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1、1. Is this the factory _ you visited the other day? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one 2. Is this factory _ some foreign friends visited last Friday? A. that B. where C. which D. the one 3. Is this the factory _ he worked ten years ago? A. that B. where C. which D. the one4. Is it in the factor

2、y _ “Red Flag” cars are produced? A. in which B. where C. which D. that5. Ill tell you _ he told me last week. A. all which B. that C. all that D. which6. That tree, _ branches are almost bare, is very old. A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which7. I have bought the same dress _ she is wearing.

3、 A. asB. that C. which D. what8. He failed in the examination, _ made his father very angry. A. which B. itC. that D. what 9. - “How do you like the book?” - “Its quite different from _ I read last month.” A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what10. Mr. Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils e

4、xcept _ who had already taken them. A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others11. He has lost the key to the drawer _ the papers are kept. A. where B. in which C. under which D. which12. Who can think of a situation _ this idiom can be used? A. which B. that C. where D. in that13. We are going to spe

5、nd the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, _live my grandparents and some relatives. A. which B. that C. who D. where 14. The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, _ much help for knowing space. A. which we think it is B. which we think are of C. of which we think isD. I think which is of15. Th

6、e great day we looked forward to _ at last. A. come B. came C. coming D. comes16. _ she couldnt understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What; why B. That; whatC. What; because D. Why; that17. Mum is coming. What present _ for your birthday? A. you expect she has

7、got B. you expect has she gotC. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got 18. A warm thought suddenly came to me _I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthdayAif Bwhen Cthat Dwhich19Nobody believed his reason for being absent form the class_ he had to meet hi

8、s uncle at the airport.A.why B.thatC.where D.because20.We havent settled the question of _ it is necessary for him to study abroad. A. ifB. whereC. whetherD. that21.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt_ a cure for AIDS will be found.A. which B. that C. what D. whether22._ well go for a pi

9、cnic in the open air depends on the weather.A. If B. that C. Where D. whether23.The policeman came up to see _.A. what the matter is B. what the matter was B. what was the matter D. what is the matte24.Do_you think is right _ difficult it is. A. what; however B.that,whatever C. whatever,however D.wh

10、at,whatever25.It is a rule in his family that _ comes home earlier should cook the dinner for the family . A. Anybody B. who C. who that D. whoever26.It was in Beihai Park _ they made a date for the first time _ the old couple told us their love story.Awhere; that Bthat; that. Cwhere; when Dthat; th

11、en27.He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning _ his teammates had done.A. what B. which C. why D. while28._ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of you e-mail account.A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires29.I was su

12、rprised by her words, which made me recognize _ silly mistakes I had made.A. what B that C. how D. which30.He made _that he wouldnt change his mind.A. that quite clear B. it quite clear C. quite clear D. how clear that31.Tony will never forget these days _she lived in China with her mother,has a gre

13、at effect on her life.A.that; which B.when; which C.which; that D.when; that 32. What are you anxious about?_.A.Whether we can succeed B.If we succeedC.Do we succeed D.That we can succeed33.The police got to_was once an old school_the peasants used as a store .Awhat , that Bwhere , which Cwhere , th

14、at Dwhich , where34.The Emperor ordered that the wonderful cloth _ for him at once.A. to be woven B. be woven C. should weave D. would be woven 35.Is it possible _ he misunderstood _ she said?A. that, that B. what, what C. that , what D. what, that36. _ he took part in the competition, he won a seco

15、nd prize.A. For the first time B. At a time C. At one time D. The first time37. The company has a free long-distance telephone number _ customers may call with any questions they have about its products.A. although B. as C. even if D. so that38. Someone called me up in the middle of the night,but th

16、ey hung up _ I could answer the phone.A. as B. sinceC. until D. before39. - Dont look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.- Oh, yes. _ others are weak, he is strong.A. If B. WhenC. Where D. Though40. I had worked here _ you came here. But I shall leave for England _.A. before long, before long

17、B. before long; long beforeC. long before, before long D. long before; long before41. Though he is in his sixties, _ he works as hard as a young manA. yet B. but C. and D. and yet42. They went on working _ it was late at night.A. even if B. as ifC. however D. as though43. Why do you want to find a n

18、ew job _ youve got such a good one already?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when44. He got excited at the news,_ I was calm.A. whenB. whileC. becauseD. after45. Hardly had he arrived in Hong Kong _ she rang me up.A. whenB. thanC. thatD. and46. _ they heard the shout for help,they rushed out.A. Immediately

19、B. The moment C. The while D. All the above47. _,he never seems able to do the work beautifully.A. Try as he may B. as he tries C. Try as does he D. As he does try48. I wonder if I _ time. If I _ time,Ill go with you.A. have;have B. will have;will have C. have;will have D. will have;have49. _ I live,I will never give in to the enemy.A. As far asB. As long asC. As well asD. As soon as50. I was about to leave my house _ the phone rang.A. whileB. whenC. asD. after1-5 ADBDC 6-10 AAACA 11-15 BCDBB 16-20 ACCBC 21-25 BDCCD 26-30 AACAB 31-35 BAABC 36-40 DDDCC 41-45 AADBA 46-50 DADBB


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