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1、省略句(elliptical sentences)定义:省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,为了避免重复、突出新信息使上下文紧密连接的修辞手段。省略的部分:单词、短语、分句,都可以省略,而且各有一定的衔接关系,不容臆断一、哪些部分可以省略(一)省略单词1、省略介词 He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四个小时复习功课。 I ve studied Eng1ish (for) five years. 我已学五年英语了。 2、省略连词 I believe (that) you wil

2、l succeed 我相信你们会成功的。 It s a pity (that) he s leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。 I m sure (that) she will help you. 我肯定她会帮你的。 3、省略关系代词 I ll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。 He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看过我昨天买的书了。二、省略句子成分1、省略主语 Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。( Beg 前省略了主语 I ) Take care! 当心!( Take 前省略了主

3、语 you ) Looks as if it will rain. 看起来象要下雨。( Looks 前省略了主语 it ) 2、省略谓语 Who next? 该谁了?( Who 后面省略了谓语 comes ) The river was deep and the ice thin. ( ice 后面省略了 was ) We ll do the best we can. 我们将尽力而为。( can 后面省略了动词 do ) 3、省略表语 Are you ready? Yes, I am. 你准备好了吗? 我准备好了。( am 后面省略了 ready ) He was a lover of spo

4、rts as he had been in his youth. 他还是象年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。( had been 后面省略了 a lover of sports ) 4、省略宾语 Let s do the dishes. I ll wash and you ll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。( wash 和 dry 后面省略了宾语 dishes ) 5、省略定语 He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved. 那钱他花了部分,其余的他都存了起来。( the rest 后面省略了定语 of the money ) 6

5、、省略状语 He was not hurt. Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪!( Strange 前面省略了状语 how )二、什么句式中可以省略1. 简单句中的省略: 在对话中,交谈双方都知道谈论的对象,则可以省略句子的主语,省略主语和谓语的现象在交际用语中出现的很多。 如省略it 和 主语 I(1)Looks like rain. (it)(2)Hope to hear from you soon. (I)(3)Sounds like a good idea. 2. 并列句中的省略:在并列句中,相同的成分如主语,谓语,宾语等都可以省略: (1)They learn French an

6、d we English. (2)My father planned and built all these houses. (3)John won the first race and Jimmy the second. 3. 复合句中的省略: 定语从句:(1)Thats the reason he is late for the conference. 状语从句:(1)If heated, water will boil. (2)Tom was attacked by cramp while swimming across the river. 宾语从句:如果宾语从句中的谓语部分与主句的谓

7、语部分或上文的谓语部分相同,可将从句部分的谓语省略。 (1)We will do what we can(do)to help you. (2)Is Mr. King in his office? Sorry, I dont know(whether he is in his office or not).4. 动词不定式的省略:在动词不定式结构中,为避免重复,常常省略不定式结构中的动词原形,只保留to。(1)Would you like to go with us ? Im glad to*, but I have to finish my homework. 在used to, ought

8、 to, have to, would like/love to, wish to, be going to等结构中,常常省略to后面的动词原形。 (1)They do not visit their parents as much as they ought to*(2)He doesnt get up early as he used to*. (3)Ill hand it in if I have to*. (4)Would you like to come tonight ? Id love to. Tell , warn , order , advise , ask等动词的宾语后接动

9、词不定式做宾语补足语时,可以省略to后的动词原形。(1)He wanted to swim across the river but I warned him not to. (2)The boy wanted to play football in the street, but his mother told him not to.三、特殊用法一、原文“空缺”,译文“增补” 两个主语不同的句子,谓语有相同部分,也有不同部分,如果用连词连接起来进行对比,则其相同部分在后面分句中可以省略,这样,后面分句中就出现“空缺”现象。“空缺”处通常被省略的是动词,或动词及其宾语、补足语等。汉译时不妨采用

10、“补齐”的方法。例如:A sound must be heard,a colour seen,a flavour tasted,an odour inhaled,颜色必须目视,滋味必须口尝,气味必须鼻吸。(后三句省略 must be) Histories make men wise;mathematic logic and rhetoric able to contend;数学使人精细;逻辑和修辞使人善辩。(原文后两句省略make men) 二、英语状语从句中的省略部分可不译 than引出的比较从句中,套有when引导的时间从句或if引导的条件从句,而且该比较从句中的省略部分与整个句子的主要结

11、构一致时则比较从句的省略部分可省略不译。例如: My uncle is better than when I wrote to我伯父的身体比我上次给你去信时好些了(than后面省略了he was) 三、对英语中一些特殊省略结构译法需灵活,指的是按正常语法规则分析,有的无法增补,有的要用不同的方式来增补,使之成为完全句。因此,汉译英时,视上下文加以灵活处理。 1“宾语主语谓语and 谓语”结构 其中and连接的,是用作不同成分的同一个词,这个词既是第一分句的宾语,又是第二分句的主语。此结构的特点是,把宾语提到句首,使之兼任后一分句的主语,达到简化句子结构的目的。汉译时,可仍先译宾语,不必改变原文

12、的语序。例如: This substance we call water,and come next only to oxygen这种物质称为水,其重要性仅次于氧。(We call this substance water,and this substance comes next only to oxygen) 2以“Hence 名词”开头的结构 hence是表示结果意义的连接副词,hence前面的句子表示原因,hence后面则省略了类似 come的动词。它是倒装句。例如: Hence(comes)this instruction of the experiment因此,有这本实验说明书。

13、3某些常用词组引导的省略疑问句,通常不需要写出其省略部分。例如: How(is it)about the result?结果怎么样呢? 4由习语组成的省略结构 So much is for the foundry processes工艺过程的内容就是这些。(Enough has been said or done about;That is all well say about.) Now for the sound-wave method现在谈谈风波方法。(And we will now talk about) The grinding machine you operate must be

14、 oiled,and that at once油,而且要马上上油。(and that是个加强语气的省略结构。that是指示代词,代替上文的全部,与and连用表示强调,后接状语。andmustbeoiledat可译为“而且”。) 四、介词(短语)的“无胜于有” 英语介词(短语)应用之频繁,简直到了“不可稍离”的地步。它是功能词中最积极、最活跃之一。但有时,为了用词简洁精练,在上下文意境清楚的前提下,介词常常省略。译文中也要采取相应的简洁表达手法。 1 动名词-ing前,有时省略介词。 Most people just ruin scissors by)trying to sharpen them

15、大多数人想把剪刀磨快,结果却磨坏了。 2 在含有way,height,length,size,shape, ckness等惯用语前,有时省略介词。 Try to keep your letters on)this side of 500 words写信请勿超过五百字。 3 在以next,this,one,every,each,some,等开头的时间状语前,有时省略介词。 Nine days(from)now will be May Day起再过九天,便是五一节。 4 在“noun participle”,“noun and all”结构中,有时省略介词“with”。 He jumped int

16、o the water, (with his)clothes and all他和着衣服跳进水里。 5 某些动词、名词、形容词习惯搭配中的介词(短语),在以what,when,how,whether,that出的从句或不定式短语之前,有时被省略。例如: I am not informed(as to)whether he went,why from我没听说他是否去了,为什么去,什么时候去,来自何地方。(省略与informed搭配的介词as to。) They are tempered to be careless (of)how they spend their time,because they imagine they have so much of it对于如何支配时间,他们总是漫不经心,因为他们认为时间多的是。(省略与形容词careless搭配的介词of。)


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