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1、Module2 The Renaissance Reading:The Puzzle of the Mona Lisa,Mona Lisa by Leonardo da vinci,达芬奇的头衔: 思想深邃、学识渊博、多才多艺的画家, 寓言家,雕塑家,发明家,哲学家,音乐家, 医学家,生物学家,地理学家,建筑工程师 和军事工程师.被誉为“文艺复兴人物”。,Leonardo da Vinci,Works of Leonardo da Vinci,The Last Supper, 1498,Enjoy some pieces of Renaissance art,Enjoy some pieces

2、 of Renaissance art,Enjoy some pieces of Renaissance art,Enjoy some pieces of Renaissance art,Read para.1 (in one minute), and then answer the question: What is the puzzle of the Mona Lisa?,The loss of the Mona Lisa,Fast-reading,Read the paras.2 to 7 and do the following tasks. 1. Find out the two m

3、ain characters related to the loss of the Mona Lisa . And their relationship(关系). 2. What are the results of the two characters?,Fast-reading,burglar,the chief organiser,Vincenzo Perugia,Eduardo de Valfierno,on behalf of,What are the results of the two characters?,The results:,The burglar was put in

4、 prison,while the chief organiser remained at liberty for the rest of his life.,Read the Paras.2-7 and answer questions. about Vincenzo Perugia: (1) Why did he try to sell the painting? (2) Did the art dealer buy it? about Eduardo de Valfierno (1)Did he pay the burglar for the painting? (2)What did

5、he really need?,Careful-reading,(1) Why did he try to sell the painting?,(2) Did the art dealer buy it?,Because he got tired of waiting to be paid. (He made a tentative attempt to sell the Mona Lisa).,No, he didnt.,About Vincenzo Perugia,About Eduardo de Valfierno,1.Did he pay the burglar for the pa

6、inting?,2.What did he really need?,No, he didnt.,He really needed the news of the theft.,1 仍然是个迷 2 一个仿制品 3 消失了/ 走了/ 丢失了adj 4 留下,遗留 5 留胡须的人 6 沿着逃跑 7 呼吁某人做 吸引 8 怀疑某人,1 remain a puzzle 2 a copy 3 missing/ gone/ lost 4 leave behind 5 a man with a moustache 6 flee (fled) down 7 appeal to sb to do /for st

7、h sth appeal to sb 8 suspect sb of rob/cheat/remind/persuade/warn/ inform/tell/accuse/convince/ cure,9 流传,传播 10 搜查找 寻找 11 搜寻一帮罪犯 12 艺术品经销商 13 试图去做 14 代表某人做 15 主谋 16犯了个根本性的错误 17 还债 18 厌倦做,9 circulate , spread 10 search sp for sth in search of 11 seek (sought) a gang of criminals 12 an art dealer 13 m

8、ake an attempt to do 14 do on behalf of sb 15 the chief organiser of the crime 16 make a fundamental mistake 17 pay back/ off debts owe a debt to sb 欠某人的情 be (heavily ) in debt 负债累累 18 be / get tired of doing,Language Points,1.Were appealing to anyone who saw the suspect to contact us. 我们呼吁无论是谁看到了嫌疑

9、犯,请与我们联系。 (1)appeal to 呼吁,恳求 eg appeal to the public 向公众呼吁 (2)contact 联系, eg contact sb 与某人联系,2.Two years later, a man with a moustache went to an art dealer in Florence in Italy and made a tentative attempt to sell the Mona Lisa. 两年后,一个有胡子的男人找到意大利佛罗伦萨一位艺术品经销商,试探性地想卖掉蒙娜丽莎。 make a tentative attempt t

10、o do sth. 试探性地去做某事,19 出现,到场 vi 20 收入, 结果 21 (对错误或坏事应付的) 责任n 负.的责任 应受责备 因责备某人 将归咎于 22入狱 23自由的,turn up,/ show up income, outcome blame , get the blame for sb is to blame (for) blame sb for blame sth on sb 22 go to prison 23be at liberty,3.Perugia had stolen the Mona Lisa on behalf of the chief organis

11、er of the crime,Eduardo de Valfierno. 佩鲁贾是代表以爱德华 德 瓦尔菲勒诺为首的犯罪团伙偷窃了蒙娜丽莎。 (1) on behalf of(=on ones behalf)代表,为了的利益 eg Ill accpet the prize on behalf of him/on his behalf. (2) chief a.主要的,首要的,n.首领(老大) the head, leader, or most important individual in a group or body of people eg You can call me chief.

12、,4.The outcome of the story is that Perugia got the blame for the crime and went to prison. 故事的结局是佩鲁贾因犯罪受到惩罚而入狱。 blame v.责备,谴责;把归咎于 n.过失,责备 responsibility for something that is wrong balame sth. on sb. eg Dont blame it on others. sb. be to blame 应为承担责任,该受到责备 eg You are to blame.,Consolidation&Improv

13、ement,1.警方呼吁公众提供有关那个嫌疑犯的消息。 2.请尽快与我们联系。,The police are appealing to the public for information about the suspect.,Please contact us as soon as possible.,Translate these sentences into English,3.我代表他向你道歉。 4.吸烟是导致癌症的主要成因之一。 5.不要总把失败归咎于他人。有时该怪的是你自己。,I apologize to you on behalf of him/her.,Smoking is o

14、ne of the chief causes of cancer.,Dont always blame your own failure on others. Sometimes you yourself are to blame.,Important words: authentic 原作的 antique 古董的 circulate 流传,传播 confidential 机密的 substitute 代替品 Important phrases: 1.leave behind 遗留,使落后 2.appeal to 呼吁,恳求 3.make a tentative attempt to do sth. 试探性地去做某事 4.on behalf of 代表 5.get tired of 厌倦 6.blame 责备,责任 7.at liberty 自由地,What can we learn from the text?,Homework :,1.Finish the exercise book.Page33,Page35,2.Retell this story by the language Points weve learnt in this period.,Thank you ! Bye-bye!,


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