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1、A Teaching Plan For SEFC 2A Unit 9 Saving the earthThe Second Period Welcome To The Earth SummitI Teaching and learning ability goals:1. To enable students to learn some knowledge about the earth summit and the problems that we are facing.2. To instruct students to understand the importance of our r

2、ole in saving our onlyhomethe earth.3. To Further develop students reading ability .4. To study new words and expressions.II Teaching important and difficult points:1. make sure students know the importance of protecting the environment.2. Arouse the students to take better care of the earth.3. Lear

3、n to write something about environmental protection.III Teaching methods:1. Listening and watching.2. Individual, pair and group work to make every student work in class.IV Teaching aids Multi-media Aid & Tape Recorder.V Teaching Procedures & ways:Step 1: leading in by story “Today Id like to tell y

4、ou a story. I havent seen my father for a few months. Last Sunday when I saw my father, my heart hurt. I found my father became older and need care from his childme! Its natural that every one will be old like every father and mother. And its natural that we should take care of our parents as they a

5、re getting older. If our Mother Earth gets older, what responsibility should we take?” (“We should take care of her of course.”)Show some pictures of serious environmental problems facing our Mother Earth and ask the students some questions. (The pictures are omitted in the text)Desertification star

6、vation deforestationair pollution1. Whats the biggest problem facing the earth?2. Why is she suffering so much?3. Do you have a best solution for most of us to take action?Step 2 SkimmingYeah. Here is a good way to solve these problems The Earth Summit. Would you like to know something about it? Now

7、 please read the text and youll know much about it. But first you must find out which paragraph the main idea below belongs to.(Show the following on the screen)a. the big three and the results caused by them b. it is a place to find solutions for the future c. a brief introduction to the Earth Summ

8、it. d. words by a visitor to the Earth Summit e. something about poverty, war, and violence f. willingness to take action is necessary g. conferences help people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action. Key a-2 b-7 c-1 d-5 e-3 f-6 g-4What do you think

9、 each part of the text is about? (Show the following on the screen)IntroductionPara 1Introduction to the Earth SummitBodyPara 2-3Major problems facing the worldConclusionPara 4-7Solutions to the earth problemsGood. Now lets do some true or false excises according to the text.(Show the following on t

10、he screen)(Divide the students into two parts (Boys vs Girls). If you know the answer, just stand up and tell us. If you are right, you can get 100 marks, or your competitor will get 100 marks.)True or False1. In 1972,the UN held a meeting in Stockholm , Sweden. (T)2. One hundred representatives att

11、ended the first Earth Summit. (F)3. The speakers did not speak about poverty, war and violence. (F)4. Most of people who die from the air pollution are in cities, where there are more cars and factories. (F)5. Global development means that all the countries have the same chance to develop.(F)6. Conf

12、erences like the Earth Summit only help people understand that there exist serious problems and it is too late to save the earth. (F) 7. According to the visitors words we may know that she did not know that air conditioners cause a lot of pollution at first. (T)8. Chinese premier Zhu Rongji stresse

13、d the importance of international cooperation at the summit. (T)(Say to the loser: Dont lose heart. Youll have a second opportunity.OK!)Step 3 Scanning Please read the passage carefully. This time you should pay attention to some detailed information in the passage. After that, Ill ask you some ques

14、tions. Teacher: Now look at the screen. Please fill in the blanks and you can find the answers in paragraph 1.Some information about the two earth summits.NameThe Stockholm SummitThe Johannesburg SummitWhenWhereTheme(Key: In 1972, In Stockholm, Sweden, Ways to take better care of the earth; In 2002,

15、 In Johannesburg, South Africa, Sustainable development.)Teacher: Now lets come to Para 2-3. Read Para.2 to find out the “big three” talked about by most of the speakers in Johannesburg. And whats the result of the “big three”? (show the questions on the screen)(contaminated drinking water, poor san

16、itation and air pollution)(The big three cause more than seven million every year. Twenty percent of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water. Air pollution alone cause almost three million deaths.) Read Para.3 , 1. What are the problems facing the earth besides the big three?(

17、Poverty, War, Violence)2. Whats the present problem with the global development?(Richer people get richer while the poor get poorer.)3. What should people do to solve this problem?(Rich countries have a responsibility towards poor countries and must do whatever they can to help others.)Read Para.4 1

18、. Whats purpose of the Earth Summit? (It helps people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action.)2. How can we save the earth according to Para4?(Only by changing the way we live can we save earth.)Teacher: OK. Please read Para5-6 and look at the questi

19、on according to Para.5&6 Question: A better understanding of the environment is necessary, but that is not enough, what else is also important?(The willingness to act is very important.) (At the same moment, the teacher walked to the front door where every student pass through at the beginning of th

20、e class. The teacher picked up a piece of paper and said “willingness to act is important and small things shouldnt be ignored.”)Teacher: Now the question according to the last paragraph.Question: What is the key to solving the major problems according to Para.7? Why?(Education is the key to solving

21、 the problems. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature and perhaps put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three. If the world becomes less unfair and if people can get better education, much of the poverty can be wiped out. If peop

22、le are better educated, there is good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars.)Step 4 DiscussionWell done, boys and girls. Now lets have a discussion. Since the environment is so important to us, as a student, what should we do to protect the earth?(Ask students to show their opinions.

