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1、 短语1. 天然无机化合物 natural inorganic substance2. 化学组成 chemical composition3. 原子组成 atomic structure4. 有色金属矿石 nonferrous ores5. 有用矿物 valuable mineral6. 脉石矿物 gangue mineral7. 给矿品位 the feed grade8. 非金属矿物 non-metallic ores9. 沉积岩 sedimentary rock10. 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide11. 发电 the generation of electricity12. 露天

2、采矿 open pit mining13. 低灰分烟煤 low-ash bituminous coal14. 挥发份 volatile constituents15. 煤气化 coal gasification16. 直接液化 direct liquefaction 17. 煤质分析 coal assay18. 煤的化学性质 chemical properties of coal19. 相对密度 relative density 20. 粒度分布 particle size distribution21. 自磨 autonomous grinding22. 燃烧实验 special combu

3、stion tests23. 灰分含量 ash content24. 高品级煤种 high-rank coals25. 矿石粒度 the size of the ore 26. 有用矿物粒度 the grains of valuable minerals27. 细粒嵌布very finely disseminated in the ore28. 低品位矿石 low grade ores29. 解离度 degree of liberation30. 光化学性质 optical properties31. 磁性 magnetic properties32. 导电性 electrical condu

4、ctivity properties33. 连生颗粒 the particles of locked mineral34. 最佳磨矿细度 an optimum mesh of grind35. 破碎应力 breaking stresses 36. 颗粒边界 grain boundaries37. 再磨 be reground to38. 磨矿成本 grinding costs39. 粗粒脉石 the coarse gangue 40. 单体颗粒 liberated particles(以下为额外添加的单词)金刚石 diamond 石墨 graphite 原矿石 run-of-mine ore

5、维护成本 maintenance costs 强加于 imposes on 驱动轴 drive shaft 相对于 relative to 把.固定在.上 attachment to矿物加工方法 Mineral processing methods 粉碎原理 Principles of comminution解离 liberation 富集 concentration 选择1. gold and platinum D(native or metallic form)2. most of mineral A(their composition)3. two minerals that B(qui

6、te different physical properties)4. granite is composed A(different)P171、they are release or liberation 2、which is called concentration 3、which involves crushing and sometimes grinding4、Over-grinding is wasteful 5、some specific difference in physical or chemical properties between the valuable and g

7、angue6、such as sizing of the ore and dewatering of the mineral pulps 英译汉1、The abundance of metals in the ocean is related to some extent to the crustal abundancies , since they have come from the weathering of the crustal rocks. 海洋中蕴含丰富的金属,在某种程度上与地壳的丰度有关,因为这些金属来自于地壳岩石的风化作用。2、It is apparent that if t

8、he minerals containing the important metals were uniformly distributed throughout the earth ,they would be so thinly dispersed that their economic extraction would be impossible.显然,如果含有重要金属的矿物是均匀的分布于地球,那么它们将如此稀疏的分散开来,以至于经济的开采是不可能的。3、A particular mineral may be found mainly in associates with graniti

9、c rocks ,or may be found associated with both igneous and sedimentary rocks, i.e. those produced by the deposition of material arising from the mechanical and chemical weathering of earlier rocks by water, ice and chemical decay. 一种特殊的矿物被发现主要与花岗岩共生在一起或者与岩浆岩和沉积岩共生在一起,即由于早期的岩石在水、冰和化学衰变的作用下,会产生力学和化学的风化

10、作用,从而形成的矿床矿物。4、A direct liquefaction process, Bergius process(liquefaction by hydrogenation), is also available but has not been used outside Germany, where such processes were operated both during World war I and World War. 一种直接的碳的液化过程,即伯吉尤斯过程(通过氢化作用达到液化的目的),也仅仅是在一战和二战期间的德国内使用。5、Among commercially

11、mature technologies, advantages for indirect coal Liquefaction over direct coal Liquefaction are reported by Williams and larson(2003).据威廉母斯和卡尔森在2003年报道,在商业化成熟的技术中,间接的碳的液化过程优于直接的碳的液化过程。6、All of these liquid fuel production methods release carbon dioxide(CO2) in the conversion process, far more than

12、is released in the extraction and refinement of liquid fuel production from petroleum. 在碳的转化过程中,所有液态燃料的产生方式所释放出的CO2远远超过从石油中提取和提炼液态燃料产品所释放出的CO2.7、Estimates are reported for sites in china where break-even cost for coal liquefaction may be in the range from 25 to 35 USD/barrel of oil. 据报道估计在中国的某些地方,碳的

