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1、Unit 12,Dedicated People,“Women can hold up half of the sky”,A Chinese saying goes:,女人能顶半边天。,Guessing,Game,Can you guess who they are according to the descriptions?,Tip: They are all great women.,She lived in Tang Dynasty.,She is the only woman monarch (君主 ) of China.,Empress Wu Zetian (624 - 705),A

2、 famous folk music artist,First to get master degree in music,The present First Lady in China,Hillary Clinton,The former American First Lady,The former Secretary of State in USA,She is an American television host, actress, producer, and philanthropist filnrpist (慈善家).,She has been ranked the richest

3、 African American of the 21th century, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was once the worlds only black billionaire(亿万富翁).,She is best known as for her self-titled(同名的),multi-award winning talk show, which has become the highest-rated program of its kind in history.,Oprah Wi

4、nfrey,奥普拉温弗瑞 专访 迈克尔杰克逊.flv,奥普拉温弗瑞.flv,She wanted to become a nurse but it was not considered a proper profession for a young lady at that time.,In 1853 she went to the Crimea to help the soldiers during the war. There she became known as “ the lady with the lamp”.,She is considered as a pioneer of n

5、ursing care.,Florence Nightingale,南丁格尔.flv,伦敦铜像,十英镑纸币背面,十英镑纸币正面,南丁格尔奖章,512国际护士节,1912年,国际护士理事会将南丁格尔的诞生日5月12日定为国际护士节,旨在激励广大护士继承和发扬护理事业的光荣传统、以“爱心、耐心、细心、责任心”对待每一位病人、做好护理工作。,New Words,Reading,Languages points of 1-2段,1. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 12 May 1820 and was named Florence after he

6、r birthplace. 弗劳伦斯南丁格尔于1820年5月12日生于意大利,并以她的出生地佛罗伦萨作为她的名字。 name after 以给命名 be named after 用命名 The town is named after a famous people. 小镇以一个名人命名。,2. excel in: 擅长;优于 She excels in music. 她擅长音乐。 3. grow up: 长大 What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大了,想干什么? 4. decide to do: 决定做 He decides to go abr

7、oad. 他决定出国。 5. at that time: 在那个时候 I didnt know her at that time. 那时,我不认识她。,6. look down upon: 瞧不起;鄙视 He is looked down upon in his class. 他在班里受到歧视。 7.Begin doing: 开始做 When did you begin learning English? 你什么时候开始学英语? 8. care for:关心;照顾 Who cares for the baby? 谁照顾这个孩子? 9. at/in the front: 在前线,10. army

8、 hospital: 军队医院 11.try to do: 努力做 He tried to forget what had happened. 他努力忘记发生的事情。 Questions for 1-2 段: Where was Florence Nightingale born? Who educated her and her sister? Whats her decision? Who was England fighting in 1854?,New Words,Languages points of 3-7段,12. the + adj. 表示一类人或物 the wounded:

9、伤员 13. create anger: 激起愤怒 Her words created anger in the crowd. 她的话激起了人群的愤怒。 14. in response: 作为答复 He told a joke. In response, we laughed. 他讲了个笑话,引得我们大笑。,15. appoint sb to do sth: 委派某人做某事 He appointed several students to clean the room. 他派几个学生打扫房间。 16. arrive in: 到达 When did he arrive in Beijing? 他

10、何时到的北京? 17. at first: 起初;当初 He was against our advice at first. 起初他反对我们的建议。 18. in fact: 实际上;其实,In fact, he helps us greatly. 其实,他对我们帮助很大。 18. did make a difference: 有很大差别,有很大不同 did:加强语气,表示强调 He did come yesterday. 他昨天“的确”来了。 19. make a difference: 有影响;起作用 His advice did make a difference. 他的建议确实起作用

11、了。 20. by day: 白天,21. attending the patients: 伴随状语 22. on behalf of: 代表; 为的利益 I went there on behalf of my classmates. 我代表同学去的那里。 23. act as:担当;起的作用 He acts as an elder brother in our class. 他在我们班担当大哥哥的角色。 24. set up: 建立 25. in return: 作为回报 What can you give him in return? 你能给他什么作为回报呢? 26. around th

12、e clock: 昼夜不停地;24小时;连 续地,The students are studying around the clock. 学生们夜以继日地学习。 27. thanks to: 感谢 Thanks to your help, we finished the work. 幸亏你帮忙,我们完成了工作。 28. because of: 由于 He didnt come because of illness. 他因为病了没有来。 29. a nursing school: 护理学校,30. Nightingale is best known as the founder of the m

13、odern profession of nursing and as a hospital reformer. 南丁格尔作为现代护理专业的开创者和医疗改革者而 留名于世。 modern profession of nursing: 现代护理专业 be known as: 以著称,被认为是 He is known as a famous folk singer. 他是个著名的民族歌手。,31. Every year the International Red Cross awards the Florence Nightingale Medal to dedicated nurses of th

14、e world. 每年国际红十字会都要向世界各地作出杰出奉献的护 士颁发南丁格尔奖章。 the International Red Cross: 国际红十字会 the Florence Nightingale Medal 南丁格尔奖章 award: Vt. 授予;n. 奖项 32. International Nurses Day: 国际护士节,Exercises on Textbook P111,I. 1._ my colleagues(同事) and myself, Id like to express my sincere(诚挚的) thanks to you. On behalf of

15、 2. Ive done this of my own free will(出于自愿) and Im not expecting anything _. in return 3. For many years he supported(支撑;维持) his family and _ his sick parents without complaint.(抱怨;埋怨),cared for 4. They did not finish the work _ the old weather. because of 5. Da Vinci(达芬奇) _ an artist. was best know

16、n as 6. After the earthquake(地震), rows of tents were_ for the people to live in. set up 7.Zhao Dengyu Road in Beijing is _ the famous patriotic(爱国的) General(将军)- Zhao Dengyu.,named after 8. The shop was open _. around the clock Workbook Page 95: 1.1)The_died of lung cancer last Sunday. patient 2) It

17、 takes patience (耐心) to _children. educate 3) Its difficult to _between the two. decide,4) He is _ to solve the problem. trying 5) The new teacher soon won the _ of his students. respect 6) He had lunch and then _ his work. continued 7) The headmaster _ 500 dollars to the student. awarded 8) Good _

18、is beyond price(无价的) advice,9) The old teacher _ his life to education. dedicated 10) The boss _ some children to work in the workshop(车间). hired 2. Translation on Page 96: 1) Many foreign companies have set up factories here. 2) I dont care for that color. 3) I came back because of rain.,4) Im writ

19、ing on behalf of my mother to express our thanks for your help. 5) We worked around the clock to finish the job. 6) I sent him a present in return for his help. 7) He was known as a reliable man. 8) In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. 9) Thanks to your help, we were successful. 1

20、0) The machine is named after its inventor.,11) I was determined to do it with/by your encouragement. 12) He was looked down upon because of his egoism /egizm/ (利己主义;自私自利) . 3. 选择题 on Page 96. D A B C D,4. 完型填空 on Page 97. 1) C 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) A 6) A 7) D 8) C 9) B 10)A,Grammar: it 的用法,Textbook: Page 111 II. Translation. 当我们到达车站时,大约十点半。 对于所做的事情后悔也没用。,


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