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1、Lesson1:Fathers Mothers Brothers and Sisters2查资料找出下面单词的含义。Father- mother- me- live in- China- grandfather- grandmother- brother- sister- son- family- named- Canada- picture- dauther课堂作业1根据中文写出英文句子。我们居住在中国。-爸爸和妈妈有一个儿子我。-我有一个叫Jenny的朋友。-这是我家庭的照片。-他比Jenny大。-她比Jenny小。-2、用家庭成员填空。I have two _ and _ .My _ a

2、nd _ have one son, he is my _ .My sister is my father and my mothers _ .3、写一写:用older /younger than 各写两句话。课后作业根据单词,排好顺序。China, in, live, We -I, have, dont, sister, and, brother -is, a, This, of, her family, pictureold, How, Jenny, is-is, twelve, old, years, She_Lesson 2 : Aunts, Uncles and Cousins课前作

3、业1 读并翻译出下列单词。uncle_ aunt_ husband_ cousin_wife_ dauther_-课堂作业1翻译下列句子。王蓉阿姨是我妈妈的妹妹。志伟姨夫是我阿姨的丈夫。-我爸爸有一个弟弟。美萍阿姨是我叔叔的妻子。晶是我大毛叔叔和美萍婶婶的女儿.2猜单词。例:My mothers sister ( aunt )(1). My fathers brother ( )(2). My fathers father ( )(3). My aunts son ( )(4). My uncles daughter ( )3、改错:My uncle is tall than my aunt

4、. My sister is older than my mother . My cousin shorter than my aunt . 课后作业为下列单词重新排好顺序,组成一个句子。1 is, my, wife, uncles, Aunt Meiping.2 Zhiwei, is, aunts, Uncle, my, husband.3 my, is ,Damao, Uncle, He.4 a, has, brother, My, father. Lesson 3:What Do They Look Like?课前作业1 翻译出下列单词。hair- straight- eye- diff

5、erent- curly- blond look at older than- wear- glass- glasses- gray-2课文中出现了哪两组反义词,你能找出来吗?根据提示翻译出来。短的 - 长的 直 的 - -弯曲的( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3 请根据下列句型描述你和三个同学的头发。I have _, _, and_ hair._ has _ , _and _ hair.1、练习仿照课文写一篇小练笔,介绍自己的家庭。2 背课文倒数第二段。 Lesson 4 Do They Work?1试着翻译下列单词。businessman- driver- doctor- work- te

6、acher-teacher- clerk- store- waitress- nurse-police- officer - cashier- carpenter-1 翻译下列句子。他有一辆小汽车他开车去工作。她如何去工作?乘公交车。她乘自行车去工作。他步行去工作-他们做什么?-你的妈妈是一个女服务员吗?-你的爸爸是一个警官吗?2 把一般疑问句变成陈述句,陈述句变成一般疑问句。Is she a nurse?Is your father is a police officer?My uncle Damao is a clerk.-My mother is a docter._Lesson 5:

7、What do they like to do?翻译下列单词和词组。play checker- playwith- go for a walk- in the evening- read the newspaper- work on the computer- skip with skipping rope- read books - watch TV - eat noodles-1 写反义词Different- 2 用 like to或 likes to 填空,并思考他们分别什么时候用。My grandfather _to I _toThey _to My aunt _toMy uncle

8、_to She _to3用 play with造英文句子。4、连线题:下围棋 go for a walk去散步 play checkers用电脑 work on the computer打乒乓球 watch TV看电视 read the newspaper读报纸 play ping-pong5、回答问题:What do you like to do? (以“打电脑”回答) Do you like to read books? (肯定回答) Does your cousin like to skip? (否定回答) What does your mother like to do? (以“读报纸

9、”回答) 课后作业1根据方框中的词组,补充完整下列句型,写11个句子。play checker go for a walk read the newspaper work on the computer play pingpong p lay with dolls play with my ball skip with skipping rope read books watch TV eat noodles -like/likesto-.(人物) (选一个) (词组)2连词组句:my uncle, work, on the computer, likes to, go for a work,