13、液化收支相抵的价格是每桶油25到35美元。8、Combustion of coal, like any other fossil fuel, produces carbon dioxide(CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO x) along with varying amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2) depending on where it was mined.煤的燃烧像其他任何化石燃料一样,产生CO2和氮氧化物,并且伴随变化的SO2量,SO2的含量取决于煤炭的开采地。9、Sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen

14、 to form sulfur trioxide (SO3), which then reacts with water to form sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid is returned to the earth as acid rain. SO2和O2反应生成SO3,然后SO3与水反应生成硫酸,硫酸又以酸雨的形式返回大地。10、Jet is a geological material not considered a true mineral ,but rather a mineraloid derived from decaying wood und

15、er extreme pressure ,and thus organic. 煤精是一种地质材料,并不被认为是一种真正的矿物,却可以被认为是准矿物,在极端的压力作用下从腐朽的木材中得到,因此是一种有机的准矿物11、Ash fusion temperatures are determined by viewing a moulded specimen of the coal ash through an observation window in a high-temperature furnace.熔融的煤灰温度是通过高温熔炉的观察窗观察煤灰来确定模子的形状12、If the ore cont

16、ains worthwhile amounts of more than one valuable mineral,it is usually the object of mineral processing to separate them. 如果矿石中含有大量的多于一种有价值的矿物,那么通常情况下对矿物的分选是矿物加工的目的.13、Similarly if undesirable minerals,which may interfere with subsequent refining process,are present,it may be necessary to remove th

17、ese minerals the separation stage.类似情况下,如果矿石中有不需要的矿物存在,即可能干涉接下来提炼过程的矿物存在,那么在分选阶段去除这些矿石是必要的。14、Apart from economics energy consumption is of paramount importance ,since although the world has ample mineral deposits to meet the demand for most common metals for the test of the century ,it has been pre

18、dicted ,that there will not be enough energy to produce these metals .除了从经济方面考虑以外,能量消耗也是极为重要的问题,因为虽然世界上有丰富的矿物储备,能够满足本世纪接下来时间最普通的金属需求,但是据预测没有足够的能量来生产这些金属。15、However ,in the majority of cases the energy consumed in direct smelting or leaching of low-grade ores would be so enormous as to make the cost

19、prohibitive 然而在大量的事例中,消耗在熔炼和低品味矿石浓缩上的能量是如此之大,以至于使得代价十分昂贵。16、Mineral processing reduces the bulk and weight of material which must be transported to the smelter,thus reducing shipping and handing costs;矿物加工减少了必须运输到冶炼厂的原材料的体积和重量,因此减少了运输和处理的费用,由于减少了必须处理的原材料吨位,所以冶炼费用大大减少;由于非常少的金属炉渣的生成,所以使得不必要废料的减少,从而增加了

20、冶炼的回收率。17、One of the major objects of comminution is the libration ,or release ,of the valuable minerals at the coarsest possible particle size 破碎的主要目的之一就是从共生的脉石矿物中,在最粗的可能矿粒级解离或释放出有价值的矿物。18、Up till recently it has been impossible for mineralogists to give a quantitative answer to the question : how

21、fine musut a particular ore be ground to produce a certain degree of liberation of the valuable particles ?直到近来,对矿物学家而言,对于这个问题给出定量的答案也是不可能的:一种特定的矿石被研磨到何等细的粒度才能生产出有价值的矿物粒度的解离度? 19、During the grinding of a low-grade the bulk of the gangue minerals is often liberated at a relatively coarse size. 在对低品位矿

22、石的研磨过程中,脉石矿物的脉体通常在一种相对较粗的尺寸被解离出来.20、It is often used on minerals which can easily be separated form the free gangue ,even though they are themselves locked to some extent with gangue. 这种方法通常被使用在容易从自由脉石矿物中解离的矿物上,尽管矿物本身在某种程度上与脉石共生在一起。21、The grade(metal content)of ore mined and processed will depend up

23、on a number of factors ,and generally the lower-grade ores are treated in larger capacity plants than higher-grade ores.采出或加工的矿石的品味(金属含量)依靠多种因素,一般情况下低品位矿石比高品位矿石处理量大。22、The texture refers to the aggregation size and dissemination of the valuable minerals within the ore.结构指的是有用矿物在矿石中的聚合粒径和分布状态.23、The

