剑桥少儿英语二级上unit 5.ppt

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1、Unit 5 How about coming with us?,Period 1,Do you have a friend in this class?,Where is your friend in the classroom?,He/ She is next to.,Teachers desk,A,B,C,D,next to 紧挨着 betweenand 在之间 behind in front of 在的前面,Where is the snail?,Its under the box.,Its in the box.,Its on the box.,Its between Box A a

2、nd Box B.,A,B,Its next to the box.,Its near the box.,Its behind the box.,Its in front of the box.,Where is the snail?,紧靠的旁边,在附近,Its opposite the box.,opposite:在对面,Where is the snail?,Where is the bank?,Its by the river.,by:在旁边,Match these English words with the Chinese meaning. 1. in a. 在里面 2. near

3、b. 在后面 3. under c. 在附近 4. behind d. 在前面 5. next to e. 在下面 6. opposite f. 在和之间 7. in front of g. 紧靠的旁边 8. betweenand h. 在上 9. by i. 在对面 10. on j.在旁边,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, match and play. (1)New words and expressions.,Street的两边是商店,是城市街区的主要街道,两边有人行道。 Road则是连接一个区域或城镇的道路,不如street那样繁华。,hospital,cinem

4、a,supermarket,zoo,farm,school,library,cafe,bus station,bank,market,swimming pool,park,playground,road,beach,street,昆明湖,位于北京市西北郊区的颐和园内,是一个半天然、半人工湖。,Kunming Lake,Kangaroo Island,“在南澳大利亚所有景点中,如果你只能选一个游览,那一定要选择袋鼠岛。”这个是南澳大利亚旅游局的网站上为袋鼠岛撰写的宣传语。袋鼠岛上动物种类繁多,有加鲁岛袋鼠、罗森伯格沙地巨蜥、树袋熊、环尾袋貂、蝙蝠等,还有一种独一无二的脊椎动物物种,即被称为坎加鲁

5、岛袋鼩的一种小型有袋类食肉动物。岛上人与自然相处和谐,动物饿了甚至会跑到当地人家里要吃的,这番其乐融融的景象对于想回归自然的游客极具吸引力。,2Look, tick and talk.,Wangfujing Street,Kangaroo Island,forest,The Great Wall,Taishan Mountain,village,waterfall,Shanghai Expo,A:Summer holiday is coming. Which place would you like to go? B:Id like to go toKangaroo Island. A:How

6、 about going toTaishan Mountain? B:Sorry. Id like to seekangaroos.,Pair work,market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, street, zoo, supermarket, cafe, park, beach, road, forest, waterfall, village The Great Wall, Kangaroo Island, Kunming Lake, Beijing Zoo,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, match

7、and play. (1)New words and expressions.,1. You can buy things here.,2. You can keep chicks and ducks here.,3. You can buy meat here.,4. You can put money here.,5. You can drink coffee here.,6. You can have a good time here.,7. You can read many books here.,8. You can buy all kinds of things here.,9.

8、 You can see many animals here.,10. You can see a film here.,supermarket,farm,market,bank,cafe,park,library,shop,zoo,cinema,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, match and play. (1)New words and expressions.,A: What is the address of the hospital?,B: Its No.22 on Rainbow Street.,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, matc

9、h and play. (1)New words and expressions.,A: What is the address of the school/zoo/cinema?,B: Its No on .,Pair work,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, match and play. (1)New words and expressions.,A: Where is the truck?,B: Its in front of the clothing shop on Garden Street.,A: Where is the car/bike/dog?,二、单

10、元学习,1Listen chant sing, match and play. (1)New words and expressions.,New sentences.,Where are you going? We are on our way for a holiday. How about coming with us? Key sentence: How about 意为:“怎么样”。 e.g. How aboutgoing shopping? How aboutplaying computer games? How aboutgoing to school on foot? Id l

11、ove to. But Im going to Xian this afternoon. Have fun! You too.,Match these English words with the Chinese meaning. 1. in a. 在后面 2. near b. 在里面 3. under c. 在附近 4. behind d. 在下面 5. next to e. 在前面 6. opposite f. 在和之间 7. in front of g. 紧靠的旁边 8. betweenand h. 在对面,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, match and pla

12、y. (1)New words and expressions.,A: Where is the truck?,B: Its in front of the clothing shop on Garden Street.,A: Where is the car/bike/dog?,Wheres the cinema? Opposite the market.,Wheres the hospital? By the river.,Wheres the cafe? In the park.,Wheres the bank? In Green Street.,3Ask and answer in p

