unit2 the united kingdom language points优秀课件.ppt

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《unit2 the united kingdom language points优秀课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit2 the united kingdom language points优秀课件.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,1.把.分成 divide.into 2.挣脱,脱离 break away (from) 3.省去 leave out 4. 代替 take the place of,5.损坏,破坏 break down 6. 为.带来荣誉,值得赞扬 to ones credit 7.提及,涉及 refer to 8.为了方便起见 for convenience,重点短语梳理,1. How many countries does the UK consist of? consist of 组成;构成;(后接of,无被动态和进行时) Our class was consistes of fifty stude

2、nts. 拓展 consist vi. 与with连用,符合;并存;一致 Theory should consist with practice. 与in连用,在于,存在于 The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient building.,exercise,(1)这个俱乐部由大约50名会员组成。 Thisclub_about50members. (2)理论应与实践相一致。 Theoryshould_ _practice. (3)这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。 Thebeautyoftheplan_itssimplicity (4

3、)你的行为和你所说的不一致。 Yourconductisnot_whatyousay,consistsof,consistwith,consistsin,consistentwith,2. divide/separate 分离,分开,divide “把一个整体分成若干部分”,破坏了宾语的完整性,常与 “into”连用 divide into 把分成 England can be divide into three main areas. 英国可以分成三大部分。 I divide the apple into 2 pieces 我把苹果分成两半 (2) separate指“把原来连在一起或靠近的

4、部分分割开来”,常与 “from” 连用 separate from把.分开 Please separate the white shirt from the colored ones. 请把白衬衫与其他颜色的衬衫分开。 During the war, many men leave their home and separate from their family. 战争期间,许多人离开家,并且与家人分开,divide或separat (1)The apple was _ into two. (2)His lecture _ into three parts. (3)She was _ fro

5、m her husband last year. (4)The Taiwan Strait _ Taiwan from Fujian.,separated,divides,divided,separates,exercise,3. You can easily clarify any problems if you study British history. 如果你学习了英国历史, 很容易就能 弄清楚任何问题。 clarify vt./vi. 澄清, 清楚, 明了; 易懂事 你能把这个长句子解释清楚吗?,Can you clarify this long sentence?,n. clari

6、fication 澄清,说明;净化,adj. clarified 澄清的;透明的,拓展,His mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了。,Tom已致函Mike,要求将情况解释清楚。 Tom has written to Mike asking for clarification of the situation.,4. accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到 1. 只要大家齐心协力,我想我们就能 实现目标。 If we can work together, I think we could accomplish our goal. 2. 如果没有一个稳定、

7、和平的环境, 中国什么事情也干不成。 China can accomplish nothing without a stable and peaceful environment.,5.However,thesouthernpartofIrelandwasunwillingandbrokeawaytoformitsowngovernment.然而,爱尔兰南部并不愿意,因此脱离出去建立了自己的政府。,break away (from): 挣脱; 脱离; 改掉, 破除 现在许多农民都想离开农村到城里谋生。 Nowadays many farmers want to break away from

8、rural life and make a living in cities. 美国南方各洲想脱离联邦。 The American southern states wanted to break away from the union. 你应该改掉这个坏习惯。 You should break away from the bad habit.,break 搭配词组: 挣脱, 逃脱; 脱离, 背叛 抛锚, 出故障, 身体跨了 闯入, 突然发出 (战争、瘟疫、火灾) 爆发 中断;暂停;折断 出现,突破 分解,打碎,break away(from),break down,break into/in,

9、break out,break off,break through,break up,用break短语的正确形式填空,Children shouldnt on adults conversation.,If he carries on working like this, he will _ sooner or later.,It was almost midnight that a fire _in the neighbourhood.,Sentences can _into clauses.,break in,break down,broke out,be broken up,(2011福

10、建省)At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape, he and admitted everything.,A.broke up B.broke away C.broke down D.broke in,6.Totheircreditthefourcountriesdoworktogetherinsomeareas值得赞扬的是,虽然这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作,do/did/does+动词原形结构用来加强谓语动词的语气,相当于“的确;真的;务必”,Docomeearlynext

11、time. 下次务必早点到 Hedidgotherewithhisbrother yesterday 他昨天确实和他的哥哥去了那里,exercise,1)务必记住带一束花来。(rememberto) bringabunchofflowers. 2)那药对病人真的有效果。(haveeffecton) Themedicine the patient.,Dorememberto,doeshavesomeeffecton,credit n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷,1. He is a credit to the family. 2. The bank refused credits to the c

12、ompany 3. He earned enough credits for his degree. to ones credit 值得赞扬; 为某人增光 值得表扬的是他认了自己的错误。 To his credit, he has admitted his mistakes. Credit cards信用卡 ; 信誉卡,7.England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones在这四个国家中,英格兰最大,为了方便起见,它大致被划分为三个地区。

13、,convenience n. 方便,便利的事物,方便的时候 convenient adj. 方便的,便利的 inconvenient adj. 不方便的,at ones convenience 在方便的时候 for the convenience of 为方便起见 be convenient to sb 对某人方便 it is convenient for sb.to do sth. 方便某人做某事,exercise,Please come. . 在你方便的时候请过来一下 Anewstorehas been built . theresidents. 为便利居民,新建了一个百货商店。 The

14、 now school the kids around here. It is help others.,at your convenience,for the convenience of,is convenient to,convenient for me to,8.Which country is left out?哪个国家被遗漏了?,leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑 leave out sth / leave sth out 把省略,不考虑 Do not leave out his coming at the party. 聚会时不要忽略掉他的到来。 leave 的词组 leav

15、e alone 不管;别惹;撇下.一个人 leave aside 搁置一边 leave for 动身去 leave sth. behind 留下;遗忘(没拿) ;遗留 leave sb. doing sth 让某人一直做某事,exercise,I was working busily when I got my wifes call that there was something wrong with my son. So I had to (1) _ the work _. Just then, my partner came in, telling me something about a meeting. I shouted at her, Dont talk to me. (2) _ me _.” Then I wrote a letter to my boss for 3 days off. After that, I(3) _my office _ my hometown.,leave aside,leave for,left for,


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