23、Many answers are acceptable, here are some possible answers. In this part a competition can also be held between boys and girls)1.Dont use one-off chopsticks , lunch-boxes and cups.2.Dont use paper tissue when you sneeze, use handkerchief instead3. Dont throw rubbish at will.4. Dont waste electricit

24、y.5. Dont waste water 6. Dont destroy trees and grass.Teacher: Well, you are so great. We should learn something from this passage and try to do what we can to protect our earth. Do you agree?Students: Yes.Step5 ExplanationTeacher: Ok, now please look at the screen. Ill explain something to you. Lis

25、ten carefully and take notes. (Show the following on the screen)1. representativen. people chosen to present another or othersadj. Serving to show a class or groupe.g. He was the fist representative to Japanese. This painting is representative of his work.2. accessn. (to) means of entering a placeop

26、portunity or right to use something or approach somebody e.g. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.Students must have access to a good library.3. alone adv. (following a n. or pronoun) only, exclusivelye.g. The shoes alone cost $100.4. stressvt. put stress or emphasis on sth.n. spec

27、ial emphasis or significancee.g. I stressed the importance of coming early.My parents lay great stress on honesty.5. take action:do sth in response to what has happenede.g. Immediate action must be taken to stop the fire spreading.6. in harmony with-agreeing, matchinge.g. His tastes are in harmony w

28、ith mine.7. put an end to-stop sth from happening any moree.g. We must put an end to this foolish behavior.8. wipe outclean the inside of sth. by rubbing it with a cloth.e.g. Have you wiped out the bath after using it?The following assignments can be finished in class or after class if possible.Choo

29、se the best phrase to complete each sentence. Change the form if necessaryin harmony with, put an end to, put stress on, wipe out, take action, take part in, content with, access to 1.We must _ this foolish behaviour.2. Have you _ the bath after using it?3. He soon found himself _his new classmates.

30、4. _ now, or it will be too late.5. Are you _ your present salary?6. How many countries _ the last Olympic Games?7. Some students _little _English study.9. Theres no _the top of the hill at all.Key:1.put an end to 2. wiped out 3. in harmony with 4. take action 5. content with6. took part in 7. put-s

31、tress on 8. access toStep6 Relax by listening to the song Heal the WorldTeacher: Now youve understood the passage well. Lets relax. Please listen the song Heal the World by Michael Jackson and write the repeated part if possible.Heal the WorldHeal the world Make it a better place For you and for me

32、and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for you and for me If you want to know why Theres a love that cannot lie Step7 Listening and ReadingTeacher: Did you enjoy the song?Students: Yes.Teacher: Good. But we have to come to the passage,

33、OK? Lets listen to the passage twice. The first time I play the tape, you should listen carefully. The second time the tape is played, please read after the tape. Pay more attention to your pronunciation and intonation.( Play the tape twice for students to listen and repeat. If time is allowed, ask

34、some students to read the text. One students, one paragraph. Help them with their pronunciation and praise the student who reads the best.)Step8 Summary and HomeworkTeacher: In this period, weve read a passage about the Earth Summit. We know we can do things to protect our earth. And we should help

35、more people to know about the Earth Summit. Besides, weve learned some useful words and expressions in the passage. After class, try to make sentences with them so that you can use them freely. Dont forget to read the text fluently and do Ex1&3 in the workbook. OK. Thats all for today. See you tomor

36、row.Students: See you tomorrow.教学设计说明:这节课是阅读课, 在设计上体现了“任务型”教学活动。有以下几个特点:1活动的目的性较强且具有操作性2活动以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点。3课堂上调动了学生学习积极性。4教学设计挖掘了文章的内涵和主旨, 使有德育意义的信息融入到英语教学中,学生学会思考,学会分析,学会发现,学会表达。将听、说、读三大技能贯穿于课堂教学中。5能给不同程度的学生提供体验快乐英语学习的机会。总的来说,我觉得完成了本课的教学任务。利用多媒体教学,加大了信息输入量,在提高阅读能力的同时,讲解了重点单词及短语的用法。值得一提的是,本节课要求教师需有较强的驾驭能力,同时学生必须具备基本的快速阅读技巧,否则在教学活动中很难实现互动。


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