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1、鲁教版小学英语四年级教案Unit 5 Shopping Lesson1 Can I help you ?教学目标:1知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读:a toy ,bus ,cheap ,all right ,fast . (2)会运用句型Can I help you ? Yes, Id like a toy ,please .(3)会运用所学句型购物:A: Can I help you ?B: Yes, Id like a toy ,please.A: How about this one ?B: All right ! Well take it .2情感目标:(1)通过学习购物词汇,让学

2、生对英语产生兴趣,鼓励学生积极参与学习活动,喜欢用英语与他人交流,开口说英语,体会学习英语的乐趣,养成良好的学习英语的习惯。(2)了解中西文化差别,体会语言带来的魅力3能力目标:(1)在信息技术带来的创设的真实情境,培养学生开口说英语,实际运用能力。(2)通过教学活动的设计,培养学生探究,参与的意识。教学重点和难点:1重点:a toy ,bus ,cheap ,all right ,fast .2难点:会运用句型Can I help you ? Yes, Id like a toy ,please .进行交际。教学过程:1 Warm-up:Greetings T:Hello, boys and

3、 girls.Ss: Hello, Miss LiuT:Hello, boys and girls. Lets do a game .(Do an opposite action.)I say “stand ”,You must do “sit ” OK2 Lead-in:1 T: Look! Whats this?Ss: Its a monkey .Now I have a magic bag ,Can you guess what it is ? Ss: Its a -.2 When the students tough the bus or the car ,I write the ne

4、w words on the board .Lets look at Li Ming and his mother . (我设计这一过程,有游戏,吸引学生,再到猜单词复习所学的动物和学习用品,然后引入新授词汇bus ,car,进入文本,呈现课文。) 3 play the PPTget the students to listen and repeat the dialogue .3 Presentation:1 listen and repeat:Shop assistant:Can I help you ?Liming : Id like a toy ,please .2 students

5、make their own dialogue :A: Can I help you ?B: Id like a toy ,please .( They can use their own school things to do . )3 Learn the new sentences替换练习:把新旧单词与新句型结合起来一起操练。(class work & pair work)T: Can I help you ?Ss: Yes, Id like -,please.T: How about this toy-?Ss: All right ! Ill take it .Lead in the n

6、ew phrase How about ,All right ,Ill take it .4 Practice:1 listen and repeat the whole dialogue :2 practise the new dialogue about Lets talk. students can use the phrase like (nice, lovely, beautiful, cheap ,big ,small) A: Can I help you ?B: Id like a toy monkey ,please .A: How about this one ?B: Its

7、 lovely and cheap .All right . Ill take it .3 This time get them play the custom and the shop assistant about their school things .Use 5 Discussion: 6 Design :Use their own things to express a dialogue about the shopping . Homework: 1 listen and read the dialogue .2 Make a new dialogue about shopping with their family member ,or using the shopping phrase to buy things in the shop . 6 Design :A: Can I help you ?B: Id like a toy monkey ,please .A: How about this one ?B: Its lovely and cheap .All right . Ill take it .


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