修辞学 头韵.ppt

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《修辞学 头韵.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《修辞学 头韵.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Tongue Twister,1.Rubber baby buggy bumpers. 2.She sells seashells by the seashore. 3.I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. 4.Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.,Alliteration,头 韵,Origin,Alliteration (头韵)一词源于拉丁语,意思是 repetition of the same letter(重复使用同一个字母)。作为一种修辞格,指的是在一组词,一句话或一行

2、诗里,在彼此靠近的两个或两个以上的词中,其开头的音节(或其他重读音节)具有相同的字母或声音,主要是辅音字母。,Development,英语的alliteration(头韵)原来是古英语诗歌的主要押韵形式,曾风行数十年。到14世纪,乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340-1400)开创以音步(foot)为主的格律诗,alliteration 失去了它的诗歌韵律的地位,变成了用于各种体裁作品中的修辞格。,Definition,Repetition of an initial sound, usually of a consonant or cluster, in two or more

3、words of a phrase, line of poetry, etc. -Websters New World Dictionary,不发字母本音的字母不构成头韵。例如,physical pain 就不构成头韵,因为physical 中的字母P不发其本音/p/。,Classification,1.Vowel repetition of an initial word(词首元音重复) 2.Consonant repetition of an initial word(词首辅音重复) 3.Consonant cluster repetition of an initial word(词首辅

4、音连缀重复),Example,1.Apt alterations artful aid is often an occasional ornament in prose. 2.The preyful princess pierced and pricked a pretty pleasing pricket. 3.Spare the rod , and spoil the child.,例1中重复的部分不是元音而是元音字母,并且这些元音字母的发音可以有所不同。,1.运用得当的头韵可产生特殊的音响效果,使文字节奏和谐、音韵铿锵、形式对称、读起来朗朗上口。 2.运用得当的头韵具有回环美,可增添语言

5、的形象性和感染力。 3.运用得当的头韵可使语言色彩鲜明,悦耳愉目,耐人寻味。,Feature,Function,Alliteration (头韵)的主要修辞作用是增强语言的节奏感,此外还可用于模拟很多事物的声响,以使语言表达更为生动形象。特别是有些头韵短语既简短明快,又富于表现力,还具有音乐感,起到渲染对比的作用。,Applied Range,1.Poem 2.Idiom 3.Essay 4.Advertisement 5.Title,6.Lyric 7.Speech 8.Wordplay 9.Others,The,s,oote,s,eason,that,b,udand,b,loomforth

6、,b,rings,Withgreen,h,athcladthe,h,illandekethevale,Thenightingalewithfeathersnewshesings,The,t,urtletohermakehath,t,oldher,t,ale.,(,HenryHoward.,TheSooteSeason,),Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the western sea, Silver sails all out of the west, Under the silver moon. (A. Tennyson: Song),1.Live

7、 and learn. 2.Money makes the mare go. 3.Time and tide waits for no man. 4.The mountain has brought forth a mouse幻灯片 10.,Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain. (Winston Churchill),C

8、ut Cost without Cutting Corners.,Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感 LovesLaborsLost 爱的徒劳,幻灯片 10,Myloveis,s,unshine,S,ofterthana,Myloveis,d,eeperthanthe,d,eepestocean,Widerthanthesky.,PetulaCklark.,Mylove.,My love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, Softer than a sigh. My love is

9、deeper than the deepest ocean, Wider than the sky. Petula Cklark. My love,“This generation of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen have volunteered in the time of certain danger. They are part of thefinestfightingforce that the world has ever known.They have served tour after tour

10、 of duty indistant,different, anddifficult places.They are men and women - white, black, and brown - of all faiths and all stations - all Americans, serving together to protect our people, while giving others half a world away the chance to lead a better life.In todays wars, theres not always asimpl

11、e ceremony thatsignals our troopssuccess - nosurrender papers to besigned, orcapital to beclaimed.” - Barack Obama,Fort Hood Memorial Service Speech,文字游戏,诗学功能是语言的功能之一,它指人们纯粹利用语言的发音编造象绕口令一类的文字游戏,这些语言文字往往没有什么实质性内容。由于头韵上口的特点,往往成为一种游戏手段,挑战参与者的词汇量,想像力和语言知识。,1.One wet Wednesday wildly swimming were nine w

12、et whales. 2.To teach two tempered boys was terribly terrifying. 3.Three toddlers tripping over tent pegs.,上述几种头韵用法,可以说有相对固定的应用方式,却没有穷尽头韵的全部用法。在一般写作中,如果某些词汇碰巧凑成头韵词组,也能在一定程度上增强文章的表达力。,1.Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box, as pathetic as a stray dog. 2.Once upon a time, there wa

13、s a fat, foolish frog jumped from one pond to another.,常见头韵词和头韵短语(alliteration phrase),safe and sound 平平安安 fair and square 堂堂正正 part and parcel 主要部分 hide and hair 连皮带毛 scrape and screw 省吃俭用 green as grass 幼稚无知 clear as crystal 水晶般清澈 right as rain 丝毫不错,Chinese & English,英语alliteration 在汉语中没有对应的修辞格。汉语有所谓“双声”。与英语alliteration 有相似之处,但双声不是修辞格,只是一般的修饰语言的方式。,两个或多个音节,彼此的声母相同,叫做“双声”。,例子,关关雎鸠,在河之洲。 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 (诗经),汉语的双声与英语alliteration 也有不同之处:汉语双声必须是两个同声母的字紧靠在一起,至于这两个字是否属于同一个词或词组不受限制,如“之洲”两字就不是同一词。英语alliteration 并不要求押头韵的词紧靠在一起,但却要求它们同属于一个词组,一个句子或同一行诗。,The End,


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