【合同范文】技术合同 转让技术秘密和补偿贸易合作生产协议[1].docx

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1、第 1 页 技术合同 转让技术秘密和补偿贸易合作生产协议1 特征码 bXPgqPTKwSASgJMlUraZ 第一条 合同范围 _公司(以下简称甲方)和_公司(以下 简称乙方) ,经过友好协商,同意合资经营中速船用主机厂。兹 同合资经营条件尚未成熟,双方将以补偿贸易进行合作生产并 以此作为双方合作的第一步,其条件如下: 11 乙方将向甲方转让生产下列型号中速船用主机(以 下简称合同产品)的技术秘密及全部技术资料,其型号如下: 12v400zc 中速船用主机; 12v600zc 中速船用主机。 12 “技术文件资料”的定义范围及交付: 本合同 11 款所指的技术资料(以下简称资料)定义是乙 方提

2、供合同产品的技术资料由三大部分组成:即乙方现用的一 般技术资料,产品设计图纸和生产技术资料,上述资料方包括 详细的技术秘密。 (1)一般技术资料包括: a12v600zc 中速船用主机的技术规范(包括 部装、总装、试车、交货试验等) ; b12v400zc 中速船用主机的主要零部件的技 第 2 页 术规范; c合同产品中所使用的配套产品的外型尺寸、安 装尺寸和性能参数的样本, (2)产品设计图纸: 乙方提供合同产品的产品设计图纸应包括: a合同产品的全套施工图纸(包括总装图、部件 图、系统图、原理图及全部零件的详细图纸) ; b合同产品的计算资料和计算书; c有关船级社发给的证书及交船级社验证

3、的图纸、 计算书及其他资料清单; d试验书设计图纸及其技术文件。 (3)生产技术资料:乙方提供的合同产品的生产技术 资料应包括合同产品全部工艺性指导文件及主要零件的详细制 造技术资料;对原材料和合同产品零部件在生产过程中和生产 后的质量检验要求,验收手段,验收步骤及验收技术文件。 (4)资料的修改:若乙方采用新技术改进产品、改进 工艺过程,降低等需要对提供的资料进行修改时,应将修改的 结果以书面形式提供给甲方。 (5)资料的提供方式: a对一般技术文件应提供三份蓝图或同等数量的 清晰的复制图; b对产品设计图纸应提供一份生产底图及两份蓝 第 3 页 图; c对生产技术资料应提供两份蓝图; d对

4、已提供过的完全相同的重复资料,可免于提 供,但需在清单中予以注明。 (6)资料的交付进度: a根据资料定义的规定,为生产 12v400zc 型 中速船用主机需要,乙方在签订合同后 30 天内需向甲方交付合 同产品的全部技术资料和全部图纸; b根据资料定义的规定,为生产 12v600zc 型 中速船用主机的需要,乙方在鉴订合同后于_年 _月_日前,需向甲方交付合同产品的全部技 术资料和图纸。 13 甲方将生产的产品向乙方返销如下: 12v400zc 型中速船用主机,每年_台; 12v600zc 型中速船用主机,每年_台。 14 以补偿贸易进行合作生产期限为 2 年,2 年后若合 资经营条件不成熟

5、,则可延长合作生产期限,但最长不得超过 5 年。 第二条 转让技术秘密和技术文件 21 乙方向甲方提供合同产品的设计计算、产品图纸、 制造工艺、质量控制和试验安装、调试、运转及维修等有关合 同产品的全部技术资料,必须和乙方目前使用的资料内容相同。 第 4 页 22 合同产品资料的审核和验证: 乙方对提供给甲方的产品设计图纸、制造技术资料的完整 性、正确性、清晰性负责。看产品设计图纸和生产技术资料中 的任何部分发现有失误,当乙方接到甲方通知时立即补齐遗失 部分或更改错误部分。 23 在合作生产期间,乙方将以最优惠价格向甲方提供 甲方方面市场不能提供的零部件。具体内容另行商定。 24 乙方保证向甲

6、方转让的技术秘密和技术资料不受任 何第三者的指控。 第三条 价格和支付方式 31 为了支付转让 21 条款中所规定的 12v 一 400zc 型 中速船用主机的技术秘密和技术资料费用,乙方应向甲方交付 费用如下: _年_usd(大写_元整) _年_usd(大写_元整) _年起以后的_年中按每年将产值 (即每年总产值扣除进口部分价值和税收费用后的产值)其提 成费为_。 32 合同签署生效后三十(30)天内,甲方按照由银行 第 5 页 提交的乙方下列单据,予以第一次支付总金额的_, 即_u.s.d(大写:_美元整) (1)根据附件_要求,提供第一批资料的空 运提 提单; (2)经甲方确认的_银行出