24、nature of the minerals is important,as a pronounced difference in some physical property between the values and gangue minerals is necessary for processing. 矿物的性质很重要,因为有价值的矿物和脉石矿物之间在一些物理性质上的显著差异对于矿物加工是十分必要的.24、Deep mining is expensive compared with open-pit and alluvial operations ,and is economic o

25、nly on higher ore grades.深采与露天开采和冲击作业相比代价是昂贵的,仅对于高品位的矿石才是有利可图。25、The world is now becoming aware of the finite of its resources at a price ,and of the ever-increasing development coste of larger new mines.世界逐渐意识到高价资源的有限性与大矿、新矿日益增加的开发成本。26、This is achieved by comminution ,in which the particle size o

26、f the ore is progressively reduced until the clean particles of mineral can be separated by such methods as are available.分选之前的解离靠粉碎来完成,矿石颗粒粒度逐渐减小,直到矿物颗粒用现有的方法解离出来。27、Crushing reduces the particle size of run-of-mine ore to such a level that grinding can be carried out until the mineral and gangue a

27、re substantially produced as separate particles.破碎可将原矿石的颗粒粒度减小到一定的水平,以至于研磨能够顺利的实施,直到矿物和脉石能够作为独立的颗粒大体分离出来。28、Such rupture of the bond will increase the crack length ,thus increasing the stress concentration and causing a rapid propagation of the crack through the matrix,thus causing fracture.结合键间的断裂将

28、增加裂纹长度,因此增加了应力集中,同时导致裂纹在阵列中扩展,从而导致断裂。29、Due to this increase in surface energy ,newly formed surfaces are often more chemically active ,and are mor amenable to the action of flotation reagents ,etc ,as well as oxidizing more readily.由于表面能的增加,新形成的表面通常具有更高的化学活性,更易于受化学药剂的作用等,同时更容易氧化.30、When an irregula

29、r particle is broken by compression ,or crushing ,the products fall into two distinct size ranges-coarse particles resulting from the induced tensile failure ,and fines from compressive failure near the points of loading, or by shear at projections.当一个不规则的颗粒被挤压、破碎产生断裂时,产品被变成两个不同的粒度范围粗颗粒是由拉力导致断裂,细颗粒是

30、由于载荷附近压力导致的断裂或者在突起部分的剪切力导致断裂。31、Values of operating work indices obtained from specific units can be used to assess the effect of operating variables ,such as mill speeds ,size of grinding media ,type of liner ,etc.The higher the value of Wi,the lower is the grinding efficiency.设备从特定的单元获得的运行时的功指数的值,

31、能够用来评估操作变量的效果,如磨机的速度,研磨媒介的尺寸以及衬里的类型。功的值越大,研磨的效率越低32、It should be noted that the value of W is the power applied at the pinion shaft of the mill.Motor input power thus has to be converted to power at the mill pinion shaft the motor is coupled direct to the pinion shaft.应该注意的是,功的数值指的是作用在研磨机齿轮轴上的能量,发动机

32、输入能因此不得不转化为发动机和齿轮轴直接连接在一起的研磨机齿轮轴上的能量。33、Reasonable values for the work indices are obtained by this method as long as the reference and test ores are ground to about the same product size distribution.只要参比矿石与实验矿石被研磨到相同的产品粒度分布,用这种方法可以获得合理的功指数的值。34、The low efficiency of grinding equipment in terms of

33、the energy actually used to break the ore particles is a common feature of all types of mill ,but there are substantial differences between various designs.就实际用来破碎矿石颗粒的能量而言,研磨设备效率低是研磨设备的共同特征,但是各种设备之间还存在本质上的差异。(以下为额外添加,仅供参考)1、Beng tests require constant screening out of undersize material in order to

34、 simulate closed-circuit operation. 邦德试验要求不断的筛出物料以模拟闭路作业。2、So important is it to avoid over-grinding ,that ,as will be seen later ,some ores are comminuted to a size coarser than their liberating size before initial concentration.本书以后将会谈到,避免过磨是如此重要,以至某些矿石在入选前的粉碎粒度宁可大于解离粒度。汉译英1、矿石中有有用矿物与脉石矿物紧密共生。 The