10、 they, in the evening, like toLesson 6 Having Fun Together1 翻译下列词组Have fun- movie theater- watch a movie- restaurant- have supper- go to the park - fly kites - watch the animals - buy clothes- play badminton2 根据中文写出英文句子。我们去电影院看电影。-我们去一个饭店吃晚饭。我们去公园方风筝。你的家人喜欢做什么?你去公园看动物吗?你去商店买衣服吗?你去体育馆玩乒乓球吗?翻译下列词组或句子,

11、并背会。stand for the right answer - shorter or taller than-older or younger than- Is your mothers sister your uncle? No,your mothers sister is your aunt. Lesson 9: Lets Look at a Map!课前作业翻译下列单词,并读出它们。kook at - map- country- China- Canada-United States (U. S. )- Australia- United Kingdom( U. K.) -north-

12、 south- east- west- on a map- point up-point down- point right- point left- 课堂作业选词填空What colour is _ ? _ is _.China CanadaU.S.U.K.Australiaredorangepurpleblueyellow _ points _ on a map.down, west , east, north, south, up, right, left. _ points _. _ points _ . _ points _.课后作业重新排顺序。map, on, points, a,

13、 up, North. is, the, colour, What, United Kingdom. United States, the, is, This.in, where, live, China, we.Canada, is, green, The country.China, colour, What, is, Lesson 10:China课前作业1读并翻译出下列单词。map- China- chinese- capital city- flag- star- square- in Chinese - in English- the palace museum-课堂作业根据中文补

14、全句子。1 这是中国地图。This is _our country.2 我们住在中国。We _ China.3我们说汉语。We _.3 这是中国首都。This is the _of China.5什么国家在中国东部。_country is _China.4 这是中国首都。This is _.5 它上面有黄星星。It _ yellow_.6 用英语怎么说?What is it _?8 它是故宫。Its _.1 翻译下面单词。know about- speak English and French- capital- leaf- famous waterfall- Rocky Mountains-

15、课堂作业根据中文补全英文句子。我了解加拿大。I _ Canada.加拿大国旗是红色和白色的。Canada _is red and white.我知道美国在加拿大南部。I know the_.课后作业1拼全下列单词sp_k Fr_ch cap_t_l s_u_h fl_g l_f f_ll wat_f_ll Lesson 12: The U.S翻译下列单词United States- Washington - sripe- White House- president- Statue of Liberty- New York-课堂作业补全英文句子。Canada is _the U.S.In th

16、e U.S. , they _ English.China is _the U.S.The _of the U.S. is -.The flag of the U.S. _ ( 有) _ and _._of the U.S. _the _. 居住 白宫_ in _.自由女神 纽约课后作业1用英文句子回答问题。Do you know what country is west of the U.S.?Do you know what country is north of the U.S.?What do they speak in the U.S.?What is the capital cit

17、y of the U.S.?What is the flag of the U.S.?_What is the colour of the flag of the U.S.?Who lives in the White House? Lesson13:The U.K. 1翻译下列单词U.K.- United Kingdom- easy- the sameas.-King- queen- palace 2翻译出课文课堂作业1回答下列问题。What is the capital city of the U.K.?Is the U.K. south of China?What do they spe

18、ak in the U.K.? What colour is the U.K.s flag?Where does a Kings and Queens live in?Lesson14:Australia熟读课文,联系以前所学,完成下列表格。国家 map where capital citylanguageThe colour of the flag国家代表性景观或事物ChinaCanadathe U.S.the U.K.Australia Lesson 15: Are You Ready for a Quiz?课堂作业1男女生之间展开竞争 i.Whats this?ii.What count

19、ry is this? iii.North is up. Where is west? iv. What country is east of China? v.What do they speak in this country? Lesson17 : Beijing is Great课前预习题:翻译下列单词的意思。trip( ) restaurant( )beautiful( )famous( ) great( )课堂练习题:一、翻译下列短语。go on a trip( ) a big city( ) capital city ( )very famous( ) very old( )二、

20、单项选择。1、I want _to Shanghai.A. go B.going C.to go2、I love to go_a trip to Londao.A.to B.on C.at3、Lets_TV together after supper.A.watch B.to watch C.watching4、Shanghai_many big hotels.A.have B.has C.haves5、The Palace Museum_very famous. A.is B.are C.be课后练习题。连词成句。1、go,on,to,I,love,trip_.2、fun,trips,are

