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1、衔接内容I 音标复习A. 英语音标一共有48个,其中元音有20个,辅音有28个。元音(20个)单元音 短元音: / /e/ / / / / / 长元音: /i:/ /:/ /:/ /:/ /u:/双元音: /e/ /a/ / /e/ /a/辅音(28个)清辅音: /p/t/k/ /f/s/ / /t/tr/ /ts/ /h/浊辅音: /b/d/g/ /v/z/ / /d/dr/ /dz/ /r/ /m/n/ / 半元音: /w/ /j/写出下列单词中划线部分字母及字母组合的音标。1._: me even bee feel breeze deep seat beat lead tea eat r

2、eason grief believe achieve receive conceive句子练习:Seeing is believing. Jean is as busy as a bee.2. _ : sit bit kick pick wish句子练习:A little learning is a dangerous thing. His six-year old sister is as fit as a fiddle.3. _:pen ten beg egg net bread heaven any many句子练习:Lets get ready for the test. Alls

3、well that ends well.4._ : cap map bad mad bank thank lamp 句子练习:Harry has a happy family in Canada. The rat is running on a narrow track.5._:work worm bird dirt affirm term burn surf pearl learn句子练习:The German girl prefers a purple shirt to a blue one.The early bird catches the worm.6._: appear arise

4、 again alike teacher mother brother driver anger doctor actor tutor famous jealous句子练习:The teachers will get together tomorrow. Do you prefer the cinema or theatre?7._:far dark heart farm garden bar half句子练习:I like to pass through the garden park. Far from eye, far from heart.8._:up cut but bus luck

5、 butter monk onion句子练习:Well begun is half done. Mother told the funny story just for fun.9._:food fool cool pool shoot tomb group blue clue rule truth conclude句子练习:The news is too good to be true. That rule is useful once in a blue moon.10._:foot good cook hook took pull full bull should 句子练习:The co

6、ok cooks good food. The woman stood for as long as she could.11._:talk ball hall door floor law saw bought fought thought before ignore caught taught naughty force born sort warn 句子练习:Pauls four and can walk and talk.The storm draws near-we ought to go indoors.12._:ox on not rot hot lot 句子练习:The cof

7、fee is top quality. When the shop was robbed, everybody was shocked.13._:eight cake fate naked snake make paid main day may 句子练习:No pains, no gains. Great changes have taken place in only one day.14._:cry dry my kite high bike tight fine time buy guy句子练习:Time and tide wait for no man. A stitch in ti

8、me saves nine.15._:toy boy noise voice point soil coin oil 句子练习:She made her point in a joyful voice.The boy was annoyed when his toy was destroyed.16._:house sound out noun bow town now tower 句子练习:How about going down south? She found out how to pronounce the sound.17._:host nose hole note coke cop

9、e bowl know low own boat coat 句子练习:The old man lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely.A rolling stone gathers no moss.18._:beer deer hear near fear here 句子练习:I fear we cant hear him clearly. You are serious but sincere, my dear.19._:hair fair air chair bear swear dare hare there句子练习:Where theres a w

10、ill, theres a way.He rarely stares at the mayor, because hes scared.20._:poor lure sure tour 句子练习:Surely the poor patient will be cured. The European tourist felt insecure.B. 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。一个单词的元音发音的总数决定了这个单词所包含的音节的数目,也就是说有几个发音的元音就有几个音节。判断下列单词的音节:me, I, bad, play, six, father, title, remove, perh

11、aps, people, student, teacher, vitamin, Chinatown, century, certainly, carefully, understand, little, autumn, button, sudden, apple单音节的单词有:双音节的单词有:多音节的单词有:PracticePlease show the syllables of each word below.Model: about: a-boutbetter _ little _arrive _ support _sister _ window _market _ dirty _moth

12、er _ open _student _ prepare _children _ before _excuse _ forgetful _inventor _ elephant _congratulate _ over _衔接内容II 句子成分I.英语的词类:名词 (n.) 如 book, computer, water.代词 (pron.) 如 I, you, his.动词 (v.) 如 come, write, bring.形容词(adj./a.) 如 happy, surprised, clear. 副词 (adv./ad) 如 here, today, happily.数词 (num.

