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1、 黄波英语学校概一5560月考试卷 班级 姓名 听力部分(20分)一 听录音,选单词(5分)( ) 1.A live B stay C arrive( ) 2.A morning B afternoon C evening( ) 3.A breakfast B lunch C dinner( ) 4.A homework B home C housework( ) 5.A headache B toothache C earache二 听录音,选汉意 (5分)( )1.A 通常B 总是C 有时( )2.A 家 B 商店C 公园( )3.A 每天B 在中午C 在晚上( )4.A 医生B 牙医C

2、护士( )5.A 信封B 信纸C 信笺簿三 听录音,选短语(5分)( ) 1.A in the morning B in the afternoon( ) 2.A go to schoolB go to bed( ) 3.A feel ill B look ill( ) 4.A call the doctor B see the doctor( ) 5.A have a stomach ache B have a bad cold四 听问句,选答语(5分)( ) 1.A She always make the bed. B They usually watch TV in the evenin

3、g.( ) 2.A Its 7 oclock. B Its Friday.( ) 3.A Yes, I have. B Yes, I do.( ) 4.A She has a toothache. B He has a toothache.( ) 5.A He must see a dentist. B She must see a dentist.笔试部分(100分)一、补全单词。(20分)1. l_ve(住 ) 2._s u_ lly( 通常) 3.h_m_w_rk(作业) 4. h_m_(家)5. l_n_h (午饭) 6. m_m _nt ( 现在) 7.st_m_ch a_he (胃

4、疼) 8.s_z _( 尺码) 9.p_d(信笺簿) 10._nv_lo_e (信封) 11.m_s_(必须) 12.m_ _ th(嘴) 13.d_ct_r(医生) f_ _l (感觉) 15.t_l_ph_ne(电话) 16.h_ _da_he(头疼) 17.d_nt_st(牙医) 18.m_d_c_ne(药) 19._sp_ri_(阿司匹林) 20. sh_p (商店)二、按要求完成下列各词。(10分)1.make (现在分词) 2. do(单三) 3. eat(单三) 4. 去上学_ 5. 在早上_ 6. go(单三) 7. 在正午_ 8. 在夜晚_9. does not(缩写) 10

5、. tomato (复数)_三、单项选择。(20分)( ) 1. Whats the matter your hand? A. of B. on C. like D. with( ) 2. Show your hand me. A. to B. on C. at D. of ( ) 3. _ he_a bad cold? A. Does; has B. Do; have C. Does; have D. Do; has( ) 4. _there _milk in this bottle? A. Is; some B. Is; any C. Are ; some D. Are; any( ) 5

6、. Please give the book _ me. A. to B. for C. at D in( ) 6. Look! Lucy _ the stereo. A. listening to B. is listening C. is listening to D. listen to( ) 7. _ she want _ apple? A. Do; an B. Does; a C. Do; a D. Does; an( ) 8. I usually go to school _ 7 oclock _ the morning. A. in, at B. at, in C. on , i

7、n D. at , on ( ) 9. My brother often goes to work _ car. A. by B. in C. on D. at( ) 10._ the moment, were playing _ the garden. A. At , by B. At , in C. In , on D. In , at ( ) 11.She _ TV in the evening. A. doesnt read B.dont read C.doesnt watchD.dont watch ( ) 12.Mr. Smith usually _ TV _night. A. w

8、atch , at B. sees , at C. watches , at D. see , in ( ) 13. Do you want beef _ chicken? -Beef, please. A. and B. yet C. but D. or( ) 14.This is _ interesting book. I like it very much. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 15.Do you go to school _ bus or _ foot? A. by , on B. by , by C. on , on D. on , by( ) 16.

9、-Do you have any writing paper? -_. A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have. D. No, I do.( ) 17.There a book and four pencils here. A. are B. is C. be D. have( ) 18. Mrs. Sawyer at home every day. A. stay B. staying C. stays D. to stay( ) 19.We usually stay home on Sundays.A. in B. at C. for D. on(

10、 ) 20.Thats good news _ you. A. on B. in C. of D. for 四、连词成句。(5分)1. Jimmy, is, where _ ?2. tongue, me, show, your _.3. must, he , a week, stay in bed, for_.4. goes , My father , to , often , work , by , car _.5. shaving , her , is , now , brother _.五、词组互译。(10分)1.此刻 _2.have a headache _3.喝茶 _4.show m

11、e your tongue _ 5.看电视_6.stay in bed _7.好消息_8.read an interesting book _9.请医生_10.look ill _ 六、用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分)1. In the afternoon, she usually _ (see) her friends.2. The children always _ (do) their homework in the evening.3. She sometimes _ (listen) to the stereo at noon.4. Mrs. Sawyer is _ (drink)

12、coffee now.5. My brother doesnt _ (want) any bread.七、综合知识点填空。(15分)(一)用a, an或the 填空1. _ Smiths live at 76 King Street.2. _ sun rises early and sets late.3. There is _ lovely girl beside the window.4. This is _ interesting subject.5. They are going to swim in _ afternoon.(二)用适当的介词填空1. My father often

13、goes to work _ car.2. I go to school _ foot every day.3. The children are playing _ the park.4. Theyre listening _ the stereo.5. That girl is waiting _ the bus.(三)用some 或any 填空1. Do you have _ bread?2. I only have _ small boxes.3. There are _ peaches on the table.4. I dont have _ milk.5. Is there _

14、oranges in the shop?八改错。(5分)1. She feel ill. 改为:_.2. Whats matter with you? 改为:_.3. They are listening for the radio. 改为:_.4. I usually get off at 6:30 in the morning.改为:_.5. Does she has a temperature?改为:_.九 阅读理解。(10分) A This is a room in Jims house. It has a door and two windows. They are green. T

15、here is a desk, two chairs and a bed in it. There is a clock(钟表) on the wall. The colour of the wall is white. Now it is seven oclock in the evening, Jim is at home. He is doing his homework. There are two pens on the desk. The pens are blue.选择填空(5分)( ) 1. What colour are a door and two windows? A.

16、white B. black C. green D. brown( ) 2. -Are there any _ on the desk? -Yes, there are. A. chairs B. flowers C. pens D. a bookcase( ) 3. What is Jim doing at seven in the evening? A. playing games B. doing his homework C. watching TV D. reading books( ) 4. Is there a _ on the wall? A. map B. clock C.

17、picture D. ruler( ) 5.What color are Jims pens? A. blue B. white C. green D. redB Lucy is from the U.S. She likes to stay in China. She likes the people and the food in China. The Chinese people are very friendly(友好) to her. Now she is playing with Han Meimei. They are throwing a frisby(扔飞盘). Theyre

18、 good friends. Lucy can speak English very well. And now she can speak a little(一点) Chinese.判断正误,正确用A,错误用B。(5分)( ) 1. Lucy comes from the USA.( ) 2. Lucy likes the people and food in China.( ) 3. Lucy and Han Meimei cant throw a frisby.( ) 4. Han Meimei is Lucys good friend.( ) 5. Han Meimei can speak English well.


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