13、airs.,A:Wheres the cinema? B:Opposite the market. A:Wheres the hospital? B:By the river. A:Wheres the cafe? B:In the park. A:Wheres the bank? B:In Green Street. opposite意为“对面的”。 e.g.Its opposite the hotel. by意为“在旁,靠近”。 e.g.He sat down just by the door.,Pair work,4Look and find.,1)Find ten men and wo

14、men. 2)Find eight children. 3)Find twelve animals. 4)Find five men wearing shirts. 5)Find five girls wearing dresses. 6)Find three boys wearing shorts. 7)Find a man reading a newspaper. 8)Find a woman reading a book.,5Say and cross.,The library is next to the market. ,6Read, guess and write.,(1)You

15、can buy things here. 答案:supermarket 超级市场 (2)You can keep chicks and ducks here. 答案:farm 农场 (3)You can buy meat here. 答案:market 市场 (4)You can put money here. 答案:bank 银行 (5)You can drink coffee here. 答案:cafe 咖啡馆 (6)You can have a good time here. 答案:park 公园 (7)You can read many books here. 答案:library 图

16、书馆 (8)You can buy all kinds of things here. 答案:shop 商场 (9)You can see many animals here. 答案:zoo 动物园 (10)You can see a film here. 答案:cinema 电影院,This car drives on the right-hand side of the road.,This car drives on the left-hand side of the road.,Where is the steering wheel (方向盘) ?,7Listen, read and

17、find out.,答案: 方向盘在左边的有:China, America 方向盘在右边的有:Britain, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malta。 (世界上,在左边行车的国家和地区有74个,在右边行车的国家和地区有166个。),go to the zoo,sing a song,play football,have a cup of tea,go swimming,read some books,eat some cake,go by bus,go to see a film,play computer games,1. How about

18、 having a cup of tea? Yes, Id love to. Yes, Id like to. 2. How about going swimming? No, thank you. Id like to go home now. I would like,(1)How about having a cup of tea? Yes, Id like to. 2)How about going swimming? No, thank you. Id like to go home now. A: Tomorrow is Sunday. How about having a cup

19、 of tea/ playing computer games/ going swimming/ going to the zoo/ playing football/ going by bus/ going to see a film/ eating some cake/ singing a song/ reading some books? B: Yes, Id like to. No, thank you. Id like to go home now/ have a cup of tea/ play computer games/ go swimming/ go to the zoo/

20、 play football/ go by bus/ go to see a film/ eat some cake/ sing a song/ read some books.,9Listen, draw and complete the picture,可数名词变复数(规则变化),一、名词词尾直接加s dogs animals,可数名词变复数(规则变化),二、以s, x, ch, sh结尾,加es class es glass es box es fox es watch es match es dish es,可数名词变复数(规则变化),三、以元音+y结尾,直接加s boy s toy

21、s 四、以辅音+y结尾,把y变成i加es baby family lady babies families ladies,可数名词变复数(规则变化),五、以f或fe结尾,把f或fe变成v加es leaf wolf knife wife leaves wolves knives wives,可数名词变复数(规则变化),tomato potato mango tomatoes potatoes mangoes hero - heroes(英雄),一、通过内部元音变化的方法来构成复数形式。 manmen(男人) womanwomen(女人) wumn wimin footfeet(英尺,脚) too

22、thteeth(牙) goosegeese(鹅) gu:s gi:s mousemice(老鼠),可数名词变复数(不规则变化),二、词尾加-en构成。 oxoxen(牛) ks ksn childchildren(孩子),可数名词变复数(不规则变化),三、单、复数相同的形式。 one sheep一只羊two sheep两只羊 one fish一条鱼 two fish两条鱼a deer(一只鹿)two deer(两只鹿) a Chinese(一个中国人) two Chinese(两个中国人) one people -seven people,可数名词变复数(不规则变化),名词变复数,可数名词变复

23、数,leaf_ puppy_ box_ knife_ fly_ fox_ bus_ bench_ brush_ kiss_ church_ dish_ ruler_ peach_ glass_ pencil_ boy_ zoo_ man_ roof_ sheep_ knife_ lady_ key_ story_ watch_ bamboo_,family_ day_ apple_ eraser_ speech_ thief_ mouse_ fish_ goose_ people _ ox_ Chinese _ deer _ foot_ child_ tooth_ guy_ hero_ spy_ boss_ monkey_ city _ goat _ radio _ horse _ dog _,(用所给单词的适当形式填空),1. How about (play) with (我们)? 2. We are (在) our way (为了) a holiday. 3. Im ( go ) to Beijing this afternoon. 4. Id love to. (写出同义句) 5. Would you like ( sing) with us? 6. Well ( see ) different animals. 7. Where are you ( go )?,


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