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1、现在完成时一、引入:-Did you visit Beijing before? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. Have you ever visited Beijing? Yes, I _. No, I _. Have you ever been to Beijing? Yes, I _. No, I _.二、定义:现在完成时表示到现在为止已经完成或仍在持续的动作、状态;强调对现在的影响或联系。三、 结构:have/has+p.p.(动词过去分词) 接触一:肯定句式 现在完成时的肯定句式是“have(has)过去分词”。如: We have just finished

2、 our homework She has gone home 注意:1)该句式中的have或has是助动词,has用于第三人称单数,其它人称一律用have。 2)该句式中have(has)和过去分词之间可用just插入。 3)把该句式译成汉语时,往往用“已经”、“刚刚”、“过”或“了”等。 接触二:否定句式:现在完成时的否定句式是“havent(hasnt)过去分词”。如: We havent studied Unit 2 yet The train hasnt stopped yet接触三:疑问句式 现在完成时的一般疑问句式是把助动词have或has提到主语之前。 Have you rea

3、d this story book yet? 特殊疑问句及反意疑问句结构如下: What have you done with my bike? Youve read this story book, havent you? 注意:1)现在完成时的一般疑问句往往在句末加yet。 2)把现在完成时的一般疑问句译成汉语时,往往译成“过吗?”、“已经了吗?”等。 3)其肯定回答用“Yes,have(has)”,否定回答用“No,havent(hasnt)”,有时用“No,not yet”或“No,never”。 四、过去分词(规则ed)1)Worked,visited,asked,played,st

4、ayed 2)liked lived moved3)stopped dropped robbed planned, preferred 4)carried,worried,tried,cried五、现在完成时常与一些词、词组连用 :1、ever(曾)、never(未曾)、already(已经) 、 yet(仍、还)、just (刚刚)、before(以前)2、for +一段时间 : for two days 有两天了3. in the past/last一段时间 : in the past ten years 在刚过去的十年里4. since + 过去某一个时间: since 1991 : 自

5、从1991年到现在 一段时间 + ago since 14 years ago: 自从14年前到现在 一般过去时句子: since I was born : 自从我出生到现在already, yet, ever, never, just的用法Already 肯定句,强调已经的意,放句中或句末. I have already finished my homework.= I have finished my homework already.yet 否定句、问句,表示还没,没有的意思,放句末 He hasnt finished his homework yet. Has he finished

6、his homework yet?ever 问句,表示曾经的意思 Has John ever been to Zhuhai?never 含否定意思的肯定句,表示从没的意思 He has never been to China.just 肯定句,表示刚刚的意思 I have just come back from China.练习:用already, yet, ever, never, just填空1. Have you seen the film ( )?2. Have you done your homework ( )? -Not ( ), I will do it after suppe

7、r.3. Have you ( ) been to England? -no, ( ).4. I have ( ) finished reading the book.5. I have ( ) paid for the car.for, since及how longFor + 时间段:表示某个动作持续了多长时间Joey has been in New York for 10 years.Since + 时间点(具体时间/ ago/ 某个动作发生的时间 ):表示某个动作是从什么时候开始的,间接地表示这个动作持续的时间Joey has been in New York since 1996.Jo

8、ey has been in New York since ten years ago.Joey has been in New York since he first arrived. 两者都可以回答由How long引导的问题。How long has Joey been in New York?练习:用for, since及how long填空1. The wind has blown ( ) 2 hours.2. The dog has stayed there ( ) it ate its dinner.3. ( ) has the old man lain in bed?4. Th

9、e teacher has thought about the problem ( ) yesterday.5. The horse has run ( ) quite a long time.6. The ducks have swum ( ) thirty minutes.7. The poor child has worn the old clothes ( ) 7 years old.六、have been to, have gone toHave (has) been to表示曾经到过某地(通常现在已经回来了)My mother has been to London twice. 妈

10、妈去过两次伦敦。(妈妈现在已经回来了,在家)Have (has) gone to 表示已经去了某地(通常不在说话的地方)My mother has gone to London. 妈妈去了伦敦。(妈妈现在就在伦敦,不在家)练习:1. Jenny is well-traveled. She has _ to Germany twice.2. Jane isnt in now. She has _ to the office. Can I take a message?3. My father is a successful businessman. Hes _ to many countries

11、.4. Its a dangerous place. Nobody has ever _there.5. The manager has _to Beijing. He will be back tomorrow.6. The tiger of the zoo is missing. None of us knows where it has_.have been to, have been in, have beenHave been to 去过某地,现在不在那里 I have been to Paris. Now I am staying in Zhuhai.Have been in 一直

12、呆在某地,后接地点 I came to Zhuhai in 2004. So I have been in Zhuhai for 2 years already.Have been 后接名词和表状态的词组 I have been a teacher since 2004. I have been at No. 4 Middle School for 2 years.练习:1.A: Wheres Jim, Li Lei?B: He _the school library.2.The Greens _China for three years. We _the Great Wall twice.

13、Its very beautiful.1. Some of us have _ Zhuhai for only a week.2. Susan has _ in this band for over five years.3. My father has _Guangdong several times.4. It has _a long time since I first met Johnny.5. He loves Zhuhai and he has _ there quite a few times.6. Judie has always_a good student and her

14、classmates like her.7. Tony has _ America before, so this time he will travel to France.8. Bettys _ at home for three days. She doesnt feeling like going out.9. The boss has _ the office since early this morning. He works hard.七、瞬间动词和持续性动词用于完成时的区别 延续动词表示经验、经历; 瞬间动词表示行为的结果,不能与表示段的时间状语连用。 He has compl

15、eted the work.他已完成了那项工作。 (表结果) Julia has borrowed the book. Julia已经借了那本书。 Ive known him since then. 我从那时起就认识他了。(表经历) Julia has kept the book for 3 days. Julia已借了三天这本书了。瞬间动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是他可以转换成相应的延续性动词.1.直接用延续性动词buy have catch(get) a cold have a cold borrowkeep Come/go /becomebe put on- wear2.转换

16、成be+名词 join the army be a soldierJoin the Party be a Party membergo to school be a student 3转换成be+形容词或副词 diebe dead finish be over beginbe on leavebe away fall sleep be asleep close be closed4.转换成 be+介词短语 go to school be in school join the army be in the army1.我们买这本书三年了.We have had the book for thre

17、e years.We bought the book three years ago2.他感冒三天了.He has had a cold for three days.He caught a cold three days ago.1. His uncle _ (die) for two years.2.He left his hometown three years ago. (改为同义句) He _ _ _ _ his hometown for three years.瞬间动词和持续动词的练习 判断正误:1. Ann has become a teacher for 4 years.2.

18、Maria has borrowed the CD from me for a over a week.3. Jeff hasnt had a day off since last Monday.4. Norman has put the machine right for a few hours.5. The students have finished the homework for a while.6. The front door has been open for 8 hours already.7. The meeting has lasted for two hours and

19、 a half.8. Berry has been late for school several times this term.9. I have met Philip once.10. The Greens have eaten the supper for two hours.八、现在完成时和一般过去时的区别现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和过去具体的时间连用,而过去时可以.一般过去时常和过去时间短语连用。1. He _(work) in our school for one year.2. He _(come) to our school last year/in 2002.3. They _(cook) the supper already.4. They _ (cook) the supper half an hour ago.


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