21、_.3、this,where,is_?4、is,great,Beijing_?5、hotel,a,is, this_.第18课 : 我可以去北京吗? 一选出下列每小题中不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. right B. east C. west ( ) 2. A. Canada B. China C. Chinese ( ) 3. A. sweater B. shirt C. clothes ( ) 4. A. these B. those C. this( ) 5. A. nurse B. store C. waitress课堂练习题:一、英译汉。far from our city( ) l

22、ive in Beijing ( )work hard( ) go shopping( ) two hundred seventy-eight kilometres( )二、按要求写单词。old(反义词)_do not(缩写形式)_to(同音词)_China(形容词)_shop(现在分词)_kilometre(另一种写法)_dish(复数)_课后作业题。一、单项选择。1、You are _ young_go.A.to;too B.too;to C.too;too 2、Beijing is far_our city.A.of B.from C.for 3、May I go shopping?Ye

23、s,_.A.you are B.you do C.you may4、May I go on a trip_Beijing?A.for B.to C.at5、May I live in Beijing?No,_. A.you may not B.you are not C.you do not二、连词成句。 1、too,you,to ,come,are,young_.2、a,good,you,boy,are_.3、far,it,Beijing,is,from_.4.hotel,may,to,I,go,a_Lesson19: May I Invite Danny and Jenny?。课前预习题:

24、补全下列单词。 ( )1.h_tel A. o B. a C. u ( )2.gr_ _ t A.ee B. ea C.ae ( )3.w_ _ k A.oo B. or C.ol ( )4.c_me A.e B. u C.o( )5.ar_ _ve A.ea B. oi C.ri课堂练习题:一、 选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词。1、_ _vite A.on B.in C.en2、w_ _derful A.on B.an C.en3、f_ _st A.ir B.er C.rr4、l_ _ve A.ee B.aa C.ea5、a_ _ive A.rr B.tt C.mm二、单项选择。1、Can

25、ada is_from China. A.near B.far C.up2、My son and I _going on a trip.A.am B.is C.are3、I arrive in London_March fifth.A.in B.on C.for4、When do you arrive_Beijing?A.in B.on C.for5、When do you leave _Beijing?A.in B.at C.for课后作业题。连词成句。1. February,first,in,leave,we,morning,the_.2. for,when,you,Beijing,do,

26、leave_?3. Canada,from,is,China,far_.4. Jenny,come,and,Danny,can_?Lesson 20 : How Far is Beijing?课前预习题:英译汉。class( ) teach ( ) count( ) number( ) these( )课堂练习题:选出不同类的单词。( )1.A.beautiful B.new C.grass( )2.A.thousand B.hundred C.country( )3.A.eight B.seven C.about( )4.A.behind B.brown C.in( )5.A.park B.

27、store C.shoulder课后作业题:一、 单项选择。1、 Can you_these numbers?A.tell B.talk C.say D.speak2、 Miss Li is_English teacher.A.Li Ming B.Li Mings C.Li Mings D.Li Mings3、_is it from China to Canada? A.How much B.How far C.How many D.How old4、Li Ming_in Shijiazhuang.A.lives B.living C.to live D.live5、Danny and Jen

28、ny_in Canada.A.lives B.live C.to live D.living二、翻译下列句子。1、Can you go to the post office with me?_2、Can you draw an apple?_3、How far is it from the park to the store?_4、Can you say these numbers?_5、Its about seven thousand three hundred metres.Lesson 21 How Can We Go To Beijing?课前预习题:翻译下列单词的意思。bicycle

29、( ) car( ) cab( ) truck( )bus ( )train( ) plane( )课堂练习题:选词填空。bicycle car cab truck bus train plane is fast. is slow. is faster than . is slower than .课后作业题:一、按要求些单词。1.cheap(比较级)_2.plane(同义词)_3.Lets(完全形式)_4.buy(同音词)_5.take a bus(同义短语)_二、单项选择。1、A train is_than a bus. A.fast B.faster C.slow D.slower2、A plane is _than a train. A.fast B.slow C.slower D. faster3、A bus is _than a plane. A.fast B.slow C.slower D.faster4、I dont want to go_bus. A.


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