Unit8 When is your birthday,SectionB 1a-1d.ppt

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《Unit8 When is your birthday,SectionB 1a-1d.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit8 When is your birthday,SectionB 1a-1d.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、一、说出正确的英语月份。,September,December,January,August,February,March,November,June,April,May,October,July,一月二月 三月四月 五月 六月 七月八月 九月十月 十一月十二月,二、 写出下列基数词相对应的序数词 1. one 2. two 3. three 4. five 5. eight 6. nine 7. twelve 8. twenty 9. thirty 10. twenty-two,first,second,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth,t

2、hirtieth,twenty-second,How old are you?,Im nine (years old.),nine,Presentation,When is your birthday?,My birthday is on January 1st.,When is your birthday party?,At five this afternoon.,Happy birthday!,Thank you!,When is your fathers birthday?,His birthday is on .,When is Sallys birthday?,Her birthd

3、ay is on .,Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! Alan: Thank you, Bill. Bill: So, how old are you, Alan? Alan: Im twelve. How old are you? Bill: Im thirteen. Alan: When is your birthday? Bill: My birthday is in August. Alan: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party? Bill: Oh, yes. When is it? Alan:

4、At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See you!,Pairwork,Role-play the conversation.,2e,Bill: 艾伦你好,生日快乐! Alan: 谢谢你,比尔。 Bill: 那么,艾伦,你多大了? Alan: 我12.你多大了? Bill: 我13. Alan: 你生日是什么时候? Bill: 我生日在八月份。 Alan: 奥,你想来我的生日聚会吗? Bill: 哦当然了。什么时候? Alan: 今天下午3点。 Bill: 好的,太棒了。再见!,Pairwork,Role-play the conversatio

5、n.,2e,汉译英。 1. 那是约翰的排球。 That is _ volleyball. 2. 这些是吉姆和比尔的书桌。 These are _ desks 3. 王明的文具盒在沙发上。 _ pencil-box is on the sofa. 4. 元旦节是在一月一日。 _is _ January 1st. 5. 格林太太是露西和莉莉的妈妈。 Mrs. Green is _ mother.,Johns,Jims and Bills,Wang Mings,New Years Day,on,Lucy and Lilys,汉译英。 6. 教师节快乐! Happy _ ! 7. 这家商店卖男式服装。

6、 This store sells _ clothes. 8. 儿童节在六月一日。 _ is _ June 1st.,Teachers Day,mens,Childrens Day,on,Unit 8,When is your birthday?,S e c t i o n B,party,school trip(郊游),English test(测验),basketball game,New words,TaskPairwork,Talk about the school events with your partner.,New Years party school trip Englis

7、h/Chinese/math test Football/Basketball/Volleyball game relay race singing contest,Task Pairwork,Example: A: Do you have an English party at your school? B: Yes, we do. A: Do you like it? B: Yes. it is interesting and we can learn English. A: When is the English party? B: Its May 3rd. How about you?

8、 A: We dont have the English party. B: Do you like it? A: No,I dont. Its boring.,1. _ English test 3. _ school trip 2. _ party 4. _ basketball game,d,c,b,a,1a,Match the pictures with the events.,Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.,1b,d,c,b,a,Listen again. Fill in Johns calendar.,1c,the basket-ball game,Sallys birthday party,the school trip,the English test,the school trip,1d,Pairwork,When is Johns school trip?,Its on September 25th.,When is the basketball game?,Its on October 2nd.,Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar.,When is Sallys birthday party?,Its on October 5th.,


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