外贸英语函电课件Unit 4.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Inquiries And Replies,Enquiries,Definition: A Request for Information general enquiries(一般询盘) for general information:information about various goods specific enquiries(具体询盘) for specific information:information about some specific goods,specific enquiries,regular customers: state only the pr

2、oduct name, quality, quantity & price other customers: state clearly all necessary trade terms including the name , quality, quantity of commodity, price terms, shipment terms, payment terms, discount, etc.,Replies to Enquiries,From an old customer,state firstly how much you appreciate it. Then prov

3、ide the information asked for.,Enquiries,Replies,From a new customer,state firstly you are glad to receive it before answer the questions, and express lastly your expectation of cooperation.,1.be suitable for “适合” e.g. I want to buy some clothes that are suitable for cold weather. He is not suitable

4、 for this work.,Letter 1 An Enquiry for IBM-Compatible PCs,2.When quoting=When you are quoting The use of “quote”: quote sb. a price for sth. e.g. This is the best price I quote you. quote sth. at + price e.g. The shares are currently being quoted at 54 pence a share.,Letter 1 An Enquiry for IBM-Com

5、patible PCs,3. terms of payment “支付条款,支付方式” 4. Should your computers be of good quality and Should用于if / in case 后,可以省略if / in case,将主语与动词倒置,表示“万一” e.g. If you should change your mind, do let me know. =Should you change your mind, do let me know.,Letter 1 An Enquiry for IBM-Compatible PCs,5.in your

6、favor “以你方为受益人” 6.refer to “参阅,向某人或某事物查询信息” e.g. As to terms of payment, please refer to our letter dated September 16. You can refer to the dictionary if you have any difficulty in reading the essay. refer sb. / sth. to sb. / sth. “将某事物/人送交某人/事物谋求指点、帮助、行动支持” e.g. The nurse referred the patient to a

7、 specialist for treatment.,Letter 1 An Enquiry for IBM-Compatible PCs,Letter 2An Enquiry from a Buying Agent,1.on behalf of sb. (US in behalf of sb.) =on sb.s behalf (US in sb.s behalf) “做某人代表或代言人,为的利益” e.g. The government must act on behalf of the people. 2.principal “委托人,当事人”,“主犯” e.g. I must cons

8、ult my principals before agreeing your proposal.,Letter 3 An Enquiry from an Importer Abroad,1.grant “给与,答应” e.g. The minister granted journalists an interview. 2. quantity discount “数量折扣” 3.L/C at sight “即期信用证” 4.selling seasonslack season,5.We would appreciate it very much if you give us a prompt

9、reply. =We appreciate your early reply. =Your early reply is appreciated. =We look forward to your early reply.,Letter 3 An Enquiry from an Importer Abroad,Appreciate的用法,We appreciate your kind cooperation.(接名词)感谢你方的真诚合作。 We shall appreciate it if you will send us a sample book soon.(接代词) 如能立即将样品簿寄来

10、将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate your sending us a sample book soon.(接动名词) 如能立即将样品簿寄来将不胜感激。 为了表示客气,还可以使用虚拟式句子: We shall appreciate it if you would send us a sample book soon. 如能立即将样品簿寄来,我们将不胜感激。,外函中表示感激的表达方式还有:,We should be thankful if you would . We should be grateful if you would . We should be obliged

11、if you would .,Letter 4Asking to Send Proforma Invoice,1.pro forma invoice “形式发票,报价单”,2.a consignment of “一批货物” 3. should like 婉转地表示意愿,“想要,希望” e.g. I should like to make a phone call, if possible.,What is a proforma invoice?,Letter 4Asking to Send Pro forma Invoice,4. Import Licence “进口许可证” 5. act a

12、s “充当,担当,起作用” e.g. I dont understand their langue, you have to act as the interpreter.,Letter 4Asking to Send Pro forma Invoice,6. sole agent “独家代理” agency agreement paper “代理协议书” 7. in advance “提前,预先” e.g. The rent must be paid in advance.,Letter 5Reply to the Enquiry from a Customer Abroad,1.enclo

13、sed please find “随信附上” = We enclose e.g. Enclosed please find three copies of our latest catalog. 2.draw ones attention to “让某人注意” e.g. She drew my attention to an error in the report.,Letter 5Reply to the Enquiry from a Customer Abroad,3. be guaranteed for one year “保修一年” 4.back=back up /support “支

