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1、1. What is his mother doing? She is washing some vegetables. 2. Whats his father doing? He is cooking the meat with potatoes.,3. What is he doing? He is looking for some juice in the fridge.,4. What are they doing? They are having dinner.,5.Does Liu Tao like the food? Yes, he does.,meat,potatoes,tom

2、atoes,soup,vegetables,bread,Work in groups: 四人小组试着将这些单词分成可数名词和不可数名词两类!,可数 不可数,potatoes,tomatoes,vegetables,meat,soup,bread,Work in groups: 你还知道哪些可数名词和不可数名词呢? 四人小组一起想一想,说一说!选出一名代表准备汇报。,Work in pairs: 我们在使用可数名词和不可数名词时应当注意些什么呢?读下面的句子和同桌一起讨论一下!,Tip: 可数名词复数时单词后要加s或es,前面的be动词要用are. 不可数名词复数时不能加s或es, 前面的be动

3、词则用is.,Design your dinner in pairs. 和同桌一起设计你们的晚餐,注意可数不可数名词的用法哦!还要注意合理搭配,营养健康哦!,This is our dinner. There is . There are .,Look, whats he doing?,Is he ?,Yes, he is./No, he isnt.,Look, what are they doing?,Are they ?,Yes, they are. /No, they arent.,Tip: 现在进行时的一般疑问句是将be动词移到句首,句末句号变问号。回答时要注意be动词和人称代词的对应

4、关系哦!,Work in groups: 小组内读读这些句子,体会他们的特点和规律,组内说一说。,现在进行时的一般疑问句及回答,游戏规则(四人一组) 1号出题,2号表演,3,4号同学猜 2号出题,3号表演,4,1号同学猜 以此类推,轮流游戏,小组内谁猜中的次数多为获胜者. Tip: 出题不要太难猜哦!可以参考屏幕上的图片。,Look, whats he/she doing?,Is he/she ?,Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.,Jim Tom Tim,Tim: Hey, brothers. Im hungry. Whats in the fridge? To

5、m: There is . There are . Tim: Id like . Tom: Me, too. Tim: Jim, what about you? Jim: Tom: Hey, Jim. What are you doing? Jim: Tim: What is he doing? Is he ? Tom: Is he ? Jim: Shh, Im reading.,Complete their dialogue,Its six oclock in the evening. Liu Tao comes home from . His parents in the kitchen.

6、 His mother . She wants to . His father . Liu Tao in the fridge. He likes .,a football game,are cooking dinner,is washing some vegetables,cook some tomato soup,is cooking meat with potatoes,is looking for some juice,the meat and the soup,1. What is his mother doing? She is washing some vegetables. 2

7、. Whats his father doing? He is cooking the meat with potatoes.,3. What is he doing? He is looking for some juice in the fridge.,4. What are they doing? They are having dinner.,Present progressive.现在进行时,He is cooking the meat with potatoes.,He is looking for some juice in the fridge.,They are having dinner.,She is washing some vegetables.,Is she washing any vegetables?,Is he cooking the meat with potatoes?,Is he looking for some juice in the fridge?,Are they having dinner?,同桌讨论:下面的句子发生了哪些变化?有什么规律?,Look, whats she doing?,Is she ?,Yes, she is. No, she isnt.,


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