7、具不可 撤销的保函,正副本各一份; (3)乙方方的商业发票:一式两份; (4)乙方方即期汇票一式两份。 33 于_年_月_日甲方按收到 乙方提交的下列单据后,予以第二次交付_年总金额的 _现金,即 usd(大写:_美元整) 。 (1)按附件_要求于_年_ 月_日提供第二批资料空运提单。 (2)乙方方商业发票一式两份。 (3)乙方方即期汇票一式两份。 34 双方同意_年用现金支付,_年付 _现金,其余_金额用甲方返销产品补偿。 第 6 页 35 _年的费用本年_月_日支 付,乙方方交付商业发票一式两份。 36 自_年起及其各年份按 31 款规定的提成 费用应在每年_月_日在收到乙方方商业发票 (

8、一式两份)后支付。 37 在合作生产期间鉴于甲方遵照 31 款已向乙方交付 了转让技术秘密的部分费用,各合资经营时机成熟,双方同意 成立合资经营企业时,则乙方将其剩余部分的技术秘密费用可 作提资的一部分。一旦双方不能进行合资经营,在五(5)年之 内合作生产被迫终止时,甲方确认向乙方支付技术秘密费用的 剩余部分。若出现上述情况,对支付技术秘密费用的进度和方 式由双方在通常时候予以协商。 第四条 合作生产的补偿贸易 41 为有利甲方的外汇平衡,乙方同意甲方生产 12v 400ze,12v600zc 中速船用主机返销给乙方。 42 上述订单的总价必须保证不低于甲方每年向乙方反 付购买零部件所需费用总

9、额的_。乙方同意在甲方补 偿能力扩大及乙方需求扩大的前提下,其补偿的百分比可以不 受限制。 43 甲方将以优惠价格向甲方提供产品,其品种、数量、 交货期等将由双方在每批合同中商定。甲方产品必须符合乙方 第 7 页 的标准。 44 乙方要求在甲方接到上述产品图纸后立即试制 12v400zc 型中速船用主机。首批产品各一台将分别在双方进 行试验,在试验合格的基础上乙方要求甲方于_年内提 供 12v400zc 型中速船用主机_台。其价格、交货期 在签订正式合同时商定。 第五条 保 证 51 乙方保证,在合同有效期内所供应的资料应是最新 技术的代身,其内容和甲方目前使用的完全一致。 52 乙方保证所供

10、资料是完整的、正确的、清晰的。 第六条 税 费 61 凡因履行本合同需缴纳的一切税收,发生在甲方方 以外的均由乙方承担。 62 凡因履行本合同需缴纳的一切税费,发生在甲方以 内的均由甲方承担。 第七条 商 标 71 甲方有权使用乙方商标和合同产品的序号。甲方将 下列商标标明在甲方所生产的合同产品上。 72 甲方制造的铬牌、报价单、技术规格书、广告、说 明书、样本等,凡是合同产品均以甲方名称来表示。 第八条 包 装 81 须用坚固的木箱包装,适合长途海运、防湿、防潮、 第 8 页 防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,卖方 应负担由此而产生的一切费用和或损失。 82 卖方应在每件包装

11、上,用不退色油漆清楚地标刷件 号、尺码、毛重、净重、 “切勿受潮”等字样,并刷有下列唛头: _ 83 装箱单两份,注明毛重、净重、尺码和所装货物每 项的品名和数量。 第九条 人力不可抗拒 91 签约双方中的任何一方由于战争及严重的火灾、水 灾、台风和地震或其他双方同意的事件而影响执行合同时,双 方同意延长合同期限,延长时间相当于事故所影响的时间。 92 责任方应尽快将发生的人力不可抗拒事故的情况用 电报通知另一方,并在十四(14)天以内以航空、挂号信将有 关部门出具的证明文件交给另一方确认。 93 受人力不可抗拒事故延续到一至二十(20)天以上 时,双方应通过友好协商尽快解决合同继续执行的问题

12、。 第十条 仲 裁 101 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争执, 双方应通过友好协商解决。已经协商仍不能达成协议时,则提 交仲裁解决。 102 仲裁地点在瑞典斯德哥尔摩商会。 103 仲裁裁决是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。 第 9 页 104 仲裁费用除仲裁机关另有裁决外,应由败诉方负担。 105 除了在仲裁过程中进行仲裁的那部份外,合同的其 余部分在仲裁期间仍继续执行。 第十一条 合同生效及其他 111 本合同于_年_月 _日由双方代表在_正式签字,自签字之日起 1 周内本合同应经有关部门批准后生效。 112 本合同以英文书就一式四份,双方各执一式两份。 113 本合同有效期见第十

