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1、酒店英语口语,主讲教师:张晓霞,Charpter :front office service,Unit 4 information .aims of study How to show directions to the guest how to take a message for the guest :new words and expressions 1)concierge 2)appetite ,spicy 3)be plenty to be enough to 4)plan to do sth,5)lounge休息室,lobby 6)attendant :room attendmen

2、t . .some drills 1)message : Sorry ,he is not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message(to sb) ? May I take a message for you? Pardon? I beg your pardon?,2)因对客人答谢 You are welcome Not at all Dont mention it It is my pleasure with pleasure I am always at your service 3)information I suggest

3、you visiting the ming tombs You can take a taxi to save time,Many places in china are worth sightseeing. Why not +动词原形 Why not visit the forbidden city? 4)pointing the way Go straight ahead ,and at the first crossing turn left ,on your right hand ,you will find it When you go out of the gate ,turn l

4、eft and then go down the street. On the oppisite of the road at the corner,:dialogues 1、give information 1) take sb to dinner 2)recommend sb sth 3)there is no other A better than B 4) be far from not be far from quite a long distance from 5)suggest sb doing sth 6)mind sb doing sth,7)0n more thing 8)

5、be plenty to cover sth 2、taking a message 1)must have done 2)leave sb a message 3)invite sb to dinner,oral pratice : now give you the situation please make a dialogue : 假如你是国际饭店的前台的职员,有一位客人来到问询处询问:如何到最近的超市购物。你告诉他可以到沃尔玛超市去购物。它离酒店很近,可以步行去,出了酒店的大门向左拐,直走大约50米,在第一个十字路口的马路对面,街的拐角处就可以看到。,Charpter :front of

6、fice service,Role plaly exercise oral pratice : 美国来的迈克史密斯先生打电话到天天酒店订房在服务员的推荐下,他最终为他们一家三口人订了一间套间每晚1500元,入住时间为5月3日到10日,共七晚,定金预付。 5月3日的下午六点,史密斯先生抵达了天天酒店在酒店的大门口,门童迎接了他们一家。他们共有六件行李分别是三个皮箱,两个肩挎包和一个手提包,三个皮箱放在出租车的后备箱内,门童帮他们提拿行李并把他们引领至前台。,在前台接待员为他们办理了入住登记手续,并把2606房间的钥匙卡给了他们。 第二天,史密斯先生来到问询处询问如何到最近的超市购物,问询员给他提供了如何去超市的方法。,


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