14、持,帮助;提供资金支持” e.g. This plan is backed by a state-owned corporation. 5. by separate post = under separate cover,Letter 6Reply to an Importer,1.advertise “给做广告”,可以直接跟宾语,如advertise sth. n. advertisement ad. 2. a brand name “品牌,品名” 3. profit margin “盈余,利润幅度”,Letter 6Reply to an Importer,4.urge “竭力推荐或力陈某

15、事物” urge sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做某事 5.as as possible asap “尽可能地” e.g. You must finish your work as soon as possible.,Letter 7Reply to a General Enquiry,1.be in a position to do =be able to e.g. Im sorry Im not in a position to help you. (pp58 ) 2. CFR C3% New York 3. a ready sale “畅销”,How to Write an In

16、quiry Letter,一般询价信写四或五段: a. Source of information b. Reason for Enquiry c. Asking for price, list, and catalogue d. Giving references e. Further Business,Opening Sentences,Source of information We were given your name by. You have been recommended to us by. As we have learned from.,your are manufact

17、ures of . We have seen your ad in .and we are interested in.,Reasons for Enquiry,We are interested in. We need /are in the market for. We have received many enquiries from our customers for. We have a considerable demand here for.,Asking for Price,Please send your current / latest catalogue / price

18、list / brochure. Please quote your best / most competitive / lowest price. We shall be glad to receive an offer from you on.,Giving References,For information about our company please refer to/contact. Should you wish to make any enquiries about us, please write to. We shall be pleased to provide th

19、e usual trade references.,Further Business,If the goods come up to our expectations, we would expect to be place regular order. If the samples meet with our approval we intend to place substantial orders. If your prices are competitive and your goods up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis

20、.,Negotiation Process ,The preparation and planning for the negotiation have been carried out, and the actual conduct of the negotiation will now be considered.,The period covered by the negotiation may be divided into four stages: the opening and its review the follow up identifying the bargain con

21、cluding the bargain,Negotiation Process ,The period covered by the negotiation may be divided into for stages: the opening and its review the follow up identifying the bargain concluding the bargain,Negotiation Process ,WRITING PRACTICR,Supply the missing words Dear Sirs, We acknowledge r_ of your l

22、etter of August 12, and are very p_ to hear that you are i_ in our hand made gloves. As r_, we e_ our latest catalog and a price list giving details for your r_. Under separate c_, we send you by airmail a range of s_. As you will find, our hand made gloves are excellent in quality and r_ in price.

23、They are good s_ in over 30 countries. We look f_ to r_ your orders soon.,WRITING PRACTICR,写信给Messers J Smith & Co.,告诉对方你从我驻美大使馆商务处得知对方经营电动剃须刀(electric shaver)出口业务,而你是此类商品国内主要进口商之一。最近你们接到了大量客户询盘,希望对方寄来产品目录和价格清单,并告诉对方如果产品品种优良价格合理的话你将长期大量订购。,Dear Sirs, We are very glad to learn through the Commercial

24、Counselors Office of our Embassy in America that you are handling the export of electric shavers. We are one of the leading importers of electric shavers in our country. Recently, we have received a lot of enquiries from our customers, and we have good reasons to believe there is a good market for y

25、our goods in our country. Would you please send us your latest catalog and price list, quoting your best prices? We would place large orders with you if your goods are excellent in quality and reasonable in price. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, x x x,Homework,Finish the exerc

26、ises in this lesson. Preview the next lesson.,什么是形式发票,“Proforma”是拉丁文,它的意思是“纯为形式的”,所以单从字面来理解,ProformaInvoice是指纯为形式的,无实际意义的发票。 形式发票是一种非正式发票,是卖方对潜在的买方报价的一种形式。这种发票本来是卖方在推销货物时,为了供买方估计进口成本,假定交易已经成立所签发的一种发票,而实际上,并没有发出货物的事实。由于形式发票上详细载明了进口货价及有关费用,所以有些国家规定可以凭形式发票申请进口许可证,或作为向海关申报货物价格之用。 形式发票与商业发票不同的是在发票上有“形式”字样。发票上一般注明价格和销售条件,所以一旦买方接受此条件,就能按形式发票内容签定确定合约。,形式发票式样,


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