高一英语going places教案5.doc

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1、The First Period Warming up and SpeakingTeaching goals1. Target languageWords and expressions: traveling, transportation, consider, boarding call, destination. Communication: What should you do when you are traveling? What do you have to consider before you decide the Means of transportation?2. Abil

2、ities: Enable Ss to learn how to deal with language difficulties in communication.Teaching key points: Improve the Ss speaking ability.Teaching methods: Discussing or cooperative learning.Teaching Aids : a multi-media roomTeaching Procedures: Step . Lead-inStep . Warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides

3、show)Step . Speaking Team work /group work.Step . Language points1. consider高考常考动词之一,其主要用法可归纳为两点:(1)考虑 consider+ n./pron. /doing; consider+ clause; consider + wh- + to do sth.(2)把看作;认为 consider+ that clause; consider sb.+(to be)+n./adj.2. trip, journey, travel, tour, voyage(1)trip一般指短距离的旅行;journey一般

4、指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行。在现代英语中,trip和journey常可通用,和trip, journey搭配的动词有make, take和go on。(2)travel常用作抽象名词,泛指“旅行,旅游”,指具体旅行时常用复数,但前面不用many或数词。(4)tour指“周游,巡回旅行”,常是访问一系列地方后又回到原出发地。(3)voyage指水上或空中旅行,不拘距离长短。3. means 用法n. 手段,方法;工具(单复数相同) Step . Homework / Classwork( ) 1. Merry Christmas to you! _ AThe same to you BYou

5、do too CThe same as you DYou have it too( ) 2. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used( )3. Rather than _on a crowded bus, he always prefers _a bicycleAride; ride Briding; ride Cride; to ride Dto r

6、ide; riding( )4. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and earn some money on his own Arun away Btake away Ckeep away Dget away( )5. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report _ her boss could read it first thing next morningAso that Bbecause Cbefore Dor else参考答案1-5 ACCDA


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