1金识源Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第2课时课件.ppt

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1、Unit 6 Do you have bananas? Section A (Grammar Focus - 3c),旧 知 回 顾,1. banana 2. hamburger 3. tomato 4. apple5. pear6. orange7. ice cream8. salad9. strawberry,草莓 香蕉 汉堡包 番茄;西红柿 苹果 梨 冰淇淋 橘子 沙拉,一、目标导学 1. 熟记Grammar Focus里的重点句型。 2. 掌握可数名词变复数的规律。 3. 学会询问他人喜欢与不喜欢的食物。,二、自主探究 1、词汇探究 2、知识探究,1、词汇探究:选择恰当的助动词do或d

2、oes, 填写到横线上。 I _ we _ you _ he/she/it_ they _ Mary _ Mary and Tony_,名词变复数的一般规律 1. 一般在名词的词尾加-s. 如:banana - bananas 2. 以-o, -s, -sh, -ch, -x 结尾的名词, 在词尾加-es构成复数形式 E.g.:tomato - tomatoes, watch - watches,box - boxes 3. 有些以-o 结尾的名词,则加-s. E.g.:photo - photos 4. 以辅音字母加-y 结尾的名词,则把-y改为i,加-es. E.g.:family - f

3、amilies,2) Do you like.? 是一般现在时的一般疑问句, 用来询问对方是否喜欢某物。like为实义动词,在句式 变换时,要用助动词do或does。若主语为第三人称单数, 则用助动词does,其余用do。 肯定句式:主语+like/likes + .表示“某人喜欢.”. 否定句式:主语+ dont/doesnt like +. 表示“某人不喜欢.” 一般疑问句:Do/Does +主语+like+.? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+do/does. 否定回答:No, 主语+dont/doesnt.,三、合作交流 1. 大声朗读课本P33的Grammar Focus内容。 2. 小组

4、核对自主探究模块答案。 3. 小组合作练习课本3c,四、展示风采 1. 展示自主探究模块内容。 2. 展示课本3c的调查结果。,1、词汇探究:选择恰当的助动词do或does, 填写到横线上。 I _ we _ you _ he/she/it_ they _ Mary _ Mary and Tony_,do do do does,do does do,在括号内正确的单词下画线。 1. I like fruit, but I (dont / doesnt) like vegetables. 2. She (like/likes) bread, but she (doesnt/dont) like

5、salad. 3. He (like/likes) bananas, but he (dont / doesnt) like oranges. 4. We (likes/like) hamburgers, but we dont (like/likes) chicken. 5. They (likes/like) pears, but they (dont/doesnt) like strawberries.,3a,3b,将句子编号,组成对话。,So, lets get salad. Yes, I do. Do you like salad? OK.,3,2,1,4,五、巩固训练 基础题 单项

6、选择 1. Do _ like tomatoes? A. he B. she C. Tom and Mary D. your brother 2. You can see _ orange pencils on the desk. A. an B. some C. any D. a 3. Look! Some chicken _ on the table, and some bananas _ in the bag. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is,C,B,C,4. What vegetables do you like? _. A. E

7、ggs B. Carrots C. Oranges D. Ice cream 5. He eats eggs, oranges _ apples. A. or B. and C. but D. /,B,B,拓展题 写出下列单词的复数形式. hamburger_ dictionary_ tomato_ _ photo_ strawberry_ banana_ pear_ orange_,hamburgers,dictionaries,tomatoes,photos,strawberries,bananas,pears,oranges,提升题 按要求完成句子。 1. Does Tom like s

8、trawberries?(否定回答) _. 2. She doesnt have an apple.(变为肯定句) She _ an apple.,No, he doesnt,has,3. The girls like fruit and ice-cream. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the girls _? 4. There is a photo on the wall. (改为复数句) There _ some _ on the wall.,What do like,are photos,六、学习反思 收获: _ _ 不足: _ _ 改进: _ _,Homework,看图画,写出Mary喜欢或不喜欢的食物。,Mary likes: Mary dislikes:,Thanks for listening,


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