
上传人:苏美尔 文档编号:6349513 上传时间:2020-10-31 格式:DOC 页数:1 大小:16KB
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1、1.Life can not always be like the you want,but it dose not mean you can not enjoy youself.2.we do not magic to transform our world .we carry all of the power we need inside ourself alreadyJ.K.Rowling.3.good day gives you joy while bad day gives you experience.so never regret every single day of your

2、 life.4.do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man ,filled with regret waiting to die alone ?如果你不愿遗憾终老等待死亡那么就相信你自己!5.every boring hour in our life is unique 每一次的困惑都是一次唯一的经历6.whatever you are facing today, remember to give yourself some credit for making it this far.you are stronger tha

3、n you know.不管你面对的是什么,记住给自己一些能够走的更远的信任,你比你想象的要强大。7.whatever you go,whatever you do ,I will be right here waiting for you.whatever it takes ,or how my heart breaks , I will be right here waiting for you. 8.dont try to achieve happiness, try to happily achieve.莫要追求快乐,要快乐的追求。9.I always in the deepest de

4、spair , meet the mot beautiful surprise。我总在最深的绝望之时遇到最美丽的惊喜。10. Being single doesnt mean that you know nothing about love. In fact, stay single is much wiser than having a wrong relationship. 单身并不意味着你不懂爱情,事实上,单身要比陷入一段错误的爱明智得多。11. If you view the world around you and lifes challenges through the lens

5、of goodness, then you will find life much more enjoyable. 如果你用善意的视角看世界和面对生活的挑战,你会发现生活会更美好。12. Do not take peoples care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually.不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管TA有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。13. You usually find what youre looking for the moment you stop looking

6、 for it.找东西的时候,你不打算再找的那一刻,往往是你就要找到的时候。14. Life is crazy! We chase what we cant have, and run away from what we desire the most!生活有的时候很疯狂,我们追逐那些无法拥有的,却放弃那些我们最需要的。15. If life is divided into two episodes, the first is “hesitance-free”, while the second is“ regret-free”若将人生一分为二,前半段叫做 “不犹豫”,后半段叫做 “不后悔”1

7、6. Sometimes,people cry for enduring too long rather than being weak.有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强了太久。17.I have found a paradox : if you love someone until it hurts, the hurt will disappear, whats left is just love. 我发现一件很矛盾的事:当你爱到痛时,痛就会消失,只剩下了爱。18. All men whilst they are awake are in one common wor

8、ld;but each of them,when he is asleep,is in a world of his own. Plutarch 所有人在醒着的时候都是置身于同一个世界,但在睡着后,却都置身在自己的世界。- 普卢塔克19.My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there. 我只关心未来,因为我的余生都会在那里度过。20. Life will get better when it goes bad to a certain extent.Because it cant get worse than this.We should fill our heart with sunshine.生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。所以我们心中应该总是充满阳光。


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