 6.the third day _7. 推我 _ 8.between you and me _9. 在三楼 _ 10. go to the cinema _四、选择填空。( ) 1. What would you like? Id like a glass of _ juice and some _.A. orange; oranges B. oranges; orange C. orange; ora

4、nge( )2. Its seven in the morning. Its time _. A. to breakfast B. for breakfast C. to have dinner ( ) 3. I _ see any birds _ the tree.A. can , in B. cannot , on C. cant , in( ) 4. The river is between the _. .A. hill B. hills C. a hill ( ) 5. Coffee is popular in _. . A. China B. Western countries C

5、. Chinese( ) 6. Here _some orange for you. A. is B. are C. have( ) 7. There _ an apple and three _on the table.A. is; peach B. is; peaches C. are; peaches( )8.-I am too_. - _ your coats. A.hot, Put on B.cold, Put in C. cold, Put on( )9. _ there any orange juice in the bottle? A. Is B. Are C. It( )10

6、. Where _ Bobby? Hes _the playground. A. is, at B. are, on C. is, on五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. Goldilocks is in the house.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Goldilocks? 2. There are three sandwiches on the table.(对划线部分提问) _ _ sandwiches are there on the table?3. There is some milk in the fridge.(改为否定句) There _ _ milk in the fr

7、idge.4. There are some books on the desk. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ there _ books on the desk?_, there _5. Are there any cars near your house? (改单数句)_ there _ _ near your house?6. This soup is just right . ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ this soup?7. Therearent any computer rooms in the school.(同义句转换)There_ _ computer rooms

8、in the school.8. Mike isstanding behind me.(同义句转换)I am standing _ _ _ Mike.六、根据中文完成句子。1. 森林里有一座房子。 _ a _ in the _ .2. 冰箱里没有苹果汁。There_ any apple _ in the fridge. 3. 这个娃娃太软了。This doll is _ _.4. “你们班上有多少个学生?” “有五十五个。”_ _ _ are there in your class?There_ _.5.有三只熊在金发姑娘的前面。所以她很害怕。There_ three _ in _ of Go

9、ldilocks. So she is_.6.多么漂亮的一张床啊!_ a_ bed!七、 连词成句1. find, they, cousin, their, can , not ( . )_2. the, beds, in, are, three, room, there (?)_3. many , how , music rooms, second, are, on, there, floor, the (.)_4. is, cold, soup, too, this (.)_八、阅读理解:根据短文内容判断句子。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。There is a rabbit and a

10、lion in a forest. The rabbit lives in a hole(洞). The lion lives near the hole. The lion is hungry, so he goes to look for food. He sees the rabbit drinking water near the hole. “Oh, thats my food!” The lion runs to the rabbit. The rabbit is afraid of the lion. She runs quickly into her hole. The lio

11、n cant get into the hole. He says to the rabbit, “I dont like eating rabbits.” The rabbit is very happy when she hears this, so she goes out of her hole. The lion eats her.( ) 1. The rabbit and the lion live in the hole.( ) 2. The rabbit is afraid of the lion.( ) 3. When the lion runs to the rabbit,

12、 the rabbit runs quickly into her hole.( ) 4. The lion cannot get into the hole.( ) 5. The lion doesnt like eating rabbits.阅读短文,选择正确答案。 One day a crow(乌鸦) is very lucky(幸运的). She finds a piece of meat and flies up into the tree with it. She wants to eat it herself(她自己). Just then a fox passes by(路过)

13、. He sees the crow and the meat is in her mouth. The fox wants to get the meat very much. So he thinks out a good idea. He smiles and comes close under the tree. “Dear Mrs. Crow, how are you? I know you are clever, and you are a good singer. How beautiful your feathers(羽毛)are!”The silly old crow is

14、very happy to hear that. “ Please sing a song for me,” says the fox. After speaking, the fox looks up at the crow and waits.“Caw! Caw!” the crow sings. The meat just drops(掉) from her mouth. Then the fox takes the meat away.( ) 1. Who finds the meat at first? A. The cow. B. The fox. C. The crow.( ) 2. The word “silly” means _ in Chinese. A. 聪明的 B. 愚蠢的 C. 滑稽的( ) 3.Does the crow sing for the fox? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. I dont know. ( ) 4. Who eats the meat at last(最后)? A. The crow. B. The fox. C. The cow.( ) 5. I think, the fox is very . A. lovely B. silly C. cunning


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