35、 useful minerals in the ore are intimately associated with the gangue minerals.2.破碎一般为干式作业,采用分段方法完成。Crushing is usually a dry process and is performed in several stages.3.在矿物晶体的晶格内,原子间键只在很短的距离内有效。In the crystalline lattice of minerals ,these inter-atomic bonds are effective only over small distances

36、.4.新生成的表面通常具有更高的化学活性。Newly formed surfaces are often more chemically active.5.在水存在的情况下,粉碎所需的能量减小。The energy required for comminution is reduced in the presence of water.1. 粉碎学说研究输入能量与某一特定给料粒度下形成的产品粒度的关系 Comminution theory is concerned with the relationship between energy input and the product partic

37、le size made from a given feed size.2. 在球磨机内,所输入的大部分能量用于产生热量。 In a ball mill,the bulk of the energy is utilized in the production of heat.3.物料的单位体积表面积与颗粒的直径成反比The surface area of unit volume of material is inversely proportional to the diameter.4.也许测定矿石可磨度最广泛使用的参数是邦德功指数。Probably the most widely used

38、 parameter to measure ore grindability is the Bond work index Wi.5.批次实验取得的数据与标准可磨度实验数据具有很好的可比性,并且具有这样的优势,即测定功指数所需要的时间大大减少。 The batch-type tests compared very favourably with the standard grindability test data,the advantage being that less time is required to determine in the work index1、颚式破碎机是根据动鄂在

39、枢轴上的悬挂方法分类的。Jaw crushers are classified by the method of pivoting the swing jaw.2、大块原矿截面可以大到1.5m。Lumps of run-of-mine ore can be as large as 1.5m across.3、由于给料不足和设备的机械问题,通常粗碎机设计的工作时间只有可利用时间的75%。Primary crushers are commonly designed to operate 75% of the available time,mainly because of interruption

40、s caused by insufficient crusher feed and by mechanical delays in the crushers.4、双肘板颚式破碎机的动鄂摆动运动受到连杆垂直运动的影响。Double-toggle Blake crushers, the oscillating movement of the swinging jaw is effected by vertical movement of the pitman.5、在破碎速度大于900t/h的矿山,总是选用旋回破碎机。In mines with crushing rates above 900t/h

41、,gyratory crushers are always selected. 看图说话1. (P19 Fig.1 locking of mineral and gangue)This is illustrated by Fig.1,which shows a lump of ore which has been reduced to a number of cubes of identical volume and of a size below that of the grains of mineral observed in the original ore sample.It can

42、be seen that each particle produced containing mineral also contains a portion of gangue;complete liberation has not been attained;the bulk of the major mineral-the gangue-has,however,been liberated from the minor mineral-the value.2. (P20 Fig.2 Cross sections of ore particles)Fig.2 is a cross-secti

43、on through a typical ore particle,and illustrates effectively the liberation dilemma often facing the mineral processor.Regions A represent valuable mineral,and region AA is rich in valuable mineral,but is highly intergrown with the gangue mineral.Comminution produces a range of fragments,ranging fr

44、om fully liberated mineral and gangue particles,to those illustrated.Particles of type 1are rich in mineral,and are classed as concentrate as they have an acceptable degree of locking with the gangue which limits the concentrate grade.Particle of type 4 would likewise be classed as tailings,the smal

45、l amount of mineral present reducing the recovery of mineral into the concentrate.Particle of type 2 and 3,however ,would probably be class as middlings,although the degree of regrinding needed to promote economic liberation of mineral from particle 3 would be greater than that in particle 2.1.(P28

46、Fig.1 strain of a crystal lattice resulting from tensile or compressive stresses)Most minerals are crystalline materials in which the atoms are regularly arranged in three-dimensional arrays.The configuration of atoms is determined by the size and types of physical and chemical bonds holding them to

47、gether.In the crystalline lattice of minerals,these inter-atomic bonds are effective only over small distances,and can be broken if extended by a tensile stress.Such a stresses may be generated by tensile or compressive loading.2.(P28 Fig.2 stress concentration at a crack tip)Even when rocks are uni

48、formly loaded,the internal stresses are not evenly distributed,as the rock consists of a variety of minerals dispersed as grains of various sizes.The distribution of stress depends upon the mechanical properties of the individual minerals,but more importantly,upon the presence of cracks or flaws in the matrix,which act as sites for stress concentration.3. (P29 Fig.3 fra


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