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1、新概念 第二册,PRACTICE seat-vtseat sb 让某人就坐 When all those present_he began his lecture.A.sit B.set C.seated D.were seated A改为sat就对了,seat n.座位,这个词很重要,考试常考。 1. have a good seat,这里的seat指place,而不是chair。 2. 注意发音! Seat vs Sit,take a seat/take your seat 坐下来,就坐,口语实战,请坐的3种说法:Sit down, please.(命令性)take your seat,

2、please.Be seated, please.(更礼貌) 下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Is the seat taken?,Seatbelt = safety belt 安全带,Fasten your seatbelt, please!,单词的具体到抽象:席位,Win a seat in the congress 赢得一个议会席位 Lose a seat in the congress 丢掉一个议会席位,I did not enjoy it., enjoy,enjoy oneself 玩得开心 enjoy+sth 喜欢(从中得到一种享受) (后面不能加人)I enjoy the mu

3、sic/book/dinner/film/program.,Enjoy后面的动词要用-ing,Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 Enjoy swimming enjoy jogging,I got very angry.,got 变得,I am/was angry.(是个事实)I got angry.(强调变化过程)got取代be动词。 got是半联系动词,可以直接加形容词。,I could not hear the actors., hear,听见 hear+人:听见某人的话 I couldnt hear you. Beg your pardon? I couldnt hear a

4、 word.(夸张),v. 审理(案件),Which judge will hear the case? 哪位法官(将)审理这案件?,扩展:hearing,1. 听力, 听觉 Her hearing is poor, ie She is rather deaf. 她的听觉不灵(她耳朵有点背).,The old granny wears a hearing-aid . 那个老奶奶戴着助听器。,2. 审讯, 听证会,The defendants family were present at the hearing. 被告家属在审讯时旁听.,I looked at the man and the w

5、oman angrily.,词汇辨析:see, watch, look, look at,1. see 看见(结果): He looked for her but couldnt see her in the crowd. 他寻找她, 但人群中看不见有她. 2. watch 观看 (动态): Watch football , watch television,3. look 看(动作) look, look! 快看啊! 4. look at 看着,瞧 (相当于及物动词,常用于祈使句) Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre te

6、n minutes ago. 瞧都什麽时候了! 十分钟前我们就该到戏院了.,I cant hear a word!,a word 在此等于一句话 He didnt say a word. 口语中我们经常会说: May I speak to Jim? = May I have a word with Jim?,I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. 我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。,turn round (around) 转身,look at

7、看着 stare at 瞪眼看得;瞪眼看 (带感情色彩) pay attention (to) eg: My father pays special attention to my studies.,attention n.注意,Attention, please. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?,常见搭配,pay attention 注意 pay attention to 对注意 pay little/much/more/no attention,In the end, I could not bear it.

8、I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily.Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation!. 最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”,bear v. 忍受, 忍耐, 经得起主要用于否定句 its none of your business 不管你的事 private: 私生活 private life 家庭教师 p

9、rivate teacher 个人的事,私事 private business 这是私下只跟你一个人讲的 This is for your private ear.,bear( bore, borne) v.,容忍 I cant bear (having) cats in the house. 屋里有猫我可真受不了.,2. 支撑,The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄, 承受不住你的重量.,词汇辨析,忍受的几种说法:bear, stand, endure, put up with Bear - stand - endure 忍受的极限在扩大pu

10、t up with 口语表达(informal),He cant stand hot weather. 他受不住炎热的天气. I cant stand the noise. 我受不了这噪音。,endure vt.忍受,容忍,to endure toothache 忍受牙痛 an enduring peace 持久的和平,polar bear 北极熊 North pole South pole,Bear n.熊 large heavy animal with thick fur,3. 生育,bear a child 生孩子 Shes borne him six children. 她给他生育了六

11、个孩子. She was born in 1954. 她生於1954年. He was born in Germany. 他出生在德国。,习惯用法,give sb a bear hug 给某人热情(热烈)的拥抱 a bear market 熊市 a bull market 牛市,exercises,1. Last week the writer went to the theatre. He was_the theatre. a. to b. at c. into d. on key: b 2. The young man and young woman were sitting behind

12、 him. He was sitting_them. a. before b. above c. ahead of d. in front of key: d 3. The young man and woman paid no attention_the writer. a. to b. into c. on d. at key: a 4. An _thing happened on the trip back. But he is not_in what I told him about it. a. interested b. interesting key: b, a 5. The b

13、ank turn_his request(请求) for a loan(贷款). a. up b. round c. down d. in key: c turn down 扭小(灯火等), 拒绝考虑,拒绝(某人) turn round 旋转;回头;调向,转向 turn up 向上;朝天;出来,来到;出现,出席 turn in使向里;上交,递入。,Private space: 英国人和中国人与人交往的方式不同 英国人性格的显著特点之一是人与人之间要保持有一定距离的 * 作为同事之间,只能有工作之间的交往,而从 不涉及私人空。 * 在公共场所如果有多余的座位,英国人会尽量隔开坐。 * 他们特别忌

14、讳与别人发生身体上的接触,不经意碰到别人通常都会道歉。 * 去朋友家一般都会事先打好招呼。,Black humor,a form of humor that regards human suffering as absurd rather than pitiable, or that considers human existence as ironic and pointless but somehow comic. “黑色幽默”的嘲笑讽刺表现得很含蓄,带有寓言性质。作家并不明确作出道德、政治的评价,而是让读者从这些冷隽的幽默和喜剧形式的笑声中,领悟出某种含蓄的寓意来。,Dear white

15、, something you got to know 亲爱的白种人,有几件事你必须知道。 When I was born, I was black. 当我出生时,我是黑色的 When I grow up, I am black. 我长大了,我是黑色的 When Im under the sun, Im black. 我在阳光下,我是黑色的 When Im cold, Im black. 我寒冷时,我是黑色的 When Im afraid, Im black. 我害怕时,我是黑色的 When Im sick, Im black. 我生病了,我是黑色的 When I die, Im still

16、black. 当我死了,我仍是黑色的。 you-white people, 你-白种人 When you were born, you were pink.当你出生时,你是粉红色的 When you grow up, you become white. 你长大了,变成白色的 Youre red under the sun. 你在阳光下,你是红色的 Youre blue when youre cold. 你寒冷时,你是青色的 You are yellow when youre afraid. 你害怕时,你是黄色的 Youre green when youre sick. 你生病时,你是绿色的 Youre gray when you die. 当你死时,你是灰色的 And you, call me “color“? 而你,却叫我有色人种?,


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