13、) 如 four, sixty, fourth.介词 (prep.) 如 on, under, about.连词 (conj.) 如 and, or, when.冠词 (art.) 如 a, the.感叹词 (int.) 如 oh, ouch, dear.II.英语句子成分包括_.A. 请指出下列句子中的主语。 1. English is very important.2. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain. 3. Five is my lucky number. 4. The rich should help the poor

14、.5. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. 6. To see is to believe.7. What he said at the meeting is very important.8. It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy.9. Would you please tell me your address?小结:主语(subject)是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。可充当主语的有_。B

15、. 请指出下列句子中的谓语。1. They exercise every morning.2. He practices running every morning.3. The plane takes off at ten oclock.4. Youre driving too fast.5. We should respect Liu Xiang though he broke his leg again in the 2012 London Olympic Games.6. He is an excellent teacher.7. The food in KFC tastes deli

16、cious.8. Did you watch the 2012 London Olympic Games?小结:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态,必须由_充当。一般放在主语之后。C. 请指出下列句子中的宾语。1. I love you.2. John likes Chinese food.3. I can look after myself well. 4. Mr. Smith enjoys playing football very much.5. He certainly did not want to join them. 6. I firmly believe that I c

17、an learn English well. 7. I think it important to learn English well. 8. Please give me the book.小结:宾语(object)表示动作的对象或承受者,一般位于及物动词或介词后面,充当宾语的可以是_D. 请分析下列句子中划线部分的成分。1. We are students and we are hard-working.2. Time is up. The class is over.3. His hobby is playing CS.4. Mr. Blacks job is to teach Mat

18、h.5. The truth is that he has never been abroad. 6. The rubbish smells terrible. 7. The weather has turned cool.8. Dont always keep silent in class.小结:句中划线部分是_语,位于_之后。主要是用来说明主语的性质特征,可以由_充当。E. 请分析下列句子中划线部分的成分。1. We will make them happy.2. We elected him monitor.3. I often hear him play the piano.4. D

19、avie advised me to buy a dictionary.5. Dont keep the water running.6. I will have my bike repaired.小结:句中划线部分为_语,多由_充当。主要用来补充说明宾语,与宾语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。F 请分析下列句子中划线部分的成分。1. Our new teachers are very responsible teachers. 2. We belong to the third world. 3. The teaching plan for this term has been work

20、ed out.?4. I have an idea to do it well.5. There is a sleeping baby in bed.6. Polluted air does harm to our health.7. His father works in a steel factory.5. He who doesnt get to the Great Wall is not a true man.小结:句中划线部分为_语,多用于修饰名词或代词。多由_充当。G请找出下列句子中的状语并指出具体的状语类型。1. I will go there tomorrow. (_ 状语)2

21、. The meeting will be held in the meeting room. (_ 状语)3. The meat went bad because of the hot weather.(_ 状语) 4. He studies hard to learn English well. (_ 状语)5. He didnt study hard so that he failed in the exam.(_ 状语)6. I like some of you very much. (_ 状语)7. If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

22、 (_ 状语)8. He goes to school by bike. (_ 状语)9. Though he is young, he can do it well. (_ 状语)H. 请分析下列句子中划线部分的成分。1. Beijing, our capital city, is a beautiful place.2. Im studying in No.1 High School, a key school in Hunan Province.3. Happy New Year to you all!4. They each like English.5. We heard the n

23、ews that our team had won.小结:句中划线部分为_语。练习(请划分下列句子的成分)1. I bought a new walkman at the supermarket yesterday.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.5. He found it important to master English.6. It is necessary to have a class

24、meeting this week. 7. The apples tasted sweet.8. I know you are right.9. The book which I borrowed from Erica is very interesting. 10. As soon as I got to school, it began to rain.11. If it rains tomorrow, we will stop training.12. Xiao Ming, my best friend, is ill today.13. I saw him playing the vi

25、olin just now.14. That he was late again made the teacher angry.15. Do you think it a good idea to practice listening every day.衔接内容III 简单句的五种基本句型根据语法形式,英语的句子可分为简单句,并列句和复合句。简单句通常只由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成。I. 请划分下列句子成分并归纳句子结构1. Time flies. _2. The flowers are beautiful. _3. I cook dinner. _4. He gav

26、e me a dictionary. _5. You should keep the classroom clean. _II. 句子拓展1. Time flies, so we have to study hard.2. The flowers in the garden are beautiful.3. I cook dinner for my family.4. He gave me a dictionary when I asked him to help me with my English.5. You should keep the classroom clean because

27、 we study in it every day.III. 分析下列句子属于哪种句型1. This is an apple tree.2. Father returned home yesterday.3. Teachers take care of us students.4. He gave the boy much money.5. We call that bird Polly.6. Tom works twelve hours a day.7. My mother often tells me to be careful with money.8. The weather is g

28、etting cooler and cooler.9. My uncle bought me a mobile phone.10. I hope to make friends with all of you.11. Jane bought a story book in the bookstore yesterday.12. The couple found their kid ill.13. You are a student.14. He felt happy today.15. What you said made me happy.16. Could you give me some advice on how to learn English well?17. After he finished his homework, he went away.18. He likes pop music.


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