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1、必修五3单元抽检大册自学检测:1.What he said made a deep impression to me.2.It took me a few weeks to get used to the new surrounding.3.Lacking of money, the man couldnt carry out his plan.4.The young man is trying to adjust himself for the new company.5.He is difficult to get along well.6.I sent you the news the

2、instant when I heard it.7.Can you think of a case which this word is properly used?8.He sold or exchanged some of the milk with other food.9.We would appreciate you if you could give us an immediate reply. 10.After driving for almost 8 hours, we reached where looked like a small town. 语法重点检测:1.Thedo

3、g,_ (train)properly,willbemadeagoodwatchdog.2._(steal) thediamond,hehadtolookforaplacetohideit.3. _(pass)allthetests,shefeltagreatweight_( take)offhermind. 4.Andthere,almost_(lose)inthebigchair,satherlittlebrother,whoneverhadtobetoldtokeepquiet. 5.Helookedaroundandcaughtaman_(put)hishandintothepocke

4、tofapassenger. 6.Theoldfarmer,_(support)thebadlyburntsoldier,cameoutoftheburningfarmhouse.7.Itwasgettingdark;Ifoundacar_(stick)inapoolbythesideoftheroad. 8.Thethieffelltotheground,hisleftfoot_(break)andblood_(run)downfromhismouth.9.Theprogramwassoexcitingthatthechildrenkepttheireyes_(fix)onthescreen

5、.10.Whenhecameto,hefoundhimself_(seat)onachair,withhishands_(tie)back.11._( see)thebigsnake,thelittlegirlstoodunderthetree_( frighten)todeath.改写倒装句1. Although he is a child, he knows a lot.2. I was so moved that I couldnt hold back my tears.3. I didnt realize it until you told me the truth.4. I have

6、 never heard of such a strange person.词汇重点检测:Seeing I was suffering from “time lag”, Wang Ping gave me some green tablets. After that, I was _(运送)safely into the future in a time _(仓).My new _(环境)were difficult to _(忍受).Hit by a _(缺乏) of fresh air, my head _(疼).Before making the necessary _(调整) ,I w

7、as advised to wear a _(口罩),which made me back on my feet again. _(系上安全带), I learnt how to use the hovering carriage_(驱动) by computer. In a strange-looking house, I _(看见短语)a moving wall made of trees, whose leaves _(提供)the room with much-needed _(氧气).After flash a _(开关)on the screen, a table and some

8、 chair rose from the floor by_(神奇).In the future, messages are sent in a quick, _(高效)and environmentally friendly way. By using a “thoughtpad”, the thing you need to do is to place the _(金属) band over your head, clear your mind and press the sending _(按钮) .As for the waste, a system where the waste

9、is _(处理)of using the _(原则) of ecology comes into effect. A giant machine _(吞) all the waste available and turn the rubbish into useful _(材料),such as _(肥料)or _(土壤).Everything, even _(塑料)bags is _(再循环)._(制造)takes place not on earth but on space station. Robots_(编程) by engineers perform the tasks. _(代表

10、) of different companies living and working in space settlements _(监控) the robots and the production.报纸生词检测:regularly appreciation digital heritage deserve shallow acquire severe accomplish inner 1.He bought his co-worker a gift to show his _for her help.2.We couldnt have doctors, engineers and busi

11、ness leaders without teachers to guide us to _the skills needed for these job.3.The reason why they _our love and respect is that they keep an eye on how we are doing individually day in, day out.4.Email and instant messaging are_ forms of communication.5.Sally was always scared to share her _though

12、ts.6.We are going to face _ economic problem if we dont take immediate measures.7.After _this task, I feel more confident when thinking about the hardships on the way ahead.8.If he is only interested in your looks, that shows how _he is.9.These works of art are considered of great importance to Russias national _.10.They dont meet too often but _,once a month.


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