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1、Discussion on the digital watermarking technology in electronic reading business applicationsAbstract: the business era, the market competition is fierce day by day. Have broad prospects of electronic reading business may become the carrier of new profit growth point. Digital watermark technology in

2、 electronic reading content copyright protection of some of the application, make a preliminary study and discussion, and puts forward some suggestionsKey words: digital watermarking; copyright protection of electronic reading;PrefaceSince China telecom carrier recombination and 3G licences, the dom

3、estic telecommunication market competition is intense with each passing day. Facing market competition pressure, how to play their own advantages to gain competitive advantage, has become the major operators must solve the problem.In the telephone business is gradually replacing mobile communication

4、, broadband market is nearing saturation, the traditional mobile voice revenue ARPU values in the great pressure of competition is also very difficult to have the breakthrough of the severe form, as an emerging business electronic reading become carriers of potential revenue growth. Electronic readi

5、ng, is defined in PC, laptop, mobile phone and other portable electronic terminal reading novels, newspapers, magazines and pictures and other traditionally printed on paper carrier content reading. Compared with traditional way of reading, reading in the acquisition mode, distribution channels, sal

6、es management, payment means and environmental protection has natural advantage. With the 3G network of perfection and the mobile phone terminal screen, intelligent development trend, relying on more than 700000000 of mobile phone users, electronic reading have a broad market prospect.Electronic rea

7、ding business core content is the use of the traditional means of communication to provide rich multimedia resources. At present, Chinas copyright protection situation is not optimistic, the literature works of infringement acts have occurred. Electronic reading success, largely dependent on the cop

8、yright management. Therefore, for copyright protection and digital watermarking technology in electronic reading business will play a very positive role.1 digital watermark1.1 What is the digital watermarking technologyDigital watermark technology is through a certain algorithm will landmark informa

9、tion directly embedded into the multimedia content, but not affect the original content value and use, and can not be aware of the perceptual system or pay attention to, only through a special detector or reader to extract. Digital watermarking technique can distinguish whether the object is under p

10、rotection, monitoring of the protected data transmission, authentication and illegal copy, resolve copyright disputes, and to provide evidence to the court.Copyright protection digital watermarking to requirements1) validity: in copyright protection digital watermarking embedded content should have

11、authority, that is to say should be able to show that the carrier file ownership is recognized; 2): a robust watermarking anti-attack ability; 3) capacity: refers to embed information in the file number; 4) imperceptibility: refers to the embedded watermark information file with the original documen

12、ts should be almost the same or does not influence the normal use of the files, but also users can not feel the existence of watermark.2 Digital watermarking technology in application of electronic readingDigital watermarking of a series of technical characteristics show that, in the rapid developme

13、nt of the electronic reading service, digital watermarking will be widely used.For image, video watermarking algorithmDiscrete cosine transform digital watermarking is often used as a basic transformation. First introduced the definition of discrete cosine transform:On digital image,The two dimensio

14、nal DCT transform is defined as:Two dimensional inverse DCT transform ( IDCT ) is defined as:By 3.2 the original image can be expressed as, for a series of weightsWhen a pair of pixels in an image matrix after discrete cosine transform, the frequency domain matrix in left corner element value maximu

15、m, for the DC component, representing the whole image of the average brightness; while the remainder of each element value according to the corner element for fixed-point triangle lateral snaking arranged successively, representing the image low frequency, medium frequency components and high freque

16、ncy components.Cox presents a global DCT domain watermarking algorithm:Selection of sequences of X = x1, x2, . , xn as watermark, where Xi is satisfy the Gauss distribution of N (0, 1) of a random number. The algorithm first uses the discrete cosine transform of the original image I is transformed i

17、nto the frequency domain, using the D representation of the data obtained. From the coefficient of D select n most important frequency component, consisting of sequences of V = V1, v2, . , VN, in order to improve the robustness of image compression.Get the watermark array and frequency domain array,

18、 using the formula: Vi=vi ( 1+ XI ) digital watermark is embedded into the frequency domain array carrying watermark information, get new frequency domain array sequence of V = V1, v2, . , VN, then the V of each element in the frequency domain matrix D in the corresponding position of the V element

19、replacement out, get a new frequency domain matrix D, the D inverse discrete cosine transform be containing the watermark watermark image I. In the watermark image I* for watermark detection, the whole process is the reverse process of embedding process almost. The first is to I* through DCT to obta

20、in the frequency domain array sequence of V* = v1*, v2*, . , vn*, then according to the formula Vi=vi ( 1+ XI ) inverse formula one watermark sequence of X* = x1*, x2*, . , xn*, then calculate the watermark with the original watermark correlation of X* X.The algorithm is robust, can resist including

21、 scaling, JPEG compression, shear and jitter, printing and copy - scanning, image processing, and then embedding Multi-watermarking, also can resist attacks multiple users, is a very effective watermarking algorithm.2.2 text digital watermarkingWith the picture or video files, text files without too

22、 much redundant information space, so the text based watermarking technique is far less than the image or video. Commonly used text watermarking is based mainly on the fixed format text watermarking. Commonly used methods: Based on the spacing of information representation, based on the word spacing

23、 information representation method and based on the character attribute information representation. In actual use, can these three kinds of information hiding methods combination.Based on the fixed format text watermarking, its biggest weakness is to retain the text but change the text format of sof

24、t copy sensitive. In order to solve this problem, people put forward based on the text semantic watermarking technology, but this technique is difficult to realize and watermark extraction need to provide source file control, maneuverability is not strong.In the actual electronic reading, we will be

25、 able to distribute content using the format developers to provide tools for content set can not be copied ( word, PDF have this feature ), to avoid illegal user to destroy the watermark information. In addition, also can be a text scanning for picture format, using the discrete cosine transform tec

26、hnology to embed the watermark, and then provided to the user.3 SummaryIn an electronic reading business applications, digital watermarking technology mainly focuses on the identification of the infringement, also cannot prevent and stop the infringement occurred. And the robustness of digital watermarking algorithm can not completely meet the needs of. But with the continuous progress of watermarking algorithm, and with the use of CA technology and the encryption technology, digital watermarking technology in electronic reading areas will have more extensive application.


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