13、一条所述。 114 本合同附件为本合同不可分割的部份,与正文有同 等效力。 115 双方在本合同生效前交换的所有文件、函电等在本 合同生效的同时自动失效。 116 本合同只能根据同双方授权代表签名或盖章的书面 文件进行变更、追加或修改。 117 在执行合同期内双方的通讯均以函电进行,书信往 来一式两份。 第 10 页 第十二条 法定地址 甲方地址:_ 乙方地址:_ 甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章): _ 法定代表人(签字):_ 法定代表人(签字) :_ _年_月_日 _年_ 月_日 签订地点:_ 签订地点: _ 附件 article 1 _.(hereinafter referred to as

14、 part a)and _.(hereinafter referred to as part b) have agreed, after friendly discussion, to run a medium speed marine main engine factory in the form of a joint - venture pany. since the conditions for the joint - venture are not yet ready, both parties shall start up a joint - production with pens

15、ation trade as the first step of co - operation with the following conditions: 第 11 页 1.1 part b shall transfer the technical know - how and the plete technical documentation to part a for manufacturing medium speed marine main engines (hereinafter called contracted products) of the following types:

16、 12v- 400zc medium speed marine main engine; 12v- 600zc medium speed marine main engine. 1.2 definition, scope and delivery of technical documentation: the definition of technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as documentation) in article 1.1 of this contract means that the contracted produ

17、cts supplied by part b are posed of three parts: general technical documentation, products design drawings and manufacturing technical documentation, as used by part b. all of them should contain the technical know - how details. (1)general technical documentation includes: a. the technical specific

18、ations of the medium speed marine main engine of type 12v- 600zc (including sub - assembly, assembly, test run, delivery tests, etc. ); b. the technical specifications of the 第 12 页 main ponents of the medium speed mar ine main engine of type 12v - 400zc; c. overall dimensions, installation dimensio

19、ns, and performance data of the accessories used by the contracted products. (2)products design drawing: products design drawings of the contract products supplied by part b, shall inclued: a. a plete set of production drawings of the contracted products (including the final assembly drawings, ponen

20、ts drawings, system diagram, principle diagram, and detailed drawings of all ponents); b. the calculating data and calculation manual of the contracted products; c. drawings, calculating manual and other data given to the classification societies and certificate issued by the classification societie

21、s; 第 13 页 d. test platform design drawings and its technical documents. (3)manufacturing technical documentation: manufacturing technical documentation of the contracted products provided by part b shall include: the whole detailed instructive documentation and main ponents for the manufacturing of

22、the contracted products, which shall include: requirements of quality inspection means, processes and technical conditions of acceptance test to the raw materials and ponents of the contracted products during and after the manufacturing processes. (4)modification of documentation: if the documentati

23、on to be supplied is modified by site as a result of using new technology to improve the products, processes and reduce the cost, the detailed information shall be submitted to part a in written form. (5)mode of providing documentation: a. for general technical documentation, three prints of three l

24、egible copies should be provided; b. for design drawings, one manufacturing 第 14 页 transparency and two prints shall be provided; c. for manufacturing technical documentation, two prints shall be provided; d. the duplicated documentation, which had been supplied before, can be exemped, but must be n

25、oted in the list. (6)deliv ery schedule of documentation: a. according to the definition of documentation, in order to facilitate the manufacturer of medium speed marine main engine of type 12v - 400zc, part b shall deliver the whole technical documentation and drawing of contracted products to part

26、 a within 30 days after the signing of the contract; b. according to the definition of documentation in order to manufacture the medium speed maline main engine of type 12v - 600zc, site shall submit to part a the whole technical documentation and 第 15 页 drawings of the contracted products before_$a

27、fter the signing of the contract. 1.3 the products manufactured by part a shall be resold to part b as follows: medium speed marine engine of type 12v - 400zc_sets per year; medium speed marine engine of type 12v- 600zc_sets per year; 1.4 the period of joint - production with pensation trade is two

28、years. should the conditions for establishing a joint - venture be still not ready after the said period, the said period can be extended, but in no circumstances shall it be extended for more than five years. article 2 transfer of technical know- how and technical documentation 2.1 the plete techni

29、cal documentation of designs, calculations, drawings, manufacturing processes, quality control, tests, installation, adjustment, operation and maintenance shall be provided by part b to part a concerning the contracted products and must be the same as those being currently used by part b. 第 16 页 2.2

30、 checking and verifying the documentation of the contracted products: part b shall be responsible for the pleteness, correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing technical documentation sent to part a. in case any part of the said drawings and documentation are missing

31、, part b shall make supplementary delivery of correction immediately upon notification by part b. 2.3 during the joint- production period, part b shall, at most favoured pr ices, supply part a with spare parts of the contracted products which are not available in the market of part as side. these su

32、pplies are subject to separate agreements in due course. 2.4 part b guarantees that the transfer of the technical knowhow and technical documentation hereof will not involve any accusation from any third party. 第 17 页 article 3 prices and termsof payment 3.1 part a shall pay part b for the transfer

33、of technical knowhow and technical documentation of the medium speed marine main engine of type 12v- 400zc stipulated in clause 2.1 as follows: _us _(say: _u.s.d. only) _us _(say: _u.s.d. only) during the 2 yearsperiod mencing from 19 ,the yearly fee shall be taken as _% of the net annual production

34、 value (total annual production value minus the value of the imported parts and tax expenses). 3.2 the first payment is us $ _(say: _u.s.d.only) constituting % of total payment and shall be made within 30(thirty) days after the contract is signed and es into force, upon receipt of the following docu

35、ments from part b through the bank_: (1)supply air- freight bill of the first batch of documentation according to the requirement of 第 18 页 appendix_; (2)irrevocable letter of guarantee in duplicate(one original,one copy)issued by_band and confirmed by part a. (3)part b mercial invoice in duplicate;

36、 (4)part b sight draft in duplicate. 3.3 the second payment shall amount to _% of the total payment due in _, i.e. _u.s.d. (say: _u.s.d. only) and shall be paid to part b on _, _. upon the receipt by part a from part b of the following documents: (1)air - freightbillof thesecondbatchof documentation

37、deliveredbypart bon_, _,pursuant to stipulations in appendix_; (2)part b mercial invoice in duplicate; (3)part b sight draft in duplicate. 3.4 both parti 第 19 页 es agree to settle in cash in _while the settlement in _will be_% in cash and the remaining _% shall be made through pensation of resale fr

38、om part a. 3.5 the payment of _ will be due on_ th _of the year upon receipt of the mercial invoices in duplicate from part b. 3.6 the yearly payments from 19 onward as per clause 3.1. are due on _, _, of each year upon receipt of 2 copies of the mercial invoice from part b. 3.7 part of the know - h

39、ow transferring fee would be paid to part b by part a as per clause 3.1. during the joint - production period, and the unpaid part would be converted as the investment of part b to the joint - venture when the joint-venture es to realisation. should the joint - venture miscarry and the joint- produc

40、tion be forced to terminate within 5 (five) years, part a shall confirm that the unpaid part of the know - how transferring fee shall fully be remitted to part b by part a. in each of the above - 第 20 页 mentioned cases, evaluating the mode of payment of the know - how transferring fee shall be agree

41、d upon by both parties through consultation in due course. article 4 joint- production andpensation trade 4.1 for the purpose of balancing part a s foreign exchange, part b agrees to buy - back the medium speed marine main engines of type 12v- 400zc and 12v- 600zc produced by part a. 4.2 the total v

42、alue of the above mentioned orders shall not be less than _% of the expenses for purchasing ponents by part a from part b. part b agrees that under the prerequisite of increased pensation capability of part a and increased demand of part b the percentage of payments pensated through the back - sale

43、of pites products can be increased without limitation. 4.3 products supplied to part b by part a shall be at favourable prices, types, quantity, and delivery time of the products shall be agreed in the contract for every order by both pareties. quali 第 21 页 ty of part as products has to meet part bs

44、 standard. 4.4 part b shall require part a to start the trial production of medium speed marine main engine of type 12v - 400zc immediately upon receiving their drawings. the first products, one for each party, shall be tested separately by both parties and part b shall, on the basis of satisfactory

45、 tests, require part a to deliver_( _)sets of medium speed marine main engine of type 12v- 400zc within 19 _. the prices and delivery periods shall be agreed upon when the contract is concluded. article 5 guarantee 5.1 part b guarantees that the documentation supplied shall be of the latest technolo

46、gical achievement within the valid period of the contract and shall be exactly identical with the documentation currently used by part b. 5.2 part b guarantees that the documentation supplied shall be plete, correct and legible. article 6 tax and duty 6.1 all taxes, customs and other duties in 第 22 页 connection with the performance of the contract arising outside the part a side shall be borne by part b. 6.2 all taxes, customs and other duties in connection with the performance of the contract arising inside the part a side shall be borne by part a. article 7 trademark 